Section 250. Narrative sections; declarant  

Latest version.
  • A. The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "The Declarant." The section shall contain a brief history of the declarant with emphasis on its experience in condominium development.

    B. The following information shall be stated with regard to persons immediately responsible for the development of the condominium: (i) name, (ii) length of time associated with the declarant, (iii) role in the development of the condominium, and (iv) experience in real estate development. If different from the persons immediately responsible for the development of the condominium, the principal officers of the declarant shall also be identified.

    C. The section shall describe the type of legal entity of the declarant and explain if any other entities have any obligation to satisfy the financial obligations of the declarant.

    D. If the declarant or its parent or predecessor organization has, during the preceding 10 years, been adjudicated as bankrupt or has undergone any proceeding for the relief of debtors, such fact or facts shall be stated. If any of the persons identified pursuant to subsection B of this section has, during the preceding three years, been adjudicated a bankrupt or undergone any proceeding for the relief of debtors, such fact or facts shall be stated.

    E. The section shall indicate any final action taken against the declarant, its principals, or the condominium by an administrative agency, civil court, or criminal court where the action reflected adversely upon the performance of the declarant as a developer of real estate projects. The section shall also indicate any current or past proceedings brought against the declarant by any condominium unit owners' association or by its executive organ or any managing agent on behalf of such association or that has been certified as a class action on behalf of some or all of the unit owners. For the purposes of the previous sentence with respect to past proceedings, if the ultimate disposition of those proceedings was one that reflected adversely upon the performance of the declarant, that disposition shall be disclosed. If the ultimate disposition was resolved favorably towards the declarant, its principals, or the condominium, the final action does not need to be disclosed. The board has the sole discretion to require additional disclosure of any proceedings where it finds such disclosure necessary to assure full and fair disclosure.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 31, Issue 20, eff. August 1, 2015.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2349 of the Code of Virginia.