Section 160. Surety bond guaranteeing payment or performance  

Latest version.
  • A. An owner or operator may demonstrate financial assurance for closure or post-closure care by obtaining a payment or performance surety bond that satisfies the requirements of this section. An owner or operator may demonstrate financial assurance for corrective action by obtaining a performance bond which conforms to the requirements of this section. A copy of the bond shall be placed in the facility's operating record.

    1. An owner or operator of a new facility shall submit the original bond to the director at least 60 days before the date on which waste is first received for treatment or disposal. In case of existing facilities, the owner or operator who substitutes a surety bond for another financial assurance mechanism already in place shall submit the bond to the director at least 30 days before the expiration date of the previous mechanism.

    2. The bond shall be effective before the initial receipt of waste; January 7, 1998; or the expiration date of the previous assurance mechanism, whichever is later, or no later than 120 days after the corrective action remedy has been selected.

    3. The surety company issuing the bond shall, at a minimum, be among those listed as acceptable sureties on federal bonds in Circular 570 of the U.S. Department of Treasury and must be licensed pursuant to Chapter 10 (§ 38.2-1000 et seq.) of Title 38.2 of the Code of Virginia.

    4. The owner or operator shall submit with the bond evidence that the power of attorney of the attorney-in-fact executing the bond is recorded pursuant to § 38.2-2416 of the Code of Virginia.

    B. The surety bond shall name the facility operator or owner as the principal and name the Department of Environmental Quality, Commonwealth of Virginia as the obligee.

    C. The penal sum of the bond shall be in an amount at least equal to the current closure, post-closure care or corrective action cost estimate, whichever is applicable.

    D. The term of a closure bond shall be for the active life of the facility for which a permit is applied by the owner or operator through the closure period. A bond used for post-closure care assurance shall extend through the post-closure period. A bond used for corrective action shall extend through the corrective action period.

    E. The bond shall guarantee that the owner or operator will:

    1. Perform final closure, post-closure care, or corrective action in accordance with the closure or post-closure plan and other requirements in any permit for the facility;

    2. Perform final closure, post-closure care, or corrective action following an order to begin closure, post-closure, or corrective action issued by the director or by a court, or following issuance of a notice of termination of the permit; or

    3. Provide alternate financial assurance as specified in this article within 60 days after receipt by the director of a notice of cancellation of the bond from the surety.

    F. The surety will become liable on the bond obligation when the owner or operator fails to perform as guaranteed by the bond.

    G. Within 10 days after commencement of a voluntary or involuntary proceeding under Title 11 (Bankruptcy), U.S. Code, naming an owner or operator as debtor, the owner or operator shall notify the director by certified mail of such commencement.

    H. The owner or operator shall establish a standby trust fund. The standby trust fund shall meet the requirements of 9VAC20-70-150 except the requirements for initial payment and subsequent annual payments.

    I. Payments made under the terms of the bond will be deposited by the surety directly into the standby trust fund. Payments from the trust fund shall be approved by the trustee.

    J. If upon amendment of the permit, the cost estimate increases to an amount greater than the amount of the penal sum of the bond, the owner or operator shall, within 60 days after the increase, cause the penal sum of the bond to be increased to an amount at least equal to the new estimate or obtain other financial assurance, as specified in this article to cover the increase. Whenever the cost estimate decreases, the penal sum may be reduced to the amount of the cost estimate following written approval by the director. Notice of an increase or decrease in the penal sum shall be sent to the director by certified mail within 60 days after the change.

    K. The bond shall remain in force for its term unless the surety sends written notice of cancellation by certified mail to the owner or operator and to the director. Cancellation cannot occur, however:

    1. During the 120 days beginning on the date of receipt of the notice of cancellation by the director as shown on the signed return receipt; or

    2. While an enforcement action is pending.

    L. In the event of failure of the owner or operator to comply with the final closure, post-closure care or corrective action requirements, the director shall request the surety to perform or cause to have performed closure, post-closure, or corrective action. As an alternative to performing final closure, post-closure, or corrective action, the surety may forfeit the full amount of the penal sum to the Department of Environmental Quality, Commonwealth of Virginia.

    M. The owner or operator may cancel the bond if the director has given prior written consent based on receipt of evidence of alternative financial assurance as specified in this article or if the owner or operator is no longer required to demonstrate financial responsibility.

    N. The director will notify the surety if the owner or operator provides alternate financial assurance as specified in this article.

    O. The surety will not be liable for deficiencies in the performance of closure by the owner or operator after the owner or operator has been notified by the director that the owner or operator is no longer required by this article to maintain financial assurance for closure or post-closure care of the facility.

    P. In regard to closure or post-closure performed either by the owner or operator or by the surety, proper final closure of a solid waste management facility shall be deemed to have occurred when the director determines that final closure or post-closure has been completed.

    Q. In regard to corrective action performed by either the owner or operator or by the surety, completion of a corrective action plan of a solid waste management facility shall be deemed to have occurred when the director determines that corrective action has been completed.

    R. The director may cash the surety bond if it is not replaced 30 days prior to expiration with alternate financial assurance acceptable to the director or if the owner or operator fails to fulfill the conditions of the bond.

    S. The wording of the surety bond shall be identical to the wording specified in 9VAC20-70-290 B.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 14, Issue 06, eff. January 7, 1998; amended, Virginia Register Volume 18, Issue 03, eff. November 21, 2001.

Statutory Authority

§§ 10.1-1402 and 10.1-1410 of the Code of Virginia.