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Virginia Administrative Code (Last Updated: January 10, 2017) |
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Title 12. Health |
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Agency 30. Department of Medical Assistance Services |
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Chapter 120. Waivered Services |
Section 1720. Covered services; limits; changes to or termination of services
A. Coverage statement.
1. These waiver services shall be medically necessary, cost-effective as compared to the costs of institutionalization, and necessary to maintain the individual safely in the community and prevent institutionalization.
2. Services shall be provided only to those individuals whose service needs are consistent with the service description and for which providers are available who have adequate and appropriate staffing to meet the needs of the individuals to be served.
3. All services covered through this waiver shall be rendered according to the individuals' POCs that have been certified by physicians as medically necessary and also reviewed by DMAS to enable the waiver enrolled individuals to remain at home or in the community.
4. Providers shall be required to refund payments received to DMAS if they (i) are found during any review to have billed Medicaid contrary to policy, (ii) have failed to maintain records to support their claims for services, or (iii) have billed for medically unnecessary services.
5. DMAS shall perform service authorization for skilled PDN services, PC for adults, and transition services. DMAS or the service authorization contractor shall perform service authorization for skilled private duty respite services, AT services and EM services.
6. When a particular service requires service authorization, reimbursement shall not be made until the service authorization is secured from either DMAS or the DMAS-designated service authorization contractor.
B. Covered services. Covered services shall include: skilled PDN; skilled private duty respite care; personal care only for adults, assistive technology; environmental modifications; and transition services only for individuals needing to move from a designated institution into the community or for waiver individuals who have already moved from an institution within 30 days of their transition. Coverage shall not be provided for these services for individuals who reside in any facilities enumerated in 12VAC30-120-1705. Skilled PDN shall be a required service. If an individual has no medical necessity for skilled PDN, he shall not be admitted to this waiver. All other services provided in this waiver shall be provided in conjunction with the provision of skilled PDN.
1. Skilled PDN, for a single individual and congregate group settings, as defined in 12VAC30-120-1700, shall be provided for waiver enrolled individuals who have serious medical conditions or complex health care needs. To receive this service, the individuals must require specific skilled and continuous nursing care on a regularly scheduled or intermittent basis performed by an RN or an LPN. Upon completion of the required screening and required assessments and a determination that the individual requires substantial and ongoing skilled nursing care and waiver enrollment then the PDN hours shall be authorized by the DMAS staff.
a. PDN services shall be rendered according to a POC authorized by DMAS and shall have been certified by a physician as medically necessary to enable the individual to remain at home.
b. No reimbursement shall be provided by DMAS for either RN or LPN services without signed physician orders that specifically identify skilled nursing tasks to be performed for the individual.
c. Limits placed on the amount of PDN that will be approved for reimbursement shall be consistent with the individual's total points on the age-appropriate Tech Waiver Referral Form (DMAS-108) and medical necessity. In no instances shall the individual's POC or ongoing multiple POCs result in coverage of more than 16 hours of PDN in a 24-hour period per household or congregate group setting except for minor individuals during the first 15 calendar days after initial waiver admission, and where 16 scheduled PDN hours are not completed within a 24-hour period, the hours may be rescheduled and worked within the following 72 hours to support the primary caregiver.
(1) The number of skilled PDN hours for minor individuals shall be based on the total technology and nursing score on the DMAS Tech Waiver Staff Assessment and updated by the DMAS staff when changes occur and with annual waiver eligibility redetermination by DMAS.
(2) Once the minor individual's composite score (total score) is derived, a LOC is designated for the individual as a Level A, B, or C. This LOC designation determines the maximum number of hours per day of skilled PDN that DMAS may allocate for a pediatric individual. Any hours beyond the maximum for such individual's LOC must be medically necessary and service authorized by DMAS. Any POC submitted without approval for hours beyond the maximum for any particular LOC will only be entered for the maximum for that LOC. The results of the scoring assessment determine the maximum amount of hours available and authorization shall occur as follows:
(a) 50 – 56 points = 10 hours per day
(b) 57 – 79 points = 12 hours per day
(c) 80 points or greater = 16 hours per day
(3) For minor individuals, whether living separately or in a congregate setting, during the first 15 calendar days after such individuals' initial admission to the waiver, skilled PDN may be covered for up to 24-hours per day, if required and appropriate to assist the family in adjustment to the care associated with technology assistance. After these first 15 calendar days, skilled PDN shall be reimbursed up to a maximum of 16 hours per 24-hour period per household based on the individual's total technology and nursing scores and provided that the aggregate cost-effectiveness standard is not exceeded for the individual's care.
