Section 850. Medication  

Latest version.
  • A. The provider shall develop and implement written policies and procedures regarding the delivery and administration of prescription and nonprescription medications used by residents. At a minimum these policies will address:

    1. Identification of the staff member responsible for routinely communicating to the prescribing physician:

    a. The effectiveness of prescribed medications; and

    b. Any adverse reactions, or any suspected side effects.

    2. Storage of controlled substances;

    3. Documentation of medication errors and drug reactions; and

    4. Documentation of any medications prescribed and administered following admission.

    B. All medication shall be securely locked and properly labeled.

    C. All staff responsible for medication administration shall have successfully completed a medication training program approved by the Board of Nursing or be licensed by the Commonwealth of Virginia to administer medications before they can administer medication.

    D. Staff authorized to administer medication shall be informed of any known side effects of the medication and the symptoms of the side effects.

    E. A program of medication, including over-the-counter medication, shall be initiated for a resident only when prescribed in writing by a person authorized by law to prescribe medication.

    F. Medication prescribed by a person authorized by law shall be administered as prescribed.

    G. A medication administration record shall be maintained of all medicines received by each resident and shall include:

    1. Date the medication was prescribed;

    2. Drug name;

    3. Schedule for administration;

    4. Strength;

    5. Route;

    6. Identity of the individual who administered the medication; and

    7. Dates the medication was discontinued or changed.

    H. In the event of a medication error or an adverse drug reaction, first aid shall be administered if indicated. Staff shall promptly contact a poison control center, pharmacist, nurse, or physician and shall take actions as directed. If the situation is not addressed in standing orders, the attending physician shall be notified as soon as possible and the actions taken by staff shall be documented.

    I. Medication refusals shall be documented including action taken by staff.

    J. The provider shall develop and implement written policies and procedures for documenting medication errors, reviewing medication errors and reactions and making any necessary improvements, the disposal of medication, the storage of controlled substances, and the distribution of medication off campus. The policy and procedures must be approved by a health care professional. The provider shall keep documentation of this approval.

    K. The telephone number of a regional poison control center and other emergency numbers shall be posted on or next to each nonpay telephone that has access to an outside line in each building in which children sleep or participate in programs.

    L. Syringes and other medical implements used for injecting or cutting skin shall be locked.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 25, Issue 21, eff. August 6, 2009.

Statutory Authority

§§ 37.2-408 and 37.2-203 of the Code of Virginia.