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Virginia Administrative Code (Last Updated: January 10, 2017) |
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Title 12. Health |
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Agency 30. Department of Medical Assistance Services |
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Chapter 120. Waivered Services |
Section 1710. Individual eligibility requirements; preadmission screening
A. Individual eligibility requirements.
1. The Commonwealth covers these optional categorically needy groups: ADC and AFDC-related individuals; SSI and SSA-related individuals; aged, blind, or disabled Medicaid-eligible individuals under 42 CFR 435.121; and the home and community-based waiver group at 42 CFR 435.217 that includes individuals who are eligible under the State Plan if they were institutionalized.
a. The income level used for the home and community-based waiver group at 42 CFR 435.217 shall be 300% of the current Supplemental Security Income payment standard for one person.
b. Medically needy Medicaid-eligible individuals shall be eligible if they meet the medically needy financial requirements for income and resources.
2. Under this waiver, the coverage groups authorized under § 1902(a)(10)(A)(ii)(VI) of the Social Security Act shall be considered as if they were institutionalized for the purpose of applying institutional deeming rules. All individuals in the waiver must meet the financial and non-financial Medicaid eligibility criteria and meet the institutional LOC criteria. The deeming rules shall be applied to waiver eligible individuals as if they were residing in an institution or would require that level of care.
3. An applicant for technology assisted waiver shall meet specialized care nursing facility criteria, including both medical and functional needs, and also be dependent on waiver services to avoid or delay facility placement and meet all criteria for the age appropriate assessments in order to be eligible for the tech waiver. Applicants shall not be enrolled in the tech waiver unless skilled PDN hours are ordered by the physician. The number of skilled PDN hours shall be based on the total technology and nursing score on the Technology Assisted Waiver Pediatric Referral (when individuals are younger than 21 years of age). The number of skilled PDN hours for adults shall be based on the Technology Assisted Waiver Adult Referral (DMAS-108).
4. Applicants who are eligible for third-party payment for skilled private duty nursing services shall not be eligible for these waiver services. If an individual or an individual's legally responsible party voluntarily drops any insurance plan that would have provided coverage of skilled private duty nursing services in order to become eligible for these waiver services within one year prior to the date waiver services are requested, eligibility for the waiver shall be denied. From the date that such insurance plan is discontinued, such applicants shall be barred for one year from reapplying for waiver services. After the passage of the one-year time period, the applicant may reapply to DMAS for admission to the tech waiver.
5. In addition to the medical needs identified in this section, the Medicaid-eligible individual shall be determined to need substantial and ongoing skilled nursing care. The Medicaid-eligible individual shall be required to meet a minimum standard on the age appropriate referral forms to be eligible for enrollment in the tech waiver.
6. Medicaid-eligible individuals who entered the waiver prior to their 21st birthday shall, on the date of their 21st birthday, conform to the adult medical criteria and cost-effectiveness standards.
7. Every individual who applies for Medicaid-funded waiver services must have his Medicaid eligibility evaluated or re-evaluated, if already Medicaid eligible, by the local DSS in the city or county in which he resides. This determination shall be completed at the same time the Pre-admission Screening (PAS) team completes its evaluation (via the use of the Uniform Assessment Instrument (UAI)) of whether the applicant meets waiver criteria. DMAS payment of waiver services shall be contingent upon the DSS' determination that the individual is eligible for Medicaid services for the dates that waiver services are to be provided and that DMAS or the designated service authorization contractor has authorized waiver enrollment and has prior authorized the services that will be required by the individual.
8. In order for an enrolled waiver individual to retain his enrolled status, tech waiver services must be used by the individual at least once every 30 days. Individuals who do not utilize tech waiver services at least once every 30 days shall be terminated from the waiver.
9. The waiver individual shall have a trained primary caregiver, as defined in 12VAC30-120-1700, who accepts responsibility for the individual's health, safety, and welfare. This primary caregiver shall be responsible for a minimum of eight hours of the individual's care in a 24-hour period as well as all hours not provided by an RN or an LPN. The name of the trained primary caregiver shall be documented in the provider agency records. This trained primary caregiver shall also have a back up system available in emergency situations.
B. Screening and community referral for authorization for tech waiver. Tech waiver services shall be considered only for individuals who are eligible for Medicaid and for admission to a specialized care nursing facility, ICF/ID, long-stay hospital, or acute care hospital when those individuals meet all the criteria for tech waiver admission. Such individuals, with the exception of those who are transferring into this tech waiver from a long-stay hospital, shall have been screened using the Uniform Assessment Instrument (UAI).
1. The screening team shall provide the individual and family or caregiver with the choice of tech waiver services or specialized care nursing facility or long-stay hospital placement, as appropriate, as well as the provider of those services from the time an individual seeks waiver information or application and referral. Such provision of choice includes the right to appeal pursuant to 12VAC30-110 when applicable.
2. The screening team shall explore alternative care settings and services to provide the care needed by the applicant being screened when Medicaid-funded home and community-based care services are determined to be the critical service necessary to delay or avoid facility placement.