(4) When reimbursement is to be made for skilled PDN services to be provided in schools, the nurse shall be in the same room as the waiver individual for the hours of skilled PDN care billed. When an individual receives skilled PDN while attending school, the total skilled PDN hours shall not exceed the authorized number of hours under his nursing score category on the Technology Assisted Waiver Pediatric Referral Form (DMAS-109).
(5) The making up or trading of any missed authorized hours of care may be done within the same week (Sunday through Saturday) of the missed scheduled shift but the total hours made up, including for any day, shall not exceed 16 hours per day for any reason.
(6) For adult individuals, whether living separately or in a congregate group, skilled PDN shall be reimbursed up to a maximum of 16 hours within a 24-hour period per household based on the individual's total technology and nursing scores and provided that the aggregate cost-effectiveness standard is not exceeded for the individual's care.
(7) The adult individual shall be determined to need a medical device and ongoing skilled nursing care when such individual meets Category A or all eight criteria in Category B:
(a) Category A. Individuals who depend on mechanical ventilators; or
(b) Category B. Individuals who have a complex tracheostomy as defined by:
(i) Tracheostomy with the potential for weaning off of it, or documentation of attempts to wean, with subsequent inability to wean;
(ii) Nebulizer treatments ordered at least four times a day or nebulizer treatments followed by chest physiotherapy provided by a nurse or respiratory therapist at least four times a day;
(iii) Pulse oximetry monitoring at least every shift due to unstable oxygen saturation levels;
(iv) Respiratory assessment and documentation every shift by a licensed respiratory therapist or nurse;
(v) Have a physician's order for oxygen therapy with documented usage;
(vi) Receives tracheostomy care at least daily;
(vii) Has a physician's order for tracheostomy suctioning; and
(viii) Deemed at risk to require subsequent mechanical ventilation.
(8) Skilled PDN services shall be available to individuals in their primary residence with some community integration (e.g., medical appointments and school) permitted.
(9) Skilled PDN services may include consultation and training for the primary caregiver.
d. The provider shall be responsible for notifying DMAS should the primary residence of the individual be changed, should the individual be hospitalized, should the individual die, or should the individual be out of the Commonwealth for 48 hours or more.
e. Exclusions from DMAS' coverage of skilled PDN:
(1) This service shall not be authorized when intermittent skilled nursing visits could be satisfactorily utilized while protecting the health, safety, and welfare of the individual.
(2) Skilled PDN hours shall not be reimbursed while the individual is receiving emergency care or during emergency transport of the individual to such facilities. The RN or LPN shall not transport the waiver individual to such facilities.
(3) Skilled PDN services may be ordered but shall not be provided simultaneously with PDN respite care or personal care services as described in 12VAC30-120-1720.
(4) Parents (natural, adoptive, legal guardians), spouses, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, adult children, other legal guardians, or any person living under the same roof with the individual shall not provide skilled PDN services for the purpose of Medicaid reimbursement for the waiver individual.
(5) Providers shall not bill prior to receiving the physician's dated signature on the individual's POC for services provided and the DMAS staff's authorization/determination of skilled PDN hours.
(6) Time spent driving the waiver individual shall not be reimbursed by DMAS.
f. Congregate skilled PDN.
(1) If more than one waiver individual will reside in the home, the same waiver provider or providers shall be chosen to provide all skilled PDN services for all waiver individuals in the home.
(2) Only one nurse shall be authorized to care for no more than two waiver individuals in such arrangements. In instances when three waiver individuals share a home, nursing ratios shall be determined by DMAS or its designated agent based on the needs of all the individuals who are living together. These congregate skilled PDN hours shall be at the same scheduled shifts.
(3) The primary caregiver shall be shared and shall be responsible for providing at least eight hours of skilled PDN care per 24 hours as well as all skilled PDN care needs in the absence of the provider agency.
(4) DMAS shall not reimburse for skilled PDN services through the tech waiver and skilled PDN services through the EPSDT benefit for the same individual at the same time.
2. Skilled private duty respite care services. Skilled private duty respite care services may be covered for a maximum of 360 hours per calendar year regardless of waiver for individuals who are qualified for tech waiver services and regardless of whether the waiver individual changes waivers and who have a primary caregiver who requires temporary or intermittent relief from the burden of caregiving.
a. This service shall be provided by skilled nursing staff licensed to practice in the Commonwealth under the direct supervision of a licensed, certified, or accredited home health agency and with which DMAS has a provider agreement to provide skilled PDN.
b. Skilled private duty respite care services shall be comprised of both skilled and hands-on care of either a supportive or health-related nature and may include, but shall not be limited to, all skilled nursing care as ordered on the physician-certified POC, assistance with ADLs/IADLs, administration of medications or other medical needs, and monitoring of the health status and physical condition of the individual or individuals.
c. When skilled private duty respite services are offered in conjunction with skilled PDN, the same individual record may be used with a separate section for skilled private duty respite services documentation.
d. Individuals who are living in congregate arrangements shall be permitted to share skilled private duty respite care service providers. The same limits on this service in the congregate setting ( 360 hours per calendar year per household) shall apply regardless of the waiver.
e. Skilled private duty respite care services shall be provided in the individual's primary residence as is designated upon admission to the waiver.
3. Assistive technology services. Assistive technology, as defined in 12VAC30-120-1700, devices shall be portable and shall be authorized per calendar year.
a. AT services shall be available for enrolled waiver individuals who are receiving skilled PDN. AT services are the specialized medical equipment and supplies, including those devices, controls, or appliances, specified in the individual's plan of care, but that are not available under the State Plan for Medical Assistance, that enable waiver individuals to increase their abilities to perform ADLs/IADLs, or to perceive, control, or communicate with the environment in which they live. This service includes ancillary supplies and equipment necessary to the proper functioning of such items.
b. An independent, professional consultation shall be obtained from qualified professionals who are knowledgeable of that item for each AT request prior to approval by DMAS or the designated service authorization contractor. Individual professional consultants include speech/language therapists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, physicians, certified rehabilitation engineers or rehabilitation specialists. A prescription shall not meet the standard of an assessment.
c. In order to qualify for these services, the individual must have a demonstrated need for equipment for remedial or direct medical benefit primarily in the individual's primary residence or primary vehicle to specifically serve to improve the individual's personal functioning.
d. AT shall be covered in the least expensive, most cost-effective manner. The cost of AT services shall be included in the total cost of waiver services.
e. Service units and service limitations. AT equipment and supplies shall not be rented but shall be purchased through a Medicaid-enrolled durable medical equipment provider.
(1) The service unit is always one, for the total cost of all AT being requested for a specific timeframe. The maximum Medicaid-funded expenditure per individual for all AT covered procedure codes combined shall be $5,000 per individual per calendar year.
(2) The cost for AT shall not be carried over from one calendar year to the next. Each item must be service authorized by either DMAS or the DMAS designated contractor for each calendar year.
(3) Unexpended portions of the maximum amount shall not be accumulated across one or more calendar years to be expended in a later year.
(4) Shipping/freight/delivery charges are not billable to DMAS or the waiver individual, as such charges are considered noncovered items.
(5) All products must be delivered, demonstrated, installed and in working order prior to submitting any claim for them to Medicaid.
(6) The date of service on the claim shall be within the service authorization approval dates, which may be prior to the delivery date as long as the initiation of services commenced during the approved dates.
(7) The service authorization shall not be modified to accommodate delays in product deliveries. In such situations, new service authorizations must be sought by the provider.
(8) When two or more waiver individuals live in the same home or congregate living arrangement, the AT shall be shared to the extent practicable consistent with the type of AT.
f. AT exclusions.
(1) Medicaid shall not reimburse for any AT devices or services that may have been rendered prior to authorization from DMAS or the designated service authorization contractor.
(2) Providers of AT shall not be spouses, parents (natural, adoptive, or foster), or stepparents of the individual who is receiving waiver services. Providers that supply AT for the waiver individual may not perform assessments/consultation or write specifications for that individual. Any request for a change in cost (either an increase or a decrease) requires justification and supporting documentation of medical need and service authorization by DMAS or the designated service authorization contractor. The vendor shall receive a copy of the professional evaluation in order to purchase the items recommended by the professional. If a change is necessary then the vendor shall notify the assessor to ensure the changed items meet the individual's needs.
(3) All equipment or supplies already covered by a service provided for in the State Plan shall not be purchased under the waiver as AT. Such examples are, but shall not necessarily be limited to:
(a) Specialized medical equipment, durable or nondurable medical equipment (DME), ancillary equipment, and supplies necessary for life support;
(b) Adaptive devices, appliances, and controls that enable an individual to be more independent in areas of personal care and ADLs/IADLs; and
(c) Equipment and devices that enable an individual to communicate more effectively.
(4) AT services shall not be approved for purposes of the convenience of the caregiver, restraint of the individual, recreation or leisure, educational purposes, or diversion activities. Examples of these types of items shall be listed in DMAS guidance documents.
4. Environmental modifications services shall be covered as defined in 12VAC30-120-1700. Medicaid reimbursement shall not occur before service authorization of EM services is completed by DMAS or the DMAS-designated service authorization contractor. EM services shall entail limited physical adaptations to preexisting structures and shall not include new additions to an existing structure that simply increase the structure's square footage.
a. In order to qualify for EM services, the individual shall have a demonstrated need for modifications of a remedial nature or medical benefit to the primary residence to specifically improve the individual's personal functioning. Such modifications may include, but shall not necessarily be limited to, the installation of ramps and grab-bars, widening of doorways and other adaptations to accommodate wheelchairs, modification of bathroom facilities to accommodate wheelchairs (but not strictly for cosmetic purposes), or installation of specialized electrical and plumbing systems required to accommodate the medical equipment and supplies that are necessary for the individual's welfare. Modifications may include a generator for waiver individuals who are dependent on mechanical ventilation for 24 hours a day and when the generator is used to support the medical equipment and supplies necessary for the individual's welfare.
b. EM shall be available costing up to a maximum amount of $5,000 per calendar year regardless of waiver for individuals who are receiving skilled PDN services.
c. Costs for EM shall not be carried over from one calendar year to the next year. Each item shall be service authorized by DMAS or the DMAS-designated agent for each calendar year. Unexpended portions of this maximum amount shall not be accumulated across one or more years to be expended in a later year.
d. When two or more waiver individuals live in the same home or congregate living arrangement, the EM shall be shared to the extent practicable consistent with the type of requested modification.
e. Only the actual cost of material and labor is reimbursed. There shall be no additional markup.
f. EM shall be carried out in the most cost-effective manner possible to achieve the goal required for the individual's health, safety, and welfare. The cost of EM waiver services shall be included in the individual's costs of all other waiver services, which shall not exceed the total annual cost for placement in an institution.
g. All services shall be provided in the individual's primary residence in accordance with applicable state or local building codes and appropriate permits or building inspections, which shall be provided to DMAS or the DMAS contractor.
h. Proposed modifications that are to be made to rental properties must have prior written approval of the property's owner. Modifications to rental properties shall only be valid if it is an independently operated rental facility with no direct or indirect ties to any other Medicaid service provider.
i. Modifications may be made to a vehicle if it is the primary vehicle used by the individual. This service shall not include the purchase of or the general repair of vehicles. Repairs of modifications that have been reimbursed by DMAS shall be covered.
j. The EM provider shall ensure that all work and products are delivered, installed, and in good working order prior to seeking reimbursement from DMAS. The date of service on this provider's claim shall be within the service authorization approval dates, which may be prior to the completion date as long as the work commenced during the approval dates. The service authorization shall not be modified to accommodate installation delays. All requests for cost changes (either increases or decreases) shall be submitted to DMAS or the DMAS-designated service authorization contractor for revision to the previously issued service authorization and shall include justification and supporting documentation of medical needs.
k. EM exclusions.
(1) There shall be no duplication of previous EM services within the same residence such as multiple wheelchair ramps or previous modifications to the same room. There shall be no duplication of EM within the same plan year.
(2) Adaptations or improvements to the primary home that shall be excluded are of general utility and are not of direct medical or remedial benefit to the waiver individual, such as, but not necessarily limited to, carpeting, flooring, roof repairs, central air conditioning or heating, general maintenance and repairs to a home, additions or maintenance of decks, maintenance/replacement or addition of sidewalks, driveways, carports, or adaptations that only increase the total square footage of the home.
(3) EM shall not be covered by Medicaid for general leisure or diversion items or those items that are recreational in nature or those items that may be used as an outlet for adaptive/maladaptive behavioral issues. Such noncovered items may include, but shall not necessarily be limited to, swing sets, playhouses, climbing walls, trampolines, protective matting or ground cover, sporting equipment or exercise equipment, such as special bicycles or tricycles.
(4) EM shall not be approved for Medicaid coverage when the waiver individual resides in a residential provider's facility program, such as sponsored homes and congregate residential and supported living settings. EM shall not be covered by Medicaid if, for example, the Fair Housing Act (42 USC § 3601 et seq.), the Virginia Fair Housing Law (§ 36-96.1 et seq. of the Code of Virginia) or the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 USC § 12101 et seq.) requires the modification and the payment for such modifications are to be made by a third party.
