Section 226. Community mental health services  

Latest version.
  • A. Definitions. The following words and terms when used in this section shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

    "Activities of daily living" or "ADLs" means personal care tasks such as bathing, dressing, toileting, transferring, and eating or feeding. An individual's degree of independence in performing these activities is a part of determining appropriate level of care and service needs.

    "Affiliated" means any entity or property in which a provider or facility has a direct or indirect ownership interest of 5.0% or more, or any management, partnership, or control of an entity.

    "Behavioral health services administrator" or "BHSA" means an entity that manages or directs a behavioral health benefits program under contract with DMAS. DMAS' designated BHSA shall be authorized to constitute, oversee, enroll, and train a provider network; perform service authorization; adjudicate claims; process claims; gather and maintain data; reimburse providers; perform quality assessment and improvement; conduct member outreach and education; resolve member and provider issues; and perform utilization management including care coordination for the provision of Medicaid-covered behavioral health services. Such authority shall include entering into or terminating contracts with providers in accordance with DMAS authority pursuant to 42 CFR Part 1002 and § 32.1-325 D and E of the Code of Virginia. DMAS shall retain authority for and oversight of the BHSA entity or entities.

    "Certified prescreener" means an employee of either the local community services board/behavioral health authority or its designee who is skilled in the assessment and treatment of mental illness and who has completed a certification program approved by DBHDS.

    "Clinical experience" means, for the purpose of rendering (i) mental health day treatment/partial hospitalization, (ii) intensive community treatment, (iii) psychosocial rehabilitation, (iv) mental health skill building, (v) crisis stabilization, or (vi) crisis intervention services, practical experience in providing direct services to individuals with diagnoses of mental illness or intellectual disability or the provision of direct geriatric services or special education services. Experience shall include supervised internships, supervised practicums, or supervised field experience. Experience shall not include unsupervised internships, unsupervised practicums, and unsupervised field experience. The equivalency of part-time hours to full-time hours for the purpose of this requirement shall be established by DBHDS in the document titled Human Services and Related Fields Approved Degrees/Experience, issued March 12, 2013, revised May 3, 2013.

    "Code" means the Code of Virginia.

    "DBHDS" means the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services consistent with Chapter 3 (§ 37.2-300 et seq.) of Title 37.2 of the Code of Virginia.

    "DMAS" means the Department of Medical Assistance Services and its contractor or contractors consistent with Chapter 10 (§ 32.1-323 et seq.) of Title 32.1 of the Code of Virginia.

    "DSM-5" means the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, copyright 2013, American Psychiatric Association.

    "Human services field" means the same as the term is defined by DBHDS in the guidance document entitled Human Services and Related Fields Approved Degrees/Experience, issued March 12, 2013, revised May 3, 2013.

    "Individual" means the patient, client, or recipient of services described in this section.

    "Individual service plan" or "ISP" means a comprehensive and regularly updated treatment plan specific to the individual's unique treatment needs as identified in the service-specific provider intake. The ISP contains, but is not limited to, the individual's treatment or training needs, the individual's goals and measurable objectives to meet the identified needs, services to be provided with the recommended frequency to accomplish the measurable goals and objectives, the estimated timetable for achieving the goals and objectives, and an individualized discharge plan that describes transition to other appropriate services. The individual shall be included in the development of the ISP and the ISP shall be signed by the individual. If the individual is a minor child, the ISP shall also be signed by the individual's parent/legal guardian. Documentation shall be provided if the individual, who is a minor child or an adult who lacks legal capacity, is unable or unwilling to sign the ISP.

    "Individualized training" means instruction and practice in functional skills and appropriate behavior related to the individual's health and safety, instrumental activities of daily living skills, and use of community resources; assistance with medical management; and monitoring health, nutrition, and physical condition. The training shall be rehabilitative and based on a variety of incremental (or cumulative) approaches or tools to organize and guide the individual's life planning and shall reflect what is important to the individual in addition to all other factors that affect his functioning, including effects of the disability and issues of health and safety.

