Chapter 70. Financial Assurance Regulations for Solid Waste Disposal, Transfer Andtreatment Facilities  

Section 10. Definitions
Section 20. [Repealed]
Section 30. Purpose of chapter
Section 40. [Repealed]
Section 41. [Repealed]
Section 50. Applicability of chapter
Section 60. Enforcement and appeal procedures; offenses and penalties
Section 70. Suspensions and revocations
Section 75. Forfeitures
Section 80. [Repealed]
Section 81. General purpose and scope
Section 90. Closure, post-closure care and corrective action requirements
Section 100. [Repealed]
Section 110. [Repealed]
Section 111. Cost estimate for facility closure
Section 112. Cost estimate for facility post-closure
Section 113. Financial assurance for corrective action
Section 120. [Repealed]
Section 140. Allowable financial mechanisms
Section 150. Trust fund
Section 160. Surety bond guaranteeing payment or performance
Section 170. Letter of credit
Section 180. Certificate of deposit
Section 190. Insurance
Section 200. Corporate financial test
Section 210. Local government financial test
Section 220. Corporate guarantee
Section 230. Local government guarantee
Section 240. [Repealed]
Section 250. Multiple financial mechanisms
Section 260. Release of the owner or operator from the financial assurance requirements
Section 270. Incapacity of owners, operators or financial institution
Section 280. [Repealed]
Section 290. Wording of financial mechanisms