Chapter 30. Condominium Regulations  

Section 10. Purpose
Section 20. Definitions
Section 30. Explanation of terms
Section 40. Condominiums located outside of Virginia
Section 50. Exemptions from registration
Section 60. Preregistration offers prohibited
Section 70. Condominium marketing activities
Section 80. Offering literature
Section 90. Application procedures
Section 100. Fee requirements
Section 110. Review of application for registration
Section 120. Prerequisites for registration
Section 130. Minimum requirements for registration
Section 140. Requirements for plats and plans
Section 150. Application for registration of expandable condominium
Section 160. Public offering statement requirements, generally
Section 170. Full and fair disclosure
Section 180. Contents of public offering statement
Section 190. Narrative sections; condominium concept
Section 200. Narrative sections; creation of condominium
Section 210. Narrative sections; description of condominium
Section 220. Narrative sections; individual units
Section 230. Narrative sections; common elements
Section 240. Narrative sections; maintenance, repair, and replacement responsibilities
Section 250. Narrative sections; declarant
Section 260. Narrative sections; terms of the offering
Section 270. Narrative sections; encumbrances
Section 280. Narrative sections; restrictions on transfer
Section 290. Narrative sections; unit owners' association.
Section 300. Narrative sections; display of flag
Section 310. Narrative sections; surrounding area
Section 320. Narrative sections; financial matters
Section 330. Narrative sections; insurance
Section 340. Narrative sections; taxes
Section 350. Narrative sections; governmental review
Section 360. Narrative sections; warranties
Section 370. Documents from other jurisdictions
Section 380. Condominium securities
Section 390. Board oversight of public offering statement
Section 400. Public offering statement for conversion condominium; general instructions
Section 410. Description of conversion condominium
Section 420. Financial matters, conversion condominium
Section 430. Present condition of conversion condominium
Section 440. Replacement requirements in conversion condominium
Section 450. Notice to tenants
Section 460. Minimum post-registration reporting requirements
Section 470. Amendment of public offering statement
Section 480. Nonmaterial changes to the public offering statement
Section 490. Filing of amended public offering statement
Section 500. Current public offering statement
Section 510. Public offering statement not current; notification of purchasers
Section 520. Provisions applicable to substituted public offering statement and prospectus
Section 530. Filing of phase amendment application
Section 540. Annual report by declarant
Section 550. Board review of annual report
Section 560. Transition of control of unit owners' association
Section 570. Return of assessment bond or letter of credit to declarant
Section 580. Return of completion bond or letter of credit to declarant
Section 590. Return of bond or letter of credit upon termination of registration
Section 600. Maintenance of bond or letter of credit
Section 610. Termination of condominium registration
Section 620. Administrative termination of condominium registration
Section 630. Notification of successor declarant and transfer of special declarant rights
Section 640. Reporting of other changes to the condominium project
Section 650. Grounds for disciplinary action
Section 660. Registration of condominium required
Section 670. Condominium advertising standards
Section 680. Response to inquiry and provision of records
Section 690. Prohibited acts
Appendix 9998. FORMS (18VAC48-30)