(5) EM shall not include the costs of removal or disposal, or any other costs, of previously installed modifications, whether paid for by DMAS or any other source.
(6) Providers of EM shall not be the waiver individual's spouse, parent (natural, adoptive, legal guardians), other legal guardians, or conservator. Providers who supply EM to waiver individuals shall not perform assessments/consultations or write EM specifications for such individuals.
5. Personal care services as defined in 12VAC30-120-1700, shall be covered for individuals older than 21 years of age who have a demonstrated need for assistance with ADLs and IADLs and who have a trained primary caregiver for skilled PDN interventions during portions of their day. PC services shall be rendered by a provider who has a DMAS provider agreement to provide PC, home health care, or skilled PDN. Due to the complex medical needs of this waiver population and the need for 24-hour supervision, the trained primary caregiver shall be present in the home and rendering the required skilled services during the entire time that the PCA is providing nonskilled care.
a. PC services are either of a supportive or health-related nature and may include, but are not limited to, assistance with ADLs/IADLs, community access (such as, but not necessarily limited to, going to medical appointments), monitoring of self-administration of medication or other medical needs, and monitoring of health status and physical condition. In order to receive PC, the individual must require assistance with ADLs/IADLs. When specified in the POC, PC services may also include assistance with IADLs to include making or changing beds, and cleaning areas used by the individual. Assistance with IADLs must be essential to the health and welfare of the individual, rather than the individual's representative, as applicable.
(1) The unit of service for PC services shall be one hour. The hours that may be authorized by DMAS or the designated service authorization contractor shall be based on the individual's need as documented in the individual's POC and assessed on the Technology Assisted Waiver Adult Aide Plan of Care (DMAS-97 T).
(2) Supervision of the waiver individual shall not be covered as part of the tech waiver personal care service.
(3) Individuals may have skilled PDN, PC, and skilled private duty nursing respite care in their plans of care but shall not be authorized to receive these services simultaneously.
b. PC services shall not include either practical or professional nursing services or those practices regulated in Chapters 30 (§ 54.1-3000 et seq.) and 34 (§ 54.1-3400 et seq.) of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia, as appropriate, with the exception of skilled nursing tasks that may be delegated in accordance with Part VIII (18VAC90-20-420 et seq.). The PCA may perform ADL functions such as assistance to the primary caregiver but shall not perform any nursing duties or roles except as permitted by Part VIII (18VAC90-20-420 et seq.). At a minimum, the staff providing PC must have been certified through coursework as either PCAs or home health aides.
c. DMAS will pay for any PC services that the PC aide gives to individuals to assist them in preparing for school or when they return home. DMAS shall not pay for the PC aide to assist the individual with any functions related to the individual completing post-secondary school functions or for supervision time during school.
d. PC exclusions.
(1) Time spent driving the waiver individual shall not be reimbursed.
(2) Regardless of the combination of skilled PDN and PC hours, the total combined number of hours that shall be reimbursed by DMAS in a 24-hour period shall not exceed 16 hours.
(3) The consumer-directed services model shall not be covered for any services provided in the tech waiver.
(4) Spouses, parents (natural, adoptive, legal guardians), siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, adult children, other legal guardians, or any person living under the same roof with the individual shall not provide PC services for the purpose of Medicaid reimbursement for the waiver individual.
6. Transition services shall be covered two ways: (i) as defined at 12VAC30-120-1700 to provide for applicants to move from institutional placements to community private homes and shall be service authorized by DMAS or the designated service authorization contractor in order for reimbursement to occur, and (ii) for applicants who have already moved from an institution to the community within 30 days of their transition. The applicant's transition from an institution to the community shall be coordinated by the facility's discharge planning team. The discharge planner shall coordinate with the DMAS staff to ensure that technology assisted waiver eligibility criteria shall be met.
a. Transition services shall be service authorized by DMAS or its designated service authorization contractor in order for reimbursement to occur. These services shall include those set out in the MFP demonstration.
b. For the purposes of transition funding for the technology assisted waiver, an institution means an ICF/ID, a specialized care nursing facility or a long-stay hospital as defined at 42 CFR 435.1009. Transition funding shall not be available for individuals who have been admitted to an acute care hospital.
c. When the Money Follows the Person demonstration is terminated or expires by federal action, the portion of this service covered through MFP shall also terminate. The remaining transition services shall continue until modified.
C. Changes to services or termination of services.
1. DMAS or its designated agent shall have the final authority to approve or deny a requested change to an individual's skilled PDN and PC hours. Any request for an increase to an individual's skilled PDN or PC hours that exceeds the number of hours allowed for that individual's LOC shall be service authorized by DMAS staff and accompanied by adequate documentation justifying the increase.
a. The provider may decrease the amount of authorized care if the revised skilled PDN hours are appropriate and based on the needs of the individual. The provider agency shall work with the DMAS staff for coordination and final approval of any decrease in service delivery. A revised tech waiver skilled PDN authorization shall be completed by DMAS for final authorization and forwarded to the provider agency.
b. The provider shall be responsible for documenting in writing the physician's verbal orders and for inclusion of the changes on the recertification POC in accordance with the DMAS skilled private duty nursing authorization. The provider agency's RN supervisor, who is responsible for supervising the individual's care, shall use a person-centered approach in discussing the change in care with the individual and the individual's representative to include documentation in the individual's record. The DMAS staff or the DMAS designated service authorization contractor shall notify in writing the individual or the individual's representative of the change.
c. The provider shall be responsible for submitting the DMAS-225 form to the local department of social services when the following situations occur: (i) when Medicaid eligibility status changes; (ii) when the individual's level of care changes; (iii) when the individual is admitted to or discharged from an institution, a home and community-based waiver, or a provider agency's care; (iv) the individual dies; or (v) any other information that causes a change in the individual's eligibility status or patient pay amounts.
2. At any time the individual no longer meets LOC criteria for the waiver, termination of waiver enrollment shall be initiated by DMAS staff who is assigned to the individual. In such instances, DMAS shall forward the DMAS-225 form to the local department of social services.
3. In an emergency situation when the health, safety, or welfare of the provider staff is endangered, the provider agency may immediately initiate discharge of the individual and contact the DMAS staff. The provider must issue written notification containing the reasons for and the effective date of the termination of services. The written notification period in subdivision 4 of this subsection shall not be required. Other entities (e.g., licensing authorities, APS, CPS) shall also be notified as appropriate. A copy of this letter shall be forwarded to the DMAS staff within five business days of the letter's date.
4. In a nonemergency situation (i.e., when the health, safety, or welfare of the waiver individual or provider personnel is not endangered), the provider shall provide the individual and the individual's representative 14 calendar days' written notification (plus three days to allow for mail transmission) of the intent to discharge the individual from agency services. Written notification shall provide the reasons for and the effective date of the termination of services as well as the individual's appeal rights. A copy of the written notification shall also be forwarded to the DMAS staff within five business days of the date of the notification.
5. Individuals who no longer meet the tech waiver criteria as certified by the physician for either children or adults shall be terminated from the waiver. In such cases, a reduction in skilled PDN hours may occur that shall not exceed two weeks in duration as long as such skilled PDN was previously approved in the individual's POC. The agency provider of skilled PDN for such individuals shall document with DMAS the decrease in skilled PDN hours and prepare for cessation of skilled PDN hours and waiver services.
6. When a waiver individual, regardless of age, requires admission to a specialized care nursing facility or long-stay hospital, the individual shall be discharged from waiver services while he is in the specialized care nursing facility or long-stay hospital. Readmission to waiver services may resume once the individual has been discharged from the specialized care nursing facility or long-stay hospital as long as the waiver eligibility and medical necessity criteria continue to be met. For individuals 21 years of age and older, the individual shall follow the criteria for specialized care nursing facility admission. For individuals who are younger than 21 years of age, the individual shall follow the criteria for long-stay hospital admissions as well as the age appropriate criteria.
7. When a waiver individual, regardless of age, requires admission to a hospital, the individual shall be discharged from waiver services while he is in the hospital. When such hospitalization exceeds 30 days, readmission to waiver services requires a reassessment by the PAS team for determination that the individual currently meets Medicaid eligibility, functional criteria, and specialized nursing facility waiver criteria. If these criteria are met, the individual shall be readmitted to waiver services. For adults, ages 21 years and older, the individual shall meet the criteria for specialized care admissions. For children, younger than 21 years of age, the individual shall meet the criteria for long-stay hospital admissions and the age appropriate criteria.
8. Waiver individuals, regardless of age, who require admission to any type of acute care facility for less than 30 days shall, upon discharge from such acute care facility, be eligible for waiver services as long as all other requirements continue to be met.
Historical Notes
Derived from Volume 30, Issue 12, eff. March 13, 2014.
Statutory Authority
§ 32.1-325 of the Code of Virginia; 42 USC § 1396.