2VAC5-200 Rules and Regulations Pertaining to the Disposal of Entire Flocks of Dead Poultry  

    Vol. 26 Iss. 2 - September 28, 2009

    Chapter 200
    Final Regulation

    Title of Regulation: 2VAC5-200. Rules and Regulations Pertaining to the Disposal of Entire Flocks of Dead Poultry (amending 2VAC5-200-10, 2VAC5-200-20, 2VAC5-200-30, 2VAC5-200-50, 2VAC5-200-60).

    Statutory Authority: § 3.2-6029 of the Code of Virginia.

    Effective Date: October 29, 2009.

    Agency Contact: Richard D. Saunders, Deputy Director, Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, P. O. Box 1163, Richmond, VA 23218, telephone (804) 692-0601, FAX (804) 371-2380, TTY (800) 828-1120, or email doug.saunders@vdacs.virginia.gov.


    The regulation amends the acceptable methods of carcass disposal to permit composting or other methods approved by the State Veterinarian; adds language on provisions governing composting; and amends the requirement to file disposal plans. The substantive changes proposed by this action include adding "composting" as a method of disposing of poultry destroyed to prevent the spread of an infectious or contagious disease; amending the definitions of "incinerator" and "landfill" to mirror definitions in the Code of Virginia; removing the definition of "infectious and contagious disease"; amending the definition of "person" to remove the terminology "for profit" (as well as removing this terminology from other locations within the regulation) to reflect that the regulation applies not only to for-profit operations, but also to those that are not-for-profit.

    Summary of Public Comments and Agency's Response: A summary of comments made by the public and the agency's response may be obtained from the promulgating agency or viewed at the office of the Registrar of Regulations.

    2VAC5-200-10. Definitions.

    The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, shall have the following meaning, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

    "Composting" means the natural [ treatment ] process in which beneficial microbes reduce dead poultry into a biologically safe byproduct.

    "Dead poultry" means poultry, exclusive of those intentionally slaughtered for food, which that die or are destroyed as a result of a contagious and infectious disease upon any premises in the state through natural contagion on any premises in this state and poultry destroyed as the result of a natural or manmade disaster.

    "Department" means the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.

    "Disposal" means the complete to put dead poultry into a landfill or disposal pit; the [ treatment and ] complete destruction of dead poultry in an incinerator or their proper disposition in a disposal pit, in a landfill, or [ treatment ] by rendering or composting; or the management of dead poultry by other methods approved by the State Veterinarian [ and in accordance with other state laws and regulations ].

    "Disposal pit" means an opening dug in the ground that [ is permitted in accordance with and ] meets the Initial Site Screening Criteria for Burial of Dead Poultry, the terms of which are hereby incorporated by reference and criteria as specified in VR 672-20-10 9VAC20-80 [ , ] of the Virginia [ Department of ] Waste Management [ Environmental Quality Waste Management Board ], Solid Waste Management Regulations.

    "Entire flock" means all of the poultry within one group of poultry that has been designated as a flock for a period of at least 21 days.

    "Flock" means all of the poultry on one premises, except that, at the discretion of the department State Veterinarian, any group of poultry which is segregated from other poultry and has been so segregated for a period of at least 21 days may be considered as a separate flock.

    "Incinerator" means a firebox constructed of masonry or metal in which dead poultry is burned by the use of fuel device designed for treatment of waste by combustion.

    "Infectious and contagious disease" means avian influenza and exotic newcastle disease.

    "Landfill" means an engineered land burial facility for the disposal of solid waste which is so located, designed, constructed, and operated to contain and isolate the solid waste so that it does not pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health or the environment area permitted by the Department of Environmental Quality allowing the disposal of dead poultry.

    "Off-farm disposal site" means any site for the disposal of dead poultry other than the farm on which the dead poultry died.

    "Person" means any person, firm, partnership, corporation, or institution which engages in the raising or keeping of poultry for profit in this state.

    "Poultry" means all chickens, ducks, turkeys or other domestic fowls being raised or kept on any premises in the state for profit.

    "Premises" means the entire tract of land, including but not limited to the buildings thereon, owned, leased or used by any person for the raising or keeping of poultry for profit.

    "Raising or keