Section 180. Certificate of deposit  

Latest version.
  • A. An owner or operator of a facility (with the exception of sanitary landfills) may satisfy the requirements of this article, wholly or in part, by assigning all rights, title and interest of a certificate of deposit to the Department of Environmental Quality, Commonwealth of Virginia, conditioned so that the owner or operator shall comply with the closure, post-closure care or corrective action plan filed for the site. The amount of the certificate of deposit shall be at least equal to the estimated closure, post-closure care or corrective action cost for the site for which the permit application has been filed or any part thereof not covered by other financial responsibility mechanisms. The owner or operator shall maintain the certificate of deposit until proper final closure, post-closure care or corrective action is completed. The original assignment and the certificate of deposit, if applicable, must be submitted to the department to prove that the certificate of deposit has been obtained and meets the requirements of this section. A copy of the certificate of deposit shall be maintained in the facility's operating record.

    B. The owner or operator shall be entitled to demand, receive and recover the interest and income from the certificate of deposit as it becomes due and payable as long as the market value of the certificate of deposit plus any other mechanisms used continue to at least equal the amount of the estimated current closure, post-closure care, or corrective action cost.

    C. In the event of failure of the owner or operator to comply with the final closure, post-closure care or corrective action requirements, the director shall cash the certificate of deposit.

    D. The owner or operator shall establish a standby trust fund. The standby trust fund shall meet the requirements of 9VAC20-70-150 except the requirements for initial payment and subsequent annual payments.

    E. Payments made under the terms of the certificate of deposit will be deposited by the issuing institution directly into the standby trust fund. Payments from the trust fund shall be approved by the director.

    F. The wording of the assignment shall be identical to the wording specified in 9VAC20-70-290 D.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 14, Issue 06, eff. January 7, 1998; amended, Virginia Register Volume 18, Issue 03, eff. November 21, 2001.

Statutory Authority

§§ 10.1-1402 and 10.1-1410 of the Code of Virginia.