Chapter 46. Regulations for Children's Residential Facilities  

Section 10. Definitions
Section 20. Service description and applications; required elements
Section 30. The investigation
Section 40. Review of facilities
Section 50. Posting of information
Section 60. General requirements
Section 70. Resident's rights
Section 80. Written corrective action plans
Section 90. Licenses
Section 100. Application fees
Section 110. Modification
Section 120. Denial
Section 130. Revocation
Section 140. Summary suspension
Section 150. Variances
Section 160. Investigation of complaints and allegations
Section 170. Governing body
Section 180. Responsibilities of the provider
Section 190. Fiscal accountability
Section 200. Insurance
Section 210. Fundraising
Section 220. Weapons
Section 230. Relationship to the department
Section 240. Facilities serving persons over the age of 17 years
Section 250. Health information
Section 260. Physical or mental health of personnel
Section 270. Qualifications
Section 280. Job descriptions
Section 290. Written personnel policies and procedures
Section 300. Personnel records
Section 310. Staff development
Section 320. Staff supervision
Section 330. The applicant
Section 340. The chief administrative officer
Section 350. Program director
Section 360. Case manager
Section 370. Child care supervisor
Section 380. Child care staff
Section 390. Relief staff
Section 395. Additional requirements for residential facilities for individuals with brain injury
Section 400. Volunteers and student/interns
Section 410. Support functions
Section 420. Buildings, inspections and building plans
Section 430. Heating systems, ventilation, and cooling systems
Section 440. Lighting
Section 450. Plumbing
Section 460. Toilet facilities
Section 470. Personal necessities
Section 480. Sleeping areas
Section 490. Smoking prohibition
Section 500. Residents' privacy
Section 510. Audio and visual recordings
Section 520. Living rooms and indoor recreation space
Section 530. Study space
Section 540. Kitchen and dining areas
Section 550. Laundry areas
Section 560. Storage
Section 570. Staff quarters
Section 580. Office space
Section 590. Buiding and grounds
Section 600. Equipment and furnishings
Section 610. Housekeeping and maintenance
Section 620. Farm and domestic animals
Section 625. Minimum service requirements
Section 630. Acceptance of children
Section 640. Admission procedures
Section 650. Least restrictive programming
Section 660. Maintenance of residents' records
Section 670. Record reviews
Section 680. Interestate compact on the placement of children
Section 690. Participation of residents in human research
Section 700. Emergency and self-admissions
Section 710. Application for admission
Section 720. Written placement agreement
Section 730. Face sheet
Section 740. Initial objectives and strategies
Section 750. Individualized service plans/quarterly reports
Section 760. Resident transfer between residential facilities located in Virginia and operated by the same sponsor
Section 765. Discharge
Section 770. Placement of residents outside the facility
Section 780. Case management services
Section 790. Therapy
Section 800. Structured program of care
Section 810. Health care procedures
Section 820. Written policies and procedures for a crisis or clinical emergency
Section 830. Documenting crisis intervention and clinical emergency services
Section 840. Medical examinations and treatment
Section 850. Medication
Section 860. Nutrition
Section 870. Staff supervision of residents
Section 880. Emergency telephone numbers
Section 890. Searches
Section 900. Behavior support
Section 910. Timeout
Section 920. Prohibitions
Section 930. Pharmacological or mechanical restraints
Section 940. Behavior interventions
Section 950. Seclusion
Section 960. Seclusion room requirements
Section 970. Education
Section 980. Religion
Section 990. Recreation
Section 1000. Community relationships
Section 1010. Clothing
Section 1020. Allowances and spending money
Section 1030. Work and employment
Section 1040. Visitation at the facility and to the resident's home
Section 1050. Resident visitation at the homes of staff
Section 1060. Vehicles and power equipment
Section 1070. Serious incident reports
Section 1080. Suspected child abuse or neglect
Section 1090. Grievance procedures
Section 1100. Disaster or emergency planning
Section 1110. Emergency and evacuation procedures
Section 1120. Independent living programs
Section 1130. Mother/baby programs
Section 1140. Campsite programs or adventure activities