    "Licensed mental health professional" or "LMHP" means the same as defined in 12VAC35-105-20.

    "LMHP-resident" or "LMHP-R" means the same as "resident" as defined in (i) 18VAC115-20-10 for licensed professional counselors; (ii) 18VAC115-50-10 for licensed marriage and family therapists; or (iii) 18VAC115-60-10 for licensed substance abuse treatment practitioners. An LMHP-resident shall be in continuous compliance with the regulatory requirements of the applicable counseling profession for supervised practice and shall not perform the functions of the LMHP-R or be considered a "resident" until the supervision for specific clinical duties at a specific site has been preapproved in writing by the Virginia Board of Counseling. For purposes of Medicaid reimbursement to their supervisors for services provided by such residents, they shall use the title "Resident" in connection with the applicable profession after their signatures to indicate such status.

    "LMHP-resident in psychology" or "LMHP-RP" means the same as an individual in a residency, as that term is defined in 18VAC125-20-10, program for clinical psychologists. An LMHP-resident in psychology shall be in continuous compliance with the regulatory requirements for supervised experience as found in 18VAC125-20-65 and shall not perform the functions of the LMHP-RP or be considered a "resident" until the supervision for specific clinical duties at a specific site has been preapproved in writing by the Virginia Board of Psychology. For purposes of Medicaid reimbursement by supervisors for services provided by such residents, they shall use the title "Resident in Psychology" after their signatures to indicate such status.

    "LMHP-supervisee in social work," "LMHP-supervisee," or "LMHP-S" means the same as "supervisee" is defined in 18VAC140-20-10 for licensed clinical social workers. An LMHP-supervisee in social work shall be in continuous compliance with the regulatory requirements for supervised practice as found in 18VAC140-20-50 and shall not perform the functions of the LMHP-S or be considered a "supervisee" until the supervision for specific clinical duties at a specific site is preapproved in writing by the Virginia Board of Social Work. For purposes of Medicaid reimbursement to their supervisors for services provided by supervisees, these persons shall use the title "Supervisee in Social Work" after their signatures to indicate such status.

    "Qualified mental health professional-adult" or "QMHP-A" means the same as defined in 12VAC35-105-20.

    "Qualified mental health professional-child" or "QMHP-C" means the same as defined in 12VAC35-105-20.

    "Qualified mental health professional-eligible" or "QMHP-E" means the same as defined in 12VAC35-105-20.

    "Qualified paraprofessional in mental health" or "QPPMH" means the same as defined in 12VAC35-105-20.

    "Register" or "registration" means notifying DMAS or its contractor that an individual will be receiving services that do not require service authorization.

    "Review of ISP" means that the provider evaluates and updates the individual's progress toward meeting the individualized service plan objectives and documents the outcome of this review. For DMAS to determine that these reviews are satisfactory and complete, the reviews shall (i) update the goals, objectives, and strategies of the ISP to reflect any change in the individual's progress and treatment needs as well as any newly identified problems; (ii) be conducted in a manner that enables the individual to participate in the process; and (iii) be documented in the individual's medical record no later than 15 calendar days from the date of the review.

    "Service authorization" means the process to approve specific services for an enrolled Medicaid, FAMIS Plus, or FAMIS individual by a DMAS service authorization contractor prior to service delivery and reimbursement in order to validate that the service requested is medically necessary and meets DMAS and DMAS contractor criteria for reimbursement. Service authorization does not guarantee payment for the service.

    "Service-specific provider intake" means the same as defined in 12VAC30-50-130 and also includes individuals who are older than 21 years of age.