3. Individuals must be screened to determine necessity for nursing facility placement if the individual is currently financially Medicaid eligible or anticipates that he will be financially eligible within 180 days of the receipt of nursing facility care or if the individual is at risk of nursing facility placement.
a. Such covered waiver services shall be critical, as certified by the participant's physician at the time of assessment, to enable the individual to remain at home and in the community rather than being placed in an institution. In order to meet criteria for tech waiver enrollment, the applicant requesting consideration for waiver enrollment must meet the level of care criteria.
b. Individuals who are younger than 21 years of age shall have the Technology Assisted Waiver Pediatric Referral Form (DMAS-109) completed and must require substantial and ongoing nursing care as indicated by a minimum score of at least 50 points to qualify for waiver enrollment. This individual shall require a medical device and ongoing skilled PDN care by meeting the categories described in subdivision (1), (2), or (3) below:
(1) Applicants depending on mechanical ventilators;
(2) Applicants requiring prolonged intravenous administration of nutritional substances or drugs or requiring ongoing peritoneal dialysis; or
(3) Applicants having daily dependence on other device-based respiratory or nutritional support, including tracheostomy tube care, oxygen support, or tube feeding.
c. Individuals who are 21 years of age or older shall have the Technology Assisted Waiver Adult Referral Form (DMAS-108) completed and must be determined to be dependent on a ventilator or must meet all eight specialized care criteria (12VAC30-60-320) for complex tracheostomy care in order to qualify for waiver enrollment.
4. When an applicant has been determined to meet the financial and waiver eligibility requirements and DMAS has verified the availability of the services for that individual and that the individual has no other payment sources for skilled PDN, tech waiver enrollment and entry into home and community-based care may occur.
5. Preadmission screenings are considered valid for the following time frames for all LTC services. The following time frames apply to individuals who have been screened but have not received either institutional or community-based services during the periods shown below:
a. Zero to six months: screenings are valid and do not require updates;
b. Six months to 12 months: screening updates are required; however, no additional reimbursement is made by DMAS; and
c. Over 12 months: a new screening is required. Additional reimbursement shall be made by DMAS for the repeated screening.
6. When an individual was not screened prior to admission to a specialized care nursing facility, or the individual resides in the community at the time of referral initiation to DMAS, the locality in which the individual resides at the time of discharge shall complete the preadmission screening prior to enrollment into the tech waiver.
7. DMAS shall be the final determining body for enrollment in the tech waiver and the determination of the number of approved skilled PDN hours for which DMAS will pay. DMAS has the ultimate responsibility for authorization of waiver enrollment and Medicaid skilled PDN reimbursement for tech waiver services.
C. Waiver individuals' rights and responsibilities. DMAS shall ensure that:
1. Each waiver individual shall receive, and the provider and provider staff shall provide, the necessary care and services, to the extent of provider availability, to attain or maintain the highest practicable physical, mental, and psychosocial well-being, in accordance with the individual's comprehensive assessment and POC.
2. Waiver individuals shall have the right to receive services from the provider with reasonable accommodation of the individuals' needs and preferences except when DMAS makes a determination that the health, safety, or welfare of the individuals or other waiver individuals would be endangered.
3. Waiver individuals formulate their own advance directives based on information that providers must give to adult waiver individuals at the time of their admissions to services.
4. All waiver individuals shall have the right to:
a. Voice grievances to the provider or provider staff without discrimination or reprisal. Such grievances include those with respect to treatment that has been furnished or has not been furnished;
b. Prompt efforts by the provider or staff, as appropriate, to resolve any grievances the waiver individual may have;
c. Be free from verbal, sexual, physical, and mental abuse, neglect, exploitation, and misappropriation of property;
d. Be free from any physical or chemical restraints of any form that may be used as a means of coercion, discipline, convenience, or retaliation and that are not required to treat the individual's medical symptoms; and
e. Their personal privacy and confidentiality of their personal and clinical records.
5. Waiver individuals shall be provided by their health care providers, at the time of their admission to this waiver, with written information regarding their rights to participate in medical care decisions, including the right to accept or refuse medical treatment and the right to formulate advance directives.
6. The legally competent waiver individual, the waiver individual's legal guardian, or the parent (natural, adoptive or foster) of the minor child shall have the right to:
a. Choose whether the individual wishes to receive home and community-based care waiver services instead of institutionalization in accordance with the assessed needs of the individual. The PAS team shall inform the individual of all available waiver service providers in the community in which the waiver individual resides. The tech waiver individual shall have the option of selecting the provider and services of his choice. This choice must be documented in the individual's medical record;
b. Choose his own primary care physician in the community in which he lives;
c. Be fully informed in advance about the waiver POC and treatment needs as well as any changes in that care or treatment that may affect the individual's well-being; and
d. Participate in the care planning process, choice, and scheduling of providers and services.
Historical Notes
Derived from Volume 30, Issue 12, eff. March 13, 2014.
Statutory Authority
§ 32.1-325 of the Code of Virginia; 42 USC § 1396.