12VAC35-115 Regulations to Assure the Rights of Individuals Receiving Services from Providers Licensed, Funded, or Operated by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services  

    Vol. 31 Iss. 1 - September 08, 2014

    Chapter 115
    Final Regulation

    REGISTRAR'S NOTICE: The Board of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services is claiming an exemption from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act in accordance with § 2.2-4006 A 3, which excludes regulations that consist only of changes in style or form or corrections of technical errors. The Board of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services will receive, consider, and respond to petitions by any interested person at any time with respect to reconsideration or revision.

    Title of Regulation: 12VAC35-115. Regulations to Assure the Rights of Individuals Receiving Services from Providers Licensed, Funded, or Operated by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (amending 12VAC35-115-50, 12VAC35-115-70, 12VAC35-115-80, 12VAC35-115-110, 12VAC35-115-146, 12VAC35-115-210, 12VAC35-115-220, 12VAC35-115-230).

    Statutory Authority: §§ 37.2-203 and 37.2-400 of the Code of Virginia.

    Effective Date: October 8, 2014.

    Agency Contact: Linda Grasewicz, Regulatory Coordinator, Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, 1220 Bank Street, Richmond, VA 23218, telephone (804) 786-0040, or email linda.grasewicz@dbhds.virginia.gov.


    The amendments (i) correct references to the Code of Virginia and the Virginia Administrative Code, (ii) change references to the inspector general to the Office of the State Inspector General and add the appropriate citation to Virginia law, and (iii) correct a misspelling.

    Part III
    Explanation of Individual Rights and Provider Duties

    12VAC35-115-50. Dignity.

    A. Each individual has a right to exercise his legal, civil, and human rights, including constitutional rights, statutory rights, and the rights contained in these regulations, except as specifically limited herein. Each individual has a right to have services that he receives respond to his needs and preferences and be person-centered. Each individual also has the right to be protected, respected, and supported in exercising these rights. Providers shall not partially or totally take away or limit these rights solely because an individual has a mental illness, mental retardation, or substance use disorder and is receiving services for these conditions or has any physical or sensory condition that may pose a barrier to communication or mobility.

    B. In receiving all services, each individual has the right to:

    1. Use his preferred or legal name. The use of an individual's preferred name may be limited when a licensed professional makes the determination that the use of the name will result in demonstrable harm or have significant negative impact on the program itself or the individual's treatment, progress, and recovery. The director or his designee shall discuss the issue with the individual and inform the human rights advocate of the reasons for any restriction prior to implementation and the reasons for the restriction shall be documented in the individual's services record. The need for the restriction shall be reviewed by the team every month and documented in the services record.

    2. Be protected from harm including abuse, neglect, and exploitation.

    3. Have help in learning about, applying for, and fully using any public service or benefit to which he may be entitled. These services and benefits include educational or vocational services, housing assistance, services or benefits under Titles II, XVI, XVIII, and XIX of the Social Security Act, United States Veterans Benefits, and services from legal and advocacy agencies.

    4. Have opportunities to communicate in private with lawyers, judges, legislators, clergy, licensed health care practitioners, authorized representatives, advocates, the inspector general Office of the State Inspector General (§ 2.2-308 of the Code of Virginia), and employees of the protection and advocacy agency.

    5. Be provided with general information about program services, policies, and rules in writing and in the manner, format and language easily understood by the individual.

    6. Be afforded the opportunity to have an individual of his choice notified of his general condition, location, and transfer to another facility.

    C. In services provided in residential and inpatient settings, each individual has the right to:

    1. Have sufficient and suitable clothing for his exclusive use.

    2. Receive nutritionally adequate, varied, and appetizing meals that are prepared and served under sanitary conditions, are served at appropriate times and temperatures, and are consistent with any individualized diet program.

    3. Live in a humane, safe, sanitary environment that gives each individual, at a minimum:

    a. Reasonable privacy and private storage space;

    b. An adequate number of private, operating toilets, sinks, showers, and tubs that are designed to accommodate individuals' physical needs;

    c. Direct outside air provided by a window that opens or by an air conditioner;

    d. Windows or skylights in all major areas used by individuals;

    e. Clean air, free of bad odors; and

    f. Room temperatures that are comfortable year round and compatible with health requirements.

    4. Practice a religion and participate in religious services subject to their availability, provided that such services are not dangerous to the individual or others and do not infringe on the freedom of others.

    a. Religious services or practices that present a danger of bodily injury to any individual or interfere with another individual's religious beliefs or practices may be limited. The director or his designee shall discuss the issue with the individual and inform the human rights advocate of the reasons for any restriction prior to implementation. The reasons for the restriction shall be documented in the individual's services record.

    b. Participation in religious services or practices may be reasonably limited by the provider in accordance with other general rules limiting privileges or times or places of activities.

    5. Have paper, pencil and stamps provided free of charge for at least one letter every day upon request. However, if an individual has funds to buy paper, pencils, and stamps to send a letter every day, the provider does not have to pay for them.

    6. Communicate privately with any person by mail and have help in writing or reading mail as needed.

    a. An individual's access to mail may be limited only if the provider has reasonable cause to believe that the mail contains illegal material or anything dangerous. If so, the director or his designee may open the mail, but not read it, in the presence of the individual.

    b. An individual's ability to communicate by mail may be limited if, in the judgment of a licensed professional, the individual's communication with another person or persons will result in demonstrable harm to the individual's mental health.

    c. The director or his designee shall discuss the issue with the individual and inform the human rights advocate of the reasons for any restriction prior to implementation and the reasons for the restriction shall be documented in the individual's services record. The need for the restriction shall be reviewed by the team every month and documented in the services record.

    7. Communicate privately with any person by telephone and have help in doing so. Use of the telephone may be limited to certain times and places to make sure that other individuals have equal access to the telephone and that they can eat, sleep, or participate in an activity without being disturbed.

    a. An individual's access to the telephone may be limited only if, in the judgment of a licensed professional, communication with another person or persons will result in demonstrable harm to the individual or significantly affect his treatment.

    b. The director or his designee shall discuss the issue with the individual and inform the human rights advocate of the reasons for any restriction prior to implementation and the reasons for the restriction shall be documented in the individual's services record. The need for the restriction shall be reviewed by the team every month and documented in the individual's services record.

    c. Residential substance abuse services providers that are not inpatient hospital settings or crisis stabilization programs may develop policies and procedures that limit the use of the telephone during the initial phase of treatment when sound therapeutic practice requires restriction, subject to the following conditions:

    (1) Prior to implementation and when it proposes any changes or revisions, the provider shall submit policies and procedures, program handbooks, or program rules to the LHRC and the human rights advocate for review and approval.

    (2) When an individual applies for admission, the provider shall notify him of these restrictions.

    8. Have or refuse visitors.

    a. An individual's access to visitors may be limited or supervised only when, in the judgment of a licensed professional, the visits result in demonstrable harm to the individual or significantly affect the individual's treatment or when the visitors are suspected of bringing contraband or threatening harm to the individual in any other way.

    b. The director or his designee shall discuss the issue with the individual and inform the human rights advocate of the reasons for any restriction prior to implementation and the restriction shall be documented in the individual's services record. The need for the restriction shall be reviewed by the team every month and documented in the individual's services record.

    c. Residential substance abuse service providers that are not inpatient hospital settings or crisis stabilization programs may develop policies and procedures that limit visitors during the initial phase of treatment when sound therapeutic practice requires the restriction, subject to the following conditions:

    (1) Prior to implementation and when proposing any changes or revisions, the provider shall submit policies and procedures, program handbooks, or program rules to the LHRC and the human rights advocate for review and approval.

    (2) The provider shall notify individuals who apply for admission of these restrictions.

    9. Nothing in these provisions shall prohibit a provider from stopping, reporting, or intervening to prevent any criminal act.

    D. The provider's duties.

    1. Providers shall recognize, respect, support, and protect the dignity rights of each individual at all times. In the case of a minor, providers shall take into consideration the expressed preferences of the minor and the parent or guardian.

    2. Providers shall develop, carry out, and regularly monitor policies and procedures that assure the protection of each individual's rights.

    3. Providers shall assure the following relative to abuse, neglect, and exploitation:

    a. Policies and procedures governing harm, abuse, neglect, and exploitation of individuals receiving their services shall require that, as a condition of employment or volunteering, any employee, volunteer, consultant, or student who knows of or has reason to believe that an individual may have been abused, neglected, or exploited at any location covered by these regulations, shall immediately report this information directly to the director.

    b. The director shall immediately take necessary steps to protect the individual until an investigation is complete. This may include the following actions:

    (1) Direct the employee or employees involved to have no further contact with the individual. In the case of incidents of peer-on-peer aggression, protect the individuals from the aggressor in accordance with sound therapeutic practice and these regulations.

    (2) Temporarily reassign or transfer the employee or employees involved to a position that has no direct contact with individuals receiving services.

    (3) Temporarily suspend the involved employee or employees pending completion of an investigation.

    c. The director shall immediately notify the human rights advocate and the individual's authorized representative. In no case shall notification be later than 24 hours after the receipt of the initial allegation of abuse, neglect, or exploitation.

    d. In no case shall the director punish or retaliate against an employee, volunteer, consultant, or student for reporting an allegation of abuse, neglect, or exploitation to an outside entity.

    e. The director shall initiate an impartial investigation within 24 hours of receiving a report of potential abuse or neglect. The investigation shall be conducted by a person trained to do investigations and who is not involved in the issues under investigation.

    (1) The investigator shall make a final report to the director or the investigating authority and to the human rights advocate within 10 working days of appointment. Exceptions to this time frame may be requested and approved by the department if submitted prior to the close of the sixth day.

    (2) The director or investigating authority shall, based on the investigator's report and any other available information, decide whether the abuse, neglect or exploitation occurred. Unless otherwise provided by law, the standard for deciding whether abuse, neglect, or exploitation has occurred is preponderance of the evidence.

    (3) If abuse, neglect or exploitation occurred, the director shall take any action required to protect the individual and other individuals. All actions must be documented and reported as required by 12VAC35-115-230.

    (4) In all cases, the director shall provide his written decision, including actions taken as a result of the investigation, within seven working days following the completion of the investigation to the individual or the individual's authorized representative, the human rights advocate, the investigating authority, and the involved employee or employees. The decision shall be in writing and in the manner, format, and language that is most easily understood by the individual.

    (5) If the individual affected by the alleged abuse, neglect, or exploitation or his authorized representative is not satisfied with the director's actions, he or his authorized representative, or anyone acting on his behalf, may file a petition for an LHRC hearing under 12VAC35-115-180.

    f. The director shall cooperate with any external investigation, including those conducted by the inspector general Office of the State Inspector General (§ 2.2-308 of the Code of Virginia), the protection and advocacy agency, or other regulatory or enforcement agencies.

    g. If at any time the director has reason to suspect that an individual may have been abused or neglected, the director shall immediately report this information to the appropriate local Department of Social Services (see §§ 63.2-1509 and 63.2-1606 of the Code of Virginia) and cooperate fully with any investigation that results.

    h. If at any time the director has reason to suspect that the abusive, neglectful or exploitive act is a crime, the director or his designee shall immediately contact the appropriate law-enforcement authorities and cooperate fully with any investigation that results.

    4. Providers shall afford the individual the opportunity to have an individual of his choice notified of his general condition, location, and transfer to another facility.

    12VAC35-115-70. Participation in decision making and consent.

    A. Each individual has a right to participate meaningfully in decisions regarding all aspects of services affecting him. This includes the right to:

    1. Consent or not consent to receive or participate in services.

    a. The ISP and discharge plan shall incorporate the individual's preferences consistent with his condition and need for service and the provider's ability to address them;

    b. The individual's services record shall include evidence that the individual has participated in the development of his ISP and discharge plan, in changes to these plans, and in all other significant aspects of his treatment and services; and

    c. The individual's services record shall include the signature or other indication of the individual's or his authorized representative's consent.

    2. Give or not give informed consent to receive or participate in treatment or services that pose a risk of harm greater than ordinarily encountered in daily life and to participate in human research except research that is exempt under § 37.2-162.17 32.1-162.17 of the Code of Virginia. Informed consent is always required for surgical procedures, electroconvulsive treatment, or use of psychotropic medications.

    a. To be informed, consent for any treatment or service must be based on disclosure of and understanding by the individual or his authorized representative of the following information:

    (1) An explanation of the treatment, service, or research and its purpose;

    (2) When proposing human research, the provider shall describe the research and its purpose, explain how the results of the research will be disseminated and how the identity of the individual will be protected, and explain any compensation or medical care that is available if an injury occurs;

    (3) A description of any adverse consequences and risks associated with the research, treatment, or service;

    (4) A description of any benefits that may be expected from the research, treatment, or service;

    (5) A description of any alternative procedures that might be considered, along with their side effects, risks, and benefits;

    (6) Notification that the individual is free to refuse or withdraw his consent and to discontinue participation in any treatment, service, or research requiring his consent at any time without fear or reprisal against or prejudice to him; and

    (7) A description of the ways in which the individual or his authorized representative can raise concerns and ask questions about the research, treatment, or service to which consent is given.

    b. Evidence of informed consent shall be documented in an individual's services record and indicated by the signature of the individual or his authorized representative on a form or the ISP.

    c. Informed consent for electroconvulsive treatment requires the following additional components:

    (1) Informed consent shall be in writing, documented on a form that shall become part of the individual's services record. This form shall:

    (a) Specify the maximum number of treatments to be administered during the series;

    (b) Indicate that the individual has been given the opportunity to view an instructional video presentation about the treatment procedures and their potential side effects; and

    (c) Be witnessed in writing by a person not involved in the individual's treatment who attests that the individual has been counseled and informed about the treatment procedures and potential side effects of the procedures.

    (2) Separate consent, documented on a new consent form, shall be obtained for any treatments exceeding the maximum number of treatments indicated on the initial consent form.

    (3) Providers shall inform the individual or his authorized representative that the individual may obtain a second opinion before receiving electroconvulsive treatment and the individual is free to refuse or withdraw his consent and to discontinue participation at any time without fear of reprisal against or prejudice to him. The provider shall document such notification in the individual's services record.

    (4) Before initiating electroconvulsive treatment for any individual under age 18 years, two qualified child psychiatrists must concur with the treatment. The psychiatrists must be trained or experienced in treating children or adolescents and not directly involved in treating the individual. Both must examine the individual, consult with the prescribing psychiatrist, and document their concurrence with the treatment in the individual's services record.

    3. Have an authorized representative make decisions for him in cases where the individual has been determined to lack the capacity to consent or authorize the disclosure of information.

    a. If an individual who has an authorized representative who is not his legal guardian objects to the disclosure of specific information or a specific proposed treatment or service, the director or his designee shall immediately notify the human rights advocate and authorized representative. A petition for LHRC review of the objection may be filed under 12VAC35-115-200.

    b. If the authorized representative objects or refuses to consent to a specific proposed treatment or service for which consent is necessary, the provider shall not institute the proposed treatment, except in an emergency in accordance with this section or as otherwise permitted by law.

    4. Be accompanied, except during forensic evaluations, by a person or persons whom the individual trusts to support and represent him when he participates in services planning, assessments, evaluations, including discussions and evaluations of the individual's capacity to consent, and discharge planning.

    5. Request admission to or discharge from any service at any time.

    B. The provider's duties.

    1. Providers shall respect, protect, and help develop each individual's ability to participate meaningfully in decisions regarding all aspects of services affecting him. This shall be done by involving the individual, to the extent permitted by his capacity, in decision making regarding all aspects of services.

    2. Providers shall ask the individual to express his preferences about decisions regarding all aspects of services that affect him and shall honor these preferences to the extent possible.

    3. Providers shall give each individual the opportunity and any help he needs to participate meaningfully in the preparation of his services plan, discharge plan, and changes to these plans, and all other aspects of services he receives. Providers shall document these opportunities in the individual's services record.

    4. Providers shall obtain and document in the individual's services record the individual's or his authorized representative's consent for any treatment before it begins. If the individual is a minor in the legal custody of a natural or adoptive parent, the provider shall obtain this consent from at least one parent. The consent of a parent is not needed if a court has ordered or consented to treatment or services pursuant to § 16.1-241 C or D, 16.1-275, or 54.1-2969 A 1 or B of the Code of Virginia, or a local department of social services with custody of the minor has provided consent. Reasonable efforts must be made, however, to notify the parent or legal custodian promptly following the treatment or services. Additionally, a competent minor may independently consent to treatment for sexually transmitted or contagious diseases, family planning or pregnancy, or outpatient services or treatment for mental illness, emotional disturbance, or substance use disorders pursuant to § 54.1-2969 E of the Code of Virginia.

    5. Providers may initiate, administer, or undertake a proposed treatment without the consent of the individual or the individual's authorized representative in an emergency. All emergency treatment or services and the facts and circumstances justifying the emergency shall be documented in the individual's services record within 24 hours of the treatment or services.

    a. Providers shall immediately notify the authorized representative of the provision of treatment without consent during an emergency.

    b. Providers shall continue emergency treatment without consent beyond 24 hours only following a review of the individual's condition and if a new order is issued by a professional who is authorized by law and the provider to order treatment.

    c. Providers shall notify the human rights advocate if emergency treatment without consent continues beyond 24 hours.

    d. Providers shall develop and integrate treatment strategies into the ISP to address and prevent future emergencies to the extent possible following provision of emergency treatment without consent.

    6. Providers shall obtain and document in the individual's services record the consent of the individual or his authorized representative to continue any treatment initiated in an emergency that lasts longer than 24 hours after the emergency began.

    7. Providers may provide treatment in accordance with a court order or in accordance with other provisions of law that authorize such treatment or services including § 54.1-2970 of the Code of Virginia and the Health Care Decisions Act (§ 54.1-2981 et seq. of the Code of Virginia). The provisions of these regulations are not intended to be exclusive of other provisions of law but are cumulative 54.1-2970 of the Code of Virginia).

    8. Providers shall respond to an individual's request for discharge set forth in statute and shall make sure that the individual is not subject to punishment, reprisal, or reduction in services because he makes a request. However, if an individual leaves a service against medical advice, any subsequent billing of the individual by his private third party payer shall not constitute punishment or reprisal on the part of the provider.

    a. Voluntary admissions.

    (1) Individuals admitted under § 37.2-805 of the Code of Virginia to state hospitals operated by the department who notify the director of their intent to leave shall be discharged when appropriate, but no later than eight hours after notification, unless another provision of law authorizes the director to retain the individual for a longer period.

    (2) Minors admitted under § 16.1-338 or 16.1-339 of the Code of Virginia shall be released to the parent's or legal guardian's custody within 48 hours of the consenting parent's or legal guardian's notification of withdrawal of consent, unless a petition for continued hospitalization pursuant to § 16.1-340 16.1-340.1 or 16.1-345 16.1-341 of the Code of Virginia is filed.

    b. Involuntary admissions.

    (1) When a minor involuntarily admitted under § 16.1-345 of the Code of Virginia no longer meets the commitment criteria, the director shall take appropriate steps to arrange the minor's discharge.

    (2) When an individual involuntarily admitted under § 37.2-817 of the Code of Virginia has been receiving services for more than 30 days and makes a written request for discharge, the director shall determine whether the individual continues to meet the criteria for involuntary admission. If the director denies the request for discharge, he shall notify the individual in writing of the reasons for denial and of the individual's right to seek relief in the courts. The request and the reasons for denial shall be included in the individual's services record. Anytime the individual meets any of the criteria for discharge set out in § 37.2-837 or 37.2-838 of the Code of Virginia, the director shall take all necessary steps to arrange the individual's discharge.

    (3) If at any time it is determined that an individual involuntarily admitted under Chapter 11 (§ 19.2-67 19.2-167 et seq.) or Chapter 11.1 (§ 19.2-182.2 et seq.) of Title 19.2 of the Code of Virginia no longer meets the criteria under which the individual was admitted and retained, the director or commissioner, as appropriate, shall seek judicial authorization to discharge or transfer the individual. Further, pursuant to § 19.2-182.6 of the Code of Virginia, the commissioner shall petition the committing court for conditional or unconditional release at any time he believes the acquittee no longer needs hospitalization.

    c. Certified admissions. If an individual certified for admission to a state training center or his authorized representative requests discharge, the director or his designee shall contact the individual's community services board to finalize and implement the discharge plan.

    12VAC35-115-80. Confidentiality.

    A. Each individual is entitled to have all identifying information that a provider maintains or knows about him remain confidential. Each individual has a right to give his authorization before the provider shares identifying information about him or his care unless another state law or regulation, or these regulations specifically require or permit the provider to disclose certain specific information.

    B. The provider's duties.

    1. Providers shall maintain the confidentiality of any information that identifies an individual. If an individual's services record pertains in whole or in part to referral, diagnosis or treatment of substance use disorders, providers shall disclose information only according to applicable federal regulations (see 42 CFR Part 2, Confidentiality of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Patient Records).

    2. Providers shall obtain and document in the individual's services record the individual's authorization or that of the authorized representative prior to disclosing any identifying information about him. The authorization must contain the following elements:

    a. The name of the organization and the name or other specific identification of the person or persons or class of persons to whom disclosure is made;

    b. A description of the nature of the information to be disclosed, the purpose of the disclosure, and an indication whether the authorization extends to the information placed in the individual's record after the authorization was given but before it expires;

    c. An indication of the effective date of the authorization and the date the authorization will expire, or the event or condition upon which it will expire; and

    d. The signature of the individual and the date. If the authorization is signed by an authorized representative, a description of the authorized representative's authority to act.

    3. Providers shall tell each individual and his authorized representative about the individual's confidentiality rights. This shall include how information can be disclosed and how others might get information about the individual without his authorization. If a disclosure is not required by law, the provider shall give strong consideration to any objections from the individual or his authorized representative in making the decision to disclose information.

    4. Providers shall prevent unauthorized disclosures of information from services records and shall maintain and disclose information in a secure manner.

    5. In the case of a minor, the authorization of the custodial parent or other person authorized to consent to the minor's treatment under § 54.1-2969 is required, except as provided below:

    a. Section 54.1-2969 E of the Code of Virginia permits a minor to authorize the disclosure of information related to medical or health services for a sexually transmitted or contagious disease, family planning or pregnancy, and outpatient care, treatment or rehabilitation for substance use disorders, mental illness, or emotional disturbance.

    b. The concurrent authorization of the minor and custodial parent is required to disclose inpatient substance abuse records.

    c. The minor and the custodial parent shall authorize the disclosure of identifying information related to the minor's inpatient psychiatric hospitalization when the minor is 14 years of age or older and has consented to the admission.

    6. When providers disclose identifying information, they shall attach a statement that informs the person receiving the information that it must not be disclosed to anyone else unless the individual authorizes the disclosure or unless state law or regulation allows or requires further disclosure without authorization.

    7. Providers may encourage individuals to name family members, friends, and others who may be told of their presence in the program and general condition or well-being. Except for information governed by 42 CFR Part 2, providers may disclose to a family member, other relative, a close personal friend, or any other person identified by the individual, information that is directly relevant to that persons involvement with the individual's care or payment for his health care, if (i) the provider obtains the individual's agreement, (ii) the provider provides the individual with the opportunity to object to the disclosure, and (iii) the individual does not object or the provider reasonably infers for the circumstances, based or the exercise of professional judgment, that the individual does not object to the disclosure. If the opportunity to agree or object cannot be provided because of the individual's incapacity or an emergency circumstance, the provider may, in the exercise of professional judgment, determine whether the disclosure is in the best interest of the individual and, if so, disclose only the information that is directly relevant to the person's involvement with the individual's health care.

    8. Providers may disclose the following identifying information without authorization or violation of the individual's confidentiality, but only under the conditions specified in the following subdivisions of this subsection. Providers should always consult 42 CFR Part 2, Confidentiality of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Patient Records, if applicable, because these federal regulations may prohibit some of the disclosures addressed in this section.

    a. Emergencies: Providers may disclose information in an emergency to any person who needs that particular information for the purpose of preventing injury to or death of an individual or other person. The provider shall not disclose any information that is not needed for this specific purpose.

    b. Providers or health plans: Providers may permit any full-time or part-time employee, consultant, agent, or contractor of the provider to use identifying information or disclose to another provider, a health plan, the department, or a CSB, information required to give services to the individual or to get payment for the services.

    c. Court proceedings: If the individual or someone acting for him introduces any aspect of his mental condition or services as an issue before a court, administrative agency, or medical malpractice review panel, the provider may disclose any information relevant to that issue. The provider may also disclose any records if they are properly subpoenaed, if a court orders them to be produced, or if involuntary admission or certification for admission is being proposed.

    d. Legal counsel: Providers may disclose information to their own legal counsel or to anyone working on behalf of their legal counsel in providing representation to the provider. Providers of state-operated services may disclose information to the Office of the Attorney General or to anyone appointed by or working on behalf of that office in providing representation to the Commonwealth of Virginia.

    e. Human rights committees: Providers may disclose to the LHRC and the SHRC any information necessary for the conduct of their responsibilities under these regulations.

    f. Others authorized or required by the commissioner, CSB, or private program director: Providers may disclose information to other persons if authorized or required for the following activities:

    (1) Licensing, human rights, or certification or accreditation reviews;

    (2) Hearings, reviews, appeals, or investigations under these regulations;

    (3) Evaluation of provider performance and individual outcomes (see §§ 37.2-508 and 37.2-608 of the Code of Virginia);

    (4) Statistical reporting;

    (5) Preauthorization, utilization reviews, financial and related administrative services reviews, and audits; or

    (6) Similar oversight and review activities.

    g. Preadmission screening, services, and discharge planning: Providers may disclose to the department, the CSB, or to other providers information necessary to screen individuals for admission or to prepare and carry out a comprehensive individualized services or discharge plan (see § 37.2-505 of the Code of Virginia).

    h. Protection and advocacy agency: Providers may disclose information to the protection and advocacy agency in accordance with that agency's legal authority under federal and state law.

    i. Historical research: Providers may disclose information to persons engaging in bona fide historical research if all of the following conditions are met:

    (1) The request for historical research shall include, at a minimum, a summary of the scope and purpose of the research, a description of the product to result from the research and its expected date of completion, a rationale explaining the need to access otherwise private information, and the specific identification of the type and location of the records sought.

    (2) The commissioner, CSB executive director, or private program director has authorized the research;

    (3) The individual or individuals who are the subject of the disclosure are deceased;

    (4) There are no known living persons permitted by law to authorize the disclosure; and

    (5) The disclosure would in no way reveal the identity of any person who is not the subject of the historical research.

    j. Protection of public safety: If an individual receiving services makes a specific threat to cause serious bodily injury or death to an identified or readily identifiable person and the provider reasonably believes that the individual has the intent and the ability to carry out the threat immediately or imminently, the provider may disclose those facts necessary to alleviate the potential threat.

    k. Inspector General: Providers may disclose to the Office of the State Inspector General 2.2-308 of the Code of Virginia) any individual services records and other information relevant to the provider's delivery of services.

    l. Virginia Patient Level Data System: Providers may disclose financial and services information to Virginia Health Information as required by law (see Chapter 7.2 (§ 32.1-276.2 et seq.) of Title 32.1 of the Code of Virginia).

    m. Psychotherapy notes: Providers shall obtain an individual's authorization for any disclosure of psychotherapy notes, except when disclosure is made:

    (1) For the provider's own training programs in which students, trainees, or practitioners in mental health are being taught under supervision to practice or improve their skills in group, joint, family or individual counseling;

    (2) To defend the provider or its employees or staff against any accusation or wrongful conduct;

    (3) In discharge of the provider's duty, in accordance with § 54.1-2400.1 B of the Code of Virginia, to take precautions to protect third parties from violent behavior or other serious harm;

    (4) As required in the course of an investigation, audit, review, or proceeding regarding a provider's conduct by a duly authorized law enforcement, licensure, accreditation, or professional review entity; or

    (5) When otherwise required by law.

    n. A law-enforcement official:

    (1) Pursuant to a search warrant or grand jury subpoena;

    (2) In response to their request, for the purpose of identifying or locating a suspect, fugitive, an individual required to register pursuant to § 9.1-901 of the Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry Act, material witness, or missing person, provided that only the following information is disclosed:

    (a) Name and address of the individual;

    (b) Date and place of birth of the individual;

    (c) Social Security security number of the individual;

    (d) Blood type of the individual;

    (e) Date and time of treatment received by the individual;

    (f) Date and time of death of the individual;

    (g) Description of distinguishing physical characteristics of the individual; and

    (h) Type of injury sustained by the individual.

    (3) Regarding the death of an individual for the purpose of alerting law enforcement of the death if the health care entity has a suspicion that such death may have resulted from criminal conduct; or

    (4) If the health care entity believes in good faith that the information disclosed constitutes evidence of a crime that occurred on its premises.

    o. Other statutes or regulations: Providers may disclose information to the extent required or permitted by any other state or law or regulation. See also § 32.1-127.1:03 of the Code of Virginia for a list of circumstances in which records may be disclosed without authorization.

    9. Upon request, the provider shall tell the individual or his authorized representative the sources of information contained in his services records and provide a written listing of disclosures of information made without authorization, except for disclosures:

    a. To employees of the department, CSB, the provider, or other providers;

    b. To carry out treatment, payment, or health care operations;

    c. That are incidental or unintentional disclosures that occur as a by-product of engaging in health care communications and practices that are already permitted or required;

    d. To an individual or his authorized representative;

    e. Pursuant to an authorization;

    f. For national security or intelligence purposes;

    g. To correctional institutions or law-enforcement officials; or

    h. That were made more that than six years prior to the request.

    10. The provider shall include the following information in the listing of disclosures of information provided to the individual or his authorized representative under subdivision 9 of this subsection:

    a. The name of the person or organization that received the information and the address if known;

    b. A brief description of the information disclosed; and

    c. A brief statement of the purpose of the disclosure or, in lieu of such a statement, a copy of the written request for disclosure.

    11. If the provider makes multiple disclosures of information to the same person or entity for a single purpose, the provider shall include the following:

    a. The information required in subdivision 10 of this subsection for the first disclosure made during the requested period;

    b. The frequency, periodicity, or number of disclosures made during the period for which the individual is requesting information; and

    c. The date of the last disclosure during the time period.

    12. If the provider makes a disclosure to a social service or protective services agency about an individual who the provider reasonably believes to be a victim of abuse or neglect, the provider is not required to inform the individual or his authorized representative of the disclosure if:

    a. The provider, in the exercise of professional judgment, believes that informing the individual would place the individual at risk of serious harm; or

    b. The provider would be informing the authorized representative, and the provider reasonably believes that the authorized representative is responsible for the abuse or neglect, and that informing such person would not be in the best interests of the individual.

    12VAC35-115-110. Use of seclusion, restraint, and time out.

    A. Each individual is entitled to be completely free from any unnecessary use of seclusion, restraint, or time out.

    B. The voluntary use of mechanical supports to achieve proper body position, balance, or alignment so as to allow greater freedom of movement or to improve normal body functioning in a way that would not be possible without the use of such a mechanical support, and the voluntary use of protective equipment are not considered restraints.

    C. The provider's duties.

    1. Providers shall meet with the individual or his authorized representative upon admission to the service to discuss and document in the individual's services record, his preferred interventions in the event his behaviors or symptoms become a danger to himself or others and under what circumstances, if any, the intervention may include seclusion, restraint, or time out.

    2. Providers shall document in the individual's services record all known contraindications to the use of seclusion, time out, or any form of physical or mechanical restraint, including medical contraindications and a history of trauma and shall flag the record to alert and communicate this information to staff.

    3. Only residential facilities for children that are licensed under the Regulations for Providers of Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Substance Abuse Residential Services for Children (12VAC35-45) Children's Residential Facilities (12VAC35-46) and inpatient hospitals may use seclusion and only in an emergency.

    4. Providers shall not use seclusion, restraint, or time out as a punishment or reprisal or for the convenience of staff.

    5. Providers shall not use seclusion or restraint solely because criminal charges are pending against the individual.

    6. Providers shall not use seclusion or restraint for any behavioral, medical, or protective purpose unless other less restrictive techniques have been considered and documentation is placed in the individual's services plan that these less restrictive techniques did not or would not succeed in reducing or eliminating behaviors that are self-injurious or dangerous to other people or that no less restrictive measure was possible in the event of a sudden emergency.

    7. Providers that use seclusion, restraint, or time out shall develop written policies and procedures that comply with applicable federal and state laws and regulations, accreditation, and certification standards, third party payer requirements, and sound therapeutic practice. These policies and procedures shall include at least the following requirements:

    a. Individuals shall be given the opportunity for motion and exercise, to eat at normal meal times and take fluids, to use the restroom, and to bathe as needed.

    b. Trained, qualified staff shall monitor the individual's medical and mental condition continuously while the restriction is being used.

    c. Each use of seclusion, restraint, or time out shall end immediately when criteria for removal are met.

    d. Incidents of seclusion and restraint, including the rationale for and the type and duration of the restraint, are reported to the department as provided in 12VAC35-115-230 C.

    8. Providers shall submit all proposed seclusion, restraint, and time out policies and procedures to the LHRC for review and comment before implementing them, when proposing changes, or upon request of the human rights advocate, the LHRC, or the SHRC.

    9. Providers shall comply with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations, certification and accreditation standards, and third party requirements as they relate to seclusion and restraint.

    a. Whenever an inconsistency exists between these regulations and federal laws or regulations, accreditation or certification standards, or the requirements of third party payers, the provider shall comply with the higher standard.

    b. Providers shall notify the department whenever a regulatory, accreditation, or certification agency or third party payer identifies problems in the provider's compliance with any applicable seclusion and restraint standard.

    10. Providers shall ensure that only staff who have been trained in the proper and safe use of seclusion, restraint, and time out techniques may initiate, monitor, and discontinue their use.

    11. Providers shall ensure that a qualified professional who is involved in providing services to the individual reviews every use of physical restraint as soon as possible after it is carried out and document the results of his review in the individual's services record.

    12. Providers shall ensure that review and approval by a qualified professional for the use or continuation of restraint for medical or protective purposes is documented in the individual's services record. Documentation includes:

    a. Justification for any restraint;

    b. Time-limited approval for the use or continuation of restraint; and

    c. Any physical or psychological conditions that would place the individual at greater risk during restraint.

    13. Providers may use seclusion or mechanical restraint for behavioral purposes in an emergency only if a qualified professional involved in providing services to the individual has, within one hour of the initiation of the procedure:

    a. Conducted a face-to-face assessment of the individual placed in seclusion or mechanical restraint and documented that alternatives to the proposed use of seclusion or mechanical restraint have not been successful in changing the behavior or were not attempted, taking into account the individual's medical and mental condition, behavior, preferences, nursing and medication needs, and ability to function independently;

    b. Determined that the proposed seclusion or mechanical restraint is necessary to protect the individual or others from harm, injury, or death;

    c. Documented in the individual's services record the specific reason for the seclusion or mechanical restraint;

    d. Documented in the individual's services record the behavioral criteria that the individual must meet for release from seclusion or mechanical restraint; and

    e. Explained to the individual, in a way that he can understand, the reason for using mechanical restraint or seclusion, the criteria for its removal, and the individual's right to a fair review of whether the mechanical restraint or seclusion was permissible.

    14. Providers shall limit each approval for restraint for behavioral purposes or seclusion to four hours for individuals age 18 and older, two hours for children and adolescents ages 9 nine through 17, and one hour for children under age nine.

    15. Providers shall not issue standing orders for the use of seclusion or restraint for behavioral purposes.

    16. Providers shall ensure that no individual is in time out for more than 30 minutes per episode.

    17. Providers shall monitor the use of restraint for behavioral purposes or seclusion through continuous face-to-face observation, rather than by an electronic surveillance device.

    18. Providers may use restraint or time out in a behavioral treatment plan to address behaviors that present an immediate danger to the individual or others, but only after a qualified professional has conducted a detailed and systematic assessment of the behavior and the situations in which the behavior occurs.

    a. Providers shall develop any behavioral treatment plan involving the use of restraint or time out for behavioral purposes according to its policies and procedures, which ensure that:

    (1) Behavioral treatment plans are initiated, developed, carried out, and monitored by professionals who are qualified by expertise, training, education, or credentials to do so.

    (2) Behavioral treatment plans include nonrestrictive procedures and environmental modifications that address the targeted behavior.

    (3) Behavioral treatment plans are submitted to and approved by an independent review committee comprised of professionals with training and experience in applied behavior analysis who have assessed the technical adequacy of the plan and data collection procedures.

    b. Providers shall document in the individual's services record that the lack of success, or probable success, of less restrictive procedures attempted and the risks associated with not treating the behavior are greater than any risks associated with the use of restraint.

    c. Prior to the implementation of any behavioral treatment plan involving the use of restraint or time out, the provider shall obtain approval of the LHRC. If the LHRC finds that the plan violates or has the potential to violate the rights of the individual, the LHRC shall notify and make recommendations to the director.

    d. Behavioral treatment plans involving the use of restraint or time out shall be reviewed quarterly by the independent review committee and by the LHRC to determine if the use of restraint has resulted in improvements in functioning of the individual.

    19. Providers may not use seclusion in a behavioral treatment plan.

    12VAC35-115-146. Authorized representatives.

    A. When it is determined in accordance with 12VAC35-115-145 that an individual lacks the capacity to consent or authorize the disclosure of information, the provider shall recognize and obtain consent or authorization for those decisions for which the individual lacks capacity from the following if available:

    1. An attorney-in-fact who is currently empowered to consent or authorize the disclosure under the terms of a durable power of attorney;

    2. A health care agent appointed by the individual under an advance directive or power of attorney in accordance with the laws of Virginia; or

    3. A legal guardian of the individual, or if the individual is a minor, a parent with legal custody of the minor or other person authorized to consent to treatment pursuant to § 54.1-2969 A of the Code of Virginia.

    B. If an attorney-in-fact, health care agent or legal guardian is not available, the director shall designate a substitute decision maker as authorized representative in the following order of priority:

    1. The individual's family member. In designating a family member, the director shall honor the individual's preference unless doing so is clinically contraindicated.

    a. If the director does not appoint the family member chosen by the individual, the individual shall be told of the reasons for the decision and information about how to request LHRC review according to 12VAC35-115-200.

    b. If the individual does not have a preference or if the director does not honor the individual's preference in accordance with these regulations, the director shall select the best qualified person, if available, according to the following order of priority unless, from all information available to the director, another person in a lower priority is clearly better qualified.

    (1) A spouse;

    (2) An adult child;

    (3) A parent;

    (4) An adult brother or sister; or

    (5) Any other relative of the individual.

    2. Next friend of the individual. If no other person specified above is available and willing to serve as authorized representative, a provider may designate a next friend of the individual, after a review and finding by the LHRC that the proposed next friend has, for a period of six months within two years prior to the designation either:

    a. Shared a residence with the individual; or

    b. Had regular contact or communication with the individual and provided significant emotional, personal, financial, spiritual, psychological, or other support and assistance to the individual.

    3. In addition to the conditions set forth in subdivision 2 of this subsection, the individual must have no objection to the proposed next friend being designated as the authorized representative.

    4. The person designated as next friend also shall:

    a. Personally appear before the LHRC, unless the LHRC has waived the personal appearance; and

    b. Agree to accept these responsibilities and act in the individual's best interest and in accordance with the individual's preferences, if known.

    5. The LHRC shall have the discretion to waive a personal appearance by the proposed next friend and to allow that person to appear before it by telephone, video, or other electronic means of communication as the LHRC may deem appropriate under the circumstances. Waiving the personal appearance of the proposed next friend should be done in very limited circumstances.

    6. If, after designation of a next friend, an appropriate family member becomes available to serve as authorized representative, the director shall replace the next friend with the family member.

    C. No director, employee, or agent of a provider may serve as an authorized representative for any individual receiving services delivered by that provider unless the authorized representative is a relative or the legal guardian When a provider, or the director, an employee, or agent of the provider is also the individual's guardian, the provider shall assure that the individual's preferences are included in the services plan and that the individual can make complaints about any aspect of the services he receives.

    D. The provider shall document the recognition or designation of an authorized representative in the individual's services record, including evidence of consultation with the individual about his preference, copies of applicable legal documents such as the durable power of attorney, advance directive, or guardianship order, names and contact information for family members, and, when there is more than one potential family member available for designation as authorized representative, the rationale for the designation of the particular family member as the authorized representative.

    E. If a provider documents that the individual lacks capacity to consent and no person is available or willing to act as an authorized representative, the provider shall:

    1. Attempt to identify a suitable person who would be willing to serve as guardian and ask the court to appoint that person to provide consent or authorization; or

    2. Ask a court to authorize treatment (See § 37.2-1101 of the Code of Virginia).

    F. Court orders authorizing treatment shall not be viewed as substituting or eliminating the need for an authorized representative.

    1. Providers shall review the need for court-ordered treatment and determine the availability of and seek an authorized representative whenever the individual's condition warrants, the individual requests such a review, or at least every six months except for individuals receiving acute inpatient treatment.

    2. Providers of acute inpatient services shall review the need for court-ordered treatment and determine the availability of and seek an authorized representative whenever the individual's condition warrants or at least at every treatment team meeting. All such reviews shall be documented in the individual's services record and communicated to the individual.

    3. When the provider recognizes or designates an authorized representative, the provider shall notify the court that its order is no longer needed and shall immediately suspend its use of the court order.

    G. Conditions for removal of an authorized representative. Whenever an individual has regained capacity to consent as indicated by a capacity evaluation or clinical determination, the director shall immediately remove any authorized representative designated pursuant to subdivision B 1 or 2 of this section, notify the individual and the authorized representative, and ensure that the services record reflects that the individual is capable of making his own decisions. Whenever an individual with an authorized representative who is his legal guardian has regained his capacity to give informed consent, the director may use the applicable statutory provisions to remove the authorized representative. (See § 37.2-1012 64.2-2012 of the Code of Virginia.) If powers of attorney and health care agents' powers do not cease of their own accord when a clinician has determined that the individual is no longer incapacitated, the director shall seek the consent of the individual and remove the person as authorized representative.

    1. The director shall remove the authorized representative designated pursuant to subdivision B 1 or 2 of this section if the authorized representative becomes unavailable, unwilling, or unqualified to serve. The individual or the advocate may request the LHRC to review the director's decision to remove an authorized representative under the procedures set out at 12VAC35-115-180, and the LHRC may reinstate the authorized representative if it determines that the director's action was unjustified.

    2. Prior to any removal under this authority, the director shall notify the individual of the decision to remove the authorized representative, of his right to request that the LHRC review the decision, and of the reasons for the removal decision. This information shall be placed in the individual's services record. If the individual requests, the director shall provide him with a written statement of the facts and circumstances upon which the director relied in deciding to remove the authorized representative.

    The LHRC may recommend the removal of a next friend pursuant to 12VAC35-115-200 when the next friend is not acting in accordance with the individual's best interest.

    3. The director may otherwise seek to replace an authorized representative recognized pursuant to this section who is an attorney-in-fact currently authorized to consent under the terms of a durable power of attorney, a health care agent appointed by an individual under an advance directive, a legal guardian of the individual, or, if the individual is a minor, a parent with legal custody of the individual, only by a court order under applicable statutory authority.

    12VAC35-115-210. State Human Rights Committee appeals procedures.

    A. Any party may appeal to the SHRC if he is not satisfied with any of the following:

    1. An LHRC's final findings of fact and recommendations following a hearing;

    2. A director's final action plan following an LHRC hearing;

    3. An LHRC's final decision regarding the capacity of an individual to consent to treatment, services, or research or authorize disclosure of information; or

    4. An LHRC's final decision concerning whether consent or authorization is needed for the director to take a certain action.

    The steps for filing an appeal are provided in subsections B through I of this section.

    B. Step 1: Appeals shall be filed in writing with the SHRC by a party within 10 working days of receipt of the final action.

    1. The appeal shall explain the reasons the final action is not satisfactory.

    2. The human rights advocate or any other person may help in filing the appeal. If the individual chooses a person other than the human rights advocate to help him, he and his chosen representative may request the human rights advocate's help in filing the appeal.

    3. The party appealing must give a copy of the appeal to the other party, the human rights advocate, and the LHRC.

    4. If the director is the party appealing, he shall first request and get written permission to appeal from the commissioner or governing body of the provider, as appropriate. If the director does not get this written permission and note the appeal within 10 working days, his right to appeal is waived.

    C. Step 2: If the director is appealing, the individual may file a written statement with the SHRC within five working days after receiving a copy of the appeal. If the individual is appealing, the director shall file a written statement with the SHRC within five working days after receiving a copy of the appeal.

    D. Step 3: Within five working days of noting or being notified of an appeal, the director shall forward a complete record of the LHRC hearing to the SHRC. The record shall include, at a minimum:

    1. The original petition or information filed with the LHRC and any statement filed by the director in response;

    2. Parts of the individual's services record that the LHRC considered and any other parts of the services record submitted to, but not considered by the LHRC that either party considers relevant;

    3. All written documents and materials presented to and considered by the LHRC, including any independent evaluations conducted;

    4. A tape or transcript of the LHRC proceedings, if available;

    5. The LHRC's findings of fact and recommendations;

    6. The director's action plan, if any; and

    7. Any written objections to the action plan or its implementation.

    E. Step 4: The SHRC shall hear the appeal at its next scheduled meeting after the chairperson receives the appeal.

    1. The SHRC shall give the parties at least 10 working days' notice of the appeal hearing.

    2. The following rules govern appeal hearings:

    a. The SHRC shall not hear any new evidence.

    b. The SHRC is bound by the LHRC's findings of fact subject to subdivision 3 of this subsection.

    c. The SHRC shall limit its review to whether the facts, as found by the LHRC, establish a violation of these regulations and a determination of whether the LHRC's recommendations or the action plan adequately address the alleged violation.

    d. All parties and their representatives shall have the opportunity to appear before the SHRC to present their positions and answer questions the SHRC may have.

    e. The SHRC shall notify the inspector general Office of the State Inspector General (§ 2.2-308 of the Code of Virginia) of the appeal.

    3. If the SHRC decides that the LHRC's findings of fact are clearly wrong or that the hearing procedures employed by the LHRC were inadequate, the SHRC may:

    a. Send the case back to the LHRC for another hearing to be completed within a time period specified by the SHRC; or

    b. Conduct its own fact-finding hearing. If the SHRC chooses to conduct its own fact-finding hearing, it may appoint a subcommittee of at least three of its members as fact finders. The fact-finding hearing shall be conducted within 30 working days of the SHRC's initial hearing.

    In either case, the parties shall have 15 working days' notice of the date of the hearing and the opportunity to be heard and to present witnesses and other evidence.

    F. Step 5: Within 20 working days after the SHRC appeal hearing, the SHRC shall submit a report, its findings of fact, if applicable, and recommendations to the commissioner and to the provider's governing body, with copies to the parties, the LHRC, and the human rights advocate.

    G. Step 6: Within 10 working days after receiving the SHRC's report, in the case of appeals involving a state facility, the commissioner shall submit an outline of actions to be taken in response to the SHRC's recommendations. In the case of appeals involving CSBs and private providers, the commissioner and the provider's governing body shall each outline in writing the action or actions they will take in response to the recommendations of the SHRC. They shall also explain any reasons for not carrying out any of the recommended actions. Copies of their responses shall be forwarded to the SHRC, the LHRC, the director, the human rights advocate, and the individual.

    H. Step 7: If the SHRC objects in writing to the commissioner's or governing body's proposed actions, or both, their actions shall be postponed. The commissioner or governing body, or both, shall meet with the SHRC at its next regularly scheduled meeting to attempt to arrange a mutually agreeable resolution.

    I. Step 8: In the case of services provided directly by the department, the commissioner's action plan shall be final and binding on all parties. However, when the SHRC believes the commissioner's action plan is incompatible with the purpose of these regulations, it shall notify the board, the protection and advocacy agency, and the inspector general Office of the State Inspector General (§ 2.2-308 of the Code of Virginia).

    In the case of services delivered by all other providers, the action plan of the provider's governing body shall be reviewed by the commissioner. If the commissioner determines that the provider has failed to develop and carry out an acceptable action plan, the commissioner shall notify the protection and advocacy agency and shall inform the SHRC of the sanctions the department will impose against the provider.

    J. Step 9: Upon completion of the process outlined in subsections B through I of this section, the SHRC shall notify the parties and the human rights advocate of the final outcome of the complaint.

    Part VI

    12VAC35-115-220. Variances.

    A. Variances to these regulations shall be requested and approved only when the provider has tried to implement the relevant requirement without a variance and can provide objective, documented information that continued operation without a variance is not feasible or will prevent the delivery of effective and appropriate services and supports to individuals.

    B. Only directors may apply for variances, and they must first be approved by the provider, the governing body of the provider, or the commissioner, as appropriate, before consideration by an LHRC or the SHRC.

    C. Upon receiving approval from the governing body or commissioner, and after notifying the human rights advocate and other interested persons, the director shall file a formal application for variance with the LHRC. This application shall reference the specific part of these regulations to which a variance is needed, the proposed wording of the substitute rule or procedure, and the justification for a variance. The application shall also describe time limits and other conditions for duration and the circumstances that will end the applicability of the variance.

    1. When the LHRC receives the application, it shall invite, and provide ample time to receive, oral or written statements about the application from the human rights advocate, individuals affected by the variance, and other interested persons.

    2. The LHRC shall review the application and prepare a written report of facts, which shall include its recommendation for approval, disapproval, or modification. The LHRC shall send its report, recommendations, and a copy of the original application to the State Human Rights Director, the SHRC, and the director making application for the variance.

    D. When the SHRC receives the application and the LHRC's report, the SHRC shall do the following:

    1. Invite oral or written statements about the application from the applicant director, LHRC, advocate, and other interested persons by publishing the request for variance in the next issue of the Virginia Register of Regulations;

    2. Notify the inspector general Office of the State Inspector General (§ 2.2-308 of the Code of Virginia) of the request for variance; and

    3. After considering all available information, prepare a written decision deferring, disapproving, modifying, or approving the application. All variances shall be approved for a specific time period and must be reviewed at least annually.

    a. A copy of this decision including conditions, time frames, circumstances for removal, and the reasons for the decision shall be given to the applicant director, the commissioner or governing body, the state human rights director, the human rights advocate, any person commenting on the request at any stage, and the LHRC.

    b. The decision and reasons shall also be published in the next issue of the Virginia Register of Regulations.

    E. Directors shall implement any approved variance in strict compliance with the written application as amended, modified, or approved by the SHRC.

    F. Providers shall develop policies and procedures for monitoring the implementation of any approved variances. These policies and procedures shall specify that at no time can a variance approved for one individual be extended to general applicability. These policies and procedures shall assure the ongoing collection of any data relevant to the variance and the presentation of any later report concerning the variance as requested by the commissioner, the state human rights director, the human rights advocate, the LHRC or the SHRC.

    G. The decision of the SHRC granting or denying a variance shall be final.

    H. Following the granting of a variance, the provider shall notify all individuals affected by the variance about the details of the variance.

    I. If an individual is in immediate danger due to a provider's implementation of these regulations, the provider may request a temporary variance pending approval pursuant to the process described in this section. Such a request shall be submitted in writing to the commissioner, chairperson of the SHRC, and state human rights director. The commissioner, chairperson of the SHRC, and state human rights director shall issue a decision within 48 hours of the receipt of such a request.

    Part VII
    Reporting Requirements

    12VAC35-115-230. Provider requirements for reporting to the department.

    A. Providers shall collect, maintain and report the following information concerning abuse, neglect, and exploitation:

    1. The director of a facility operated by the department shall report allegations of abuse and neglect in accordance with all applicable operating instructions issued by the commissioner or his designee.

    2. The director of a service licensed or funded by the department shall report each allegation of abuse or neglect to the assigned human rights advocate within 24 hours from the receipt of the allegation (see 12VAC35-115-50).

    3. The investigating authority shall provide a written report of the results of the investigation of abuse or neglect to the director and human rights advocate within 10 working days from the date the investigation began unless an exemption has been granted by the department (see 12VAC35-115-50). This report shall include:

    a. Whether abuse, neglect, or exploitation occurred;

    b. The type of abuse; and

    c. Whether the act resulted in physical or psychological injury.

    B. Providers shall collect, maintain, and report the following information concerning deaths and serious injuries:

    1. The director of a facility operated by the department shall report to the department deaths and serious injuries in accordance with all applicable operating instructions issued by the commissioner or his designee.

    2. The director of a service licensed or funded by the department shall report deaths and serious injuries in writing to the department within 24 hours of discovery and by telephone to the authorized representative within 24 hours.

    3. All reports of death and serious injuries shall include:

    a. Date and place of the death or serious injury;

    b. Nature of the injuries and treatment required; and

    c. Circumstances of the death or serious injury.

    C. Providers shall collect, maintain and report the following information concerning seclusion and restraint:

    1. The director of a facility operated by the department shall report each instance of seclusion or restraint or both in accordance with all applicable operating instructions issued by the commissioner or his designee.

    2. The director of a service licensed or funded by the department shall submit an annual report of each instance of seclusion or restraint or both by the 15th of January each year, or more frequently if requested by the department.

    3. Each instance of seclusion or restraint or both shall be compiled on a monthly basis and the report shall include:

    a. Type(s) to include:

    (1) Physical restraint (manual hold);

    (2) Mechanical restraint;

    (3) Pharmacological restraint; and

    (4) Seclusion.

    b. Rationale for the use of seclusion or restraint to include:

    (1) Behavioral purpose;

    (2) Medical purpose; or

    (3) Protective purpose.

    c. Duration of the seclusion or restraint, as follows:

    (1) The duration of seclusion and restraint used for behavioral purposes is defined as the actual time the individual is in seclusion or restraint from the time of initiation of seclusion or restraint until the individual is released.

    (2) The duration of restraint for medical and protective purposes is defined as the length of the episode as indicated in the order.

    4. Any instance of seclusion or restraint that does not comply with these regulations or approved variances, or that results in injury to an individual, shall be reported to the authorized representative, as applicable, and the assigned human rights advocate within 24 hours.

    D. The director shall provide to the human rights advocate and the LHRC information on the type, resolution level, and findings of each complaint of a human rights violation and implementation of variances in accordance with the LHRC meeting schedule or as requested by the advocate.

    E. Reports required under this section shall be submitted to the department on forms or in an automated format or both developed by the department.

    F. The department shall compile all data reported under this section and make this data available to the public and the inspector general Office of the State Inspector General (§ 2.2-308 of the Code of Virginia) upon request.

    1. The department shall provide the compiled data in writing or by electronic means.

    2. The department shall remove all provider-identifying information and all information that could be used to identify a person as an individual receiving services.

    G. In the reporting, compiling and releasing of information and statistical data provided under this section, the department and all providers shall take all measures necessary to ensure that any information identifying individuals is not released to the public, including encryption of data transferred by electronic means.

    H. Nothing in this section is to be construed as requiring the reporting of proceedings, minutes, records, or reports of any committee or nonprofit entity providing a centralized credentialing service, which are identified as privileged pursuant to § 8.01-581.17 of the Code of Virginia.

    I. Providers shall report to the Department of Health Professions, Enforcement Division, violations of these regulations that constitute reportable conditions under §§ 54.1-2400.4, 54.1-2400.6, and 54.1-2909, and 54.1-2900.6 of the Code of Virginia.

    VA.R. Doc. No. R15-4098; Filed August 18, 2014, 11:16 a.m.