    B. Mental health services. The following services, with their definitions, shall be covered: day treatment/partial hospitalization, psychosocial rehabilitation, crisis services, intensive community treatment (ICT), and mental health skill building. Staff travel time shall not be included in billable time for reimbursement. These services, in order to be covered, shall meet medical necessity criteria based upon diagnoses made by LMHPs who are practicing within the scope of their licenses and are reflected in provider records and on providers' claims for services by recognized diagnosis codes that support and are consistent with the requested professional services. These services are intended to be delivered in a person-centered manner. The individuals who are receiving these services shall be included in all service planning activities. All services which do not require service authorization require registration. This registration shall transmit service-specific information to DMAS or its contractor in accordance with service authorization requirements.

    1. Day treatment/partial hospitalization services shall be provided in sessions of two or more consecutive hours per day, which may be scheduled multiple times per week, to groups of individuals in a nonresidential setting. These services, limited annually to 780 units, include the major diagnostic, medical, psychiatric, psychosocial, and psychoeducational treatment modalities designed for individuals who require coordinated, intensive, comprehensive, and multidisciplinary treatment but who do not require inpatient treatment. One unit of service shall be defined as a minimum of two but less than four hours on a given day. Two units of service shall be defined as at least four but less than seven hours in a given day. Three units of service shall be defined as seven or more hours in a given day. Authorization is required for Medicaid reimbursement.

    a. Day treatment/partial hospitalization services shall be time limited interventions that are more intensive than outpatient services and are required to stabilize an individual's psychiatric condition. The services are delivered when the individual is at risk of psychiatric hospitalization or is transitioning from a psychiatric hospitalization to the community. The service-specific provider intake, as defined at 12VAC30-50-130, shall document the individual's behavior and describe how the individual is at risk of psychiatric hospitalization or is transitioning from a psychiatric hospitalization to the community.

    b. Individuals qualifying for this service must demonstrate a clinical necessity for the service arising from mental, behavioral, or emotional illness that results in significant functional impairments in major life activities. Individuals must meet at least two of the following criteria on a continuing or intermittent basis:

    (1) Experience difficulty in establishing or maintaining normal interpersonal relationships to such a degree that they are at risk of hospitalization or homelessness or isolation from social supports;

    (2) Experience difficulty in activities of daily living such as maintaining personal hygiene, preparing food and maintaining adequate nutrition, or managing finances to such a degree that health or safety is jeopardized;

    (3) Exhibit such inappropriate behavior that the individual requires repeated interventions or monitoring by the mental health, social services, or judicial system that have been documented; or

    (4) Exhibit difficulty in cognitive ability such that they are unable to recognize personal danger or recognize significantly inappropriate social behavior.

    c. Individuals shall be discharged from this service when they are no longer in an acute psychiatric state and other less intensive services may achieve psychiatric stabilization.

    d. Admission and services for time periods longer than 90 calendar days must be authorized based upon a face-to-face evaluation by a physician, psychiatrist, licensed clinical psychologist, licensed professional counselor, licensed clinical social worker, or psychiatric clinical nurse specialist.

    e. These services may only be rendered by an LMHP, LMHP-supervisee, LMHP-resident, LMHP-RP, QMHP-A, QMHP-C, QMHP-E, or a QPPMH.

    2. Psychosocial rehabilitation shall be provided at least two or more hours per day to groups of individuals in a nonresidential setting. These services, limited annually to 936 units, include assessment, education to teach the patient about the diagnosed mental illness and appropriate medications to avoid complication and relapse, opportunities to learn and use independent living skills and to enhance social and interpersonal skills within a supportive and normalizing program structure and environment. One unit of service is defined as a minimum of two but less than four hours on a given day. Two units are defined as at least four but less than seven hours in a given day. Three units of service shall be defined as seven or more hours in a given day. Authorization is required for Medicaid reimbursement. The service-specific provider intake, as defined at 12VAC30-50-130, shall document the individual's behavior and describe how the individual meets criteria for this service.

    a. Individuals qualifying for this service must demonstrate a clinical necessity for the service arising from mental, behavioral, or emotional illness that results in significant functional impairments in major life activities. Services are provided to individuals: (i) who without these services would be unable to remain in the community or (ii) who meet at least two of the following criteria on a continuing or intermittent basis:

    (1) Experience difficulty in establishing or maintaining normal interpersonal relationships to such a degree that they are at risk of psychiatric hospitalization, homelessness, or isolation from social supports;

    (2) Experience difficulty in activities of daily living such as maintaining personal hygiene, preparing food and maintaining adequate nutrition, or managing finances to such a degree that health or safety is jeopardized;

    (3) Exhibit such inappropriate behavior that repeated interventions documented by the mental health, social services, or judicial system are or have been necessary; or

    (4) Exhibit difficulty in cognitive ability such that they are unable to recognize personal danger or significantly inappropriate social behavior.

    b. These services may only be rendered by an LMHP, LMHP-supervisee, LMHP-resident, LMHP-RP, QMHP-A, QMHP-C, QMHP-E, or a QPPMH.

    3. Crisis intervention shall provide immediate mental health care, available 24 hours a day, seven days per week, to assist individuals who are experiencing acute psychiatric dysfunction requiring immediate clinical attention. This service's objectives shall be to prevent exacerbation of a condition, to prevent injury to the client or others, and to provide treatment in the context of the least restrictive setting. Crisis intervention activities shall include assessing the crisis situation, providing short-term counseling designed to stabilize the individual, providing access to further immediate assessment and follow-up, and linking the individual and family with ongoing care to prevent future crises. Crisis intervention services may include office visits, home visits, preadmission screenings, telephone contacts, and other client-related activities for the prevention of institutionalization. The service-specific provider intake, as defined at 12VAC30-50-130, shall document the individual's behavior and describe how the individual meets criteria for this service. The provision of this service to an individual shall be registered with either DMAS, DMAS contractors, or the BHSA within one business day or the completion of the service-specific provider intake to avoid duplication of services and to ensure informed care coordination.

    a. Individuals qualifying for this service must demonstrate a clinical necessity for the service arising from an acute crisis of a psychiatric nature that puts the individual at risk of psychiatric hospitalization. Individuals must meet at least two of the following criteria at the time of admission to the service:

    (1) Experience difficulty in establishing or maintaining normal interpersonal relationships to such a degree that they are at risk of psychiatric hospitalization, homelessness, or isolation from social supports;

    (2) Experience difficulty in activities of daily living such as maintaining personal hygiene, preparing food and maintaining adequate nutrition, or managing finances to such a degree that health or safety is jeopardized;

    (3) Exhibit such inappropriate behavior that immediate interventions documented by mental health, social services, or the judicial system are or have been necessary; or

    (4) Exhibit difficulty in cognitive ability such that they are unable to recognize personal danger or significantly inappropriate social behavior.

    b. The annual limit for crisis intervention is 720 units per year. A unit shall equal 15 minutes.

    c. These services may only be rendered by an LMHP, an LMHP-supervisee, LMHP-resident, LMHP-RP, or a certified prescreener.

    4. Intensive community treatment (ICT), initially covered for a maximum of 26 weeks based on an initial service-specific provider intake and may be reauthorized for up to an additional 26 weeks annually based on written intake and certification of need by a licensed mental health provider (LMHP), shall be defined by 12VAC35-105-20 or LMHP-S, LMHP-R, and LMHP-RP and shall include medical psychotherapy, psychiatric assessment, medication management, and care coordination activities offered to outpatients outside the clinic, hospital, or office setting for individuals who are best served in the community. Authorization is required for Medicaid reimbursement.

    a. To qualify for ICT, the individual must meet at least one of the following criteria:

    (1) The individual must be at high risk for psychiatric hospitalization or becoming or remaining homeless due to mental illness or require intervention by the mental health or criminal justice system due to inappropriate social behavior.

    (2) The individual has a history (three months or more) of a need for intensive mental health treatment or treatment for co-occurring serious mental illness and substance use disorder and demonstrates a resistance to seek out and utilize appropriate treatment options.

    b. A written, service-specific provider intake, as defined at 12VAC30-50-130, that documents the individual's eligibility and the need for this service must be completed prior to the initiation of services. This intake must be maintained in the individual's records.

    c. An individual service plan shall be initiated at the time of admission and must be fully developed, as defined in this section, within 30 days of the initiation of services.

    d. The annual unit limit shall be 130 units with a unit equaling one hour.

    e. These services may only be rendered by a team that meets the requirements of 12VAC35-105-1370.

    5. Crisis stabilization services for nonhospitalized individuals shall provide direct mental health care to individuals experiencing an acute psychiatric crisis which may jeopardize their current community living situation. Services may be provided for up to a 15-day period per crisis episode following a face-to-face service-specific provider intake by an LMHP, LMHP-supervisee, LMHP-resident, or LMHP-RP. Only one unit of service shall be reimbursed for this intake. The provision of this service to an individual shall be registered with either DMAS, DMAS contractors, or the BHSA within one business day of the completion of the service-specific provider intake to avoid duplication of services and to ensure informed care coordination.

    a. The goals of crisis stabilization programs shall be to avert hospitalization or rehospitalization, provide normative environments with a high assurance of safety and security for crisis intervention, stabilize individuals in psychiatric crisis, and mobilize the resources of the community support system and family members and others for on-going maintenance and rehabilitation. The services must be documented in the individual's records as having been provided consistent with the ISP in order to receive Medicaid reimbursement.

    b. The crisis stabilization program shall provide to individuals, as appropriate, psychiatric assessment including medication evaluation, treatment planning, symptom and behavior management, and individual and group counseling.

    c. This service may be provided in any of the following settings, but shall not be limited to: (i) the home of an individual who lives with family or other primary caregiver; (ii) the home of an individual who lives independently; or (iii) community-based programs licensed by DBHDS to provide residential services but which are not institutions for mental disease (IMDs).

    d. This service shall not be reimbursed for (i) individuals with medical conditions that require hospital care; (ii) individuals with primary diagnosis of substance abuse; or (iii) individuals with psychiatric conditions that cannot be managed in the community (i.e., individuals who are of imminent danger to themselves or others).

    e. The maximum limit on this service is 60 days annually.

    f. Services must be documented through daily progress notes and a daily log of times spent in the delivery of services. The service-specific provider intake, as defined at 12VAC30-50-130, shall document the individual's behavior and describe how the individual meets criteria for this service. Individuals qualifying for this service must demonstrate a clinical necessity for the service arising from an acute crisis of a psychiatric nature that puts the individual at risk of psychiatric hospitalization. Individuals must meet at least two of the following criteria at the time of admission to the service:

    (1) Experience difficulty in establishing and maintaining normal interpersonal relationships to such a degree that the individual is at risk of psychiatric hospitalization, homelessness, or isolation from social supports;

    (2) Experience difficulty in activities of daily living such as maintaining personal hygiene, preparing food and maintaining adequate nutrition, or managing finances to such a degree that health or safety is jeopardized;

    (3) Exhibit such inappropriate behavior that immediate interventions documented by the mental health, social services, or judicial system are or have been necessary; or

    (4) Exhibit difficulty in cognitive ability such that the individual is unable to recognize personal danger or significantly inappropriate social behavior.

    g. These services may only be rendered by an LMHP, LMHP-supervisee, LMHP-resident, LMHP-RP, QMHP-A, QMHP-C, QMHP-E or a certified prescreener.

    6. Mental health skill-building services (MHSS) shall be defined as goal-directed training to enable individuals to achieve and maintain community stability and independence in the most appropriate, least restrictive environment. Authorization is required for Medicaid reimbursement. Services that are rendered before the date of service authorization shall not be reimbursed. These services may be authorized up to six consecutive months as long as the individual meets the coverage criteria for this service. The service-specific provider intake, as defined at 12VAC30-50-130, shall document the individual's behavior and describe how the individual meets criteria for this service. These services shall provide goal-directed training in the following areas in order to be reimbursed by Medicaid or the BHSA: (i) functional skills and appropriate behavior related to the individual's health and safety, instrumental activities of daily living, and use of community resources; (ii) assistance with medication management; and (iii) monitoring of health, nutrition, and physical condition with goals towards self-monitoring and self-regulation of all of these activities. Providers shall be reimbursed only for training activities defined in the ISP and only where services meet the service definition, eligibility, and service provision criteria and this section. A review of MHSS services by an LMHP, LMHP-R, LMHP-RP, or LMHP-S shall be repeated for all individuals who have received at least six months of MHSS to determine the continued need for this service.

    a. Individuals qualifying for this service shall demonstrate a clinical necessity for the service arising from a condition due to mental, behavioral, or emotional illness that results in significant functional impairments in major life activities. Services are provided to individuals who require individualized goal-directed training in order to achieve or maintain stability and independence in the community.

    b. Individuals ages 21 and older shall meet all of the following criteria in order to be eligible to receive mental health skill-building services:

    (1) The individual shall have one of the following as a primary mental health diagnosis:

    (a) Schizophrenia or other psychotic disorder as set out in the DSM-5;

    (b) Major depressive disorder;

    (c) Recurrent Bipolar I or Bipolar II; or

    (d) Any other serious mental health disorder that a physician has documented specific to the identified individual within the past year and that includes all of the following: (i) is a serious mental illness; (ii) results in severe and recurrent disability; (iii) produces functional limitations in the individual's major life activities that are documented in the individual's medical record; and (iv) requires individualized training for the individual in order to achieve or maintain independent living in the community.

    (2) The individual shall require individualized goal-directed training in order to acquire or maintain self-regulation of basic living skills, such as symptom management; adherence to psychiatric and physical health medication treatment plans; appropriate use of social skills and personal support systems; skills to manage personal hygiene, food preparation, and the maintenance of personal adequate nutrition; money management; and use of community resources.

    (3) The individual shall have a prior history of any of the following: (i) psychiatric hospitalization; (ii) either residential or nonresidential crisis stabilization; (iii) intensive community treatment (ICT) or program of assertive community treatment (PACT) services; (iv) placement in a psychiatric residential treatment facility (RTC-Level C) as a result of decompensation related to the individual's serious mental illness; or (v) a temporary detention order (TDO) evaluation, pursuant to § 37.2-809 B of the Code of Virginia. This criterion shall be met in order to be initially admitted to services and not for subsequent authorizations of service. Discharge summaries from prior providers that clearly indicate (i) the type of treatment provided, (ii) the dates of the treatment previously provided, and (iii) the name of the treatment provider shall be sufficient to meet this requirement. Family member statements shall not suffice to meet this requirement.

    (4) The individual shall have had a prescription for antipsychotic, mood stabilizing, or antidepressant medications within the 12 months prior to the service-specific provider intake date. If a physician or other practitioner who is authorized by his license to prescribe medications indicates that antipsychotic, mood stabilizing, or antidepressant medications are medically contraindicated for the individual, the provider shall obtain medical records signed by the physician or other licensed prescriber detailing the contraindication. This documentation shall be maintained in the individual's mental health skill-building services record, and the provider shall document and describe how the individual will be able to actively participate in and benefit from services without the assistance of medication. This criterion shall be met upon admission to services and shall not be required for subsequent authorizations of service. Discharge summaries from prior providers that clearly indicate (i) the type of treatment provided, (ii) the dates of the treatment previously provided, and (iii) the name of the treatment provider shall be sufficient to meet this requirement. Family member statements shall not suffice to meet this requirement.

    c. Individuals aged 18 to 21 years shall meet all of the following criteria in order to be eligible to receive mental health skill-building services:

    (1) The individual shall not be living in a supervised setting as described in § 63.2-905.1 of the Code of Virginia. If the individual is transitioning into an independent living situation, MHSS shall only be authorized for up to six months prior to the date of transition.

    (2) The individual shall have at least one of the following as a primary mental health diagnosis.

    (a) Schizophrenia or other psychotic disorder as set out in the DSM-5;

    (b) Major depressive disorder;

    (c) Recurrent Bipolar-I or Bipolar II; or

    (d) Any other serious mental health disorder that a physician has documented specific to the identified individual within the past year and that includes all of the following: (i) is a serious mental illness or serious emotional disturbance; (ii) results in severe and recurrent disability; (iii) produces functional limitations in the individual's major life activities that are documented in the individual's medical record; and (iv) requires individualized training for the individual in order to achieve or maintain independent living in the community.

    (3) The individual shall require individualized goal-directed training in order to acquire or maintain self-regulation of basic living skills such as symptom management; adherence to psychiatric and physical health medication treatment plans; appropriate use of social skills and personal support systems; skills to manage personal hygiene, food preparation, and the maintenance of personal adequate nutrition; money management; and use of community resources.

    (4) The individual shall have a prior history of any of the following: (i) psychiatric hospitalization; (ii) either residential or nonresidential crisis stabilization; (iii) intensive community treatment (ICT) or program of assertive community treatment (PACT) services; (iv) placement in a psychiatric residential treatment facility (RTC-Level C) as a result of decompensation related to the individual's serious mental illness; or (v) temporary detention order (TDO) evaluation pursuant to § 37.2-809 B of the Code of Virginia. This criterion shall be met in order to be initially admitted to services and not for subsequent authorizations of service. Discharge summaries from prior providers that clearly indicate (i) the type of treatment provided, (ii) the dates of the treatment previously provided, and (iii) the name of the treatment provider shall be sufficient to meet this requirement. Family member statements shall not suffice to meet this requirement.

    (5) The individual shall have had a prescription for antipsychotic, mood stabilizing, or antidepressant medications, within the 12 months prior to the assessment date. If a physician or other practitioner who is authorized by his license to prescribe medications indicates that antipsychotic, mood stabilizing, or antidepressant medications are medically contraindicated for the individual, the provider shall obtain medical records signed by the physician or other licensed prescriber detailing the contraindication. This documentation of medication management shall be maintained in the individual's mental health skill-building services record. For individuals not prescribed antipsychotic, mood stabilizing, or antidepressant medications, the provider shall have documentation from the medication management physician describing how the individual will be able to actively participate in and benefit from services without the assistance of medication. This criterion shall be met in order to be initially admitted to services and not for subsequent authorizations of service. Discharge summaries from prior providers that clearly indicate (i) the type of treatment provided, (ii) the dates of the treatment previously provided, and (iii) the name of the treatment provider shall be sufficient to meet this requirement. Family member statements shall not suffice to meet this requirement.

    (6) An independent clinical assessment, established in 12VAC30-130-3020, shall be completed for the individual.

    d. Service-specific provider intakes shall be required at the onset of services and individual service plans (ISPs) shall be required during the entire duration of services. Services based upon incomplete, missing, or outdated service-specific provider intakes or ISPs shall be denied reimbursement. Requirements for service-specific provider intakes and ISPs are set out in 12VAC30-50-130.

    e. The yearly limit for mental health skill-building services is 520 units. Only direct face-to-face contacts and services to the individual shall be reimbursable. One unit is 1 to 2.99 hours per day, two units is 3 to 4.99 hours per day.

    f. These services may only be rendered by an LMHP, LMHP-R, LMHP-RP, LMHP-S, QMHP-A, QMHP-C, QMHP-E, or QPPMH.

    g. The provider shall clearly document details of the services provided during the entire amount of time billed.

    h. The ISP shall not include activities that contradict or duplicate those in the treatment plan established by the group home or assisted living facility. The provider shall coordinate mental health skill-building services with the treatment plan established by the group home or assisted living facility and shall document all coordination activities in the medical record.

    i. Limits and exclusions.

    (1) Group home (Level A or B) and assisted living facility providers shall not serve as the mental health skill-building services provider for individuals residing in the provider's respective facility. Individuals residing in facilities may, however, receive MHSS from another MHSS agency not affiliated with the owner of the facility in which they reside.

    (2) Mental health skill-building services shall not be reimbursed for individuals who are receiving in-home residential services or congregate residential services through the Intellectual Disability Waiver or Individual and Family Developmental Disabilities Support Waiver.

    (3) Mental health skill-building services shall not be reimbursed for individuals who are also receiving services under the Department of Social Services independent living program (22VAC40-151), independent living services (22VAC40-131 and 22VAC40-151), or independent living arrangement (22VAC40-131) or any Comprehensive Services Act-funded independent living skills programs.

    (4) Mental health skill-building services shall not be available to individuals who are receiving treatment foster care (12VAC30-130-900 et seq.).

    (5) Mental health skill-building services shall not be available to individuals who reside in intermediate care facilities for individuals with intellectual disabilities or hospitals.

    (6) Mental health skill-building services shall not be available to individuals who reside in nursing facilities, except for up to 60 days prior to discharge. If the individual has not been discharged from the nursing facility during the 60-day period of services, mental health skill-building services shall be terminated and no further service authorizations shall be available to the individual unless a provider can demonstrate and document that mental health skill-building services are necessary. Such documentation shall include facts demonstrating a change in the individual's circumstances and a new plan for discharge requiring up to 60 days of mental health skill-building services.

    (7) Mental health skill-building services shall not be available for residents of residential treatment centers (Level C facilities) except for the intake code H0032 (modifier U8) in the seven days immediately prior to discharge.

    (8) Mental health skill-building services shall not be reimbursed if personal care services or attendant care services are being received simultaneously, unless justification is provided why this is necessary in the individual's mental health skill-building services record. Medical record documentation shall fully substantiate the need for services when personal care or attendant care services are being provided. This applies to individuals who are receiving additional services through the Intellectual Disability Waiver (12VAC30-120-1000 et seq.), Individual and Family Developmental Disabilities Support Waiver (12VAC30-120-700 et seq.), the Elderly or Disabled with Consumer Direction Waiver (12VAC30-120-900 et seq.), and EPSDT services (12VAC30-50-130).

    (9) Mental health skill-building services shall not be duplicative of other services. Providers shall be required to ensure that if an individual is receiving additional therapeutic services that there will be coordination of services by either the LMHP, LMHP-R, LMHP-RP, LMHP-S, QMHP-A, QMHP-C, QMHP-E, or QPPMH to avoid duplication of services.

    (10) Individuals who have organic disorders, such as delirium, dementia, or other cognitive disorders not elsewhere classified, will be prohibited from receiving mental health skill-building services unless their physicians issue signed and dated statements indicating that the individuals can benefit from this service.

    (11) Individuals who are not diagnosed with a serious mental health disorder but who have personality disorders or other mental health disorders, or both, that may lead to chronic disability shall not be excluded from the mental health skill-building services eligibility criteria provided that the individual has a primary mental health diagnosis from the list included in subdivision B 6 b (1) or B 6 c (2) of this section and that the provider can document and describe how the individual is expected to actively participate in and benefit from mental health skill-building services.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 14, Issue 07, eff. January 22, 1998; amended, Virginia Register Volume 20, Issue 07, eff. February 1, 2004; Volume 27, Issue 10, eff. February 16, 2011; Volume 31, Issue 09, eff. January 30, 2015; Volume 32, Issue 22, eff. July 27, 2016.

Statutory Authority

§ 32.1-325 of the Code of Virginia; 42 USC § 1396 et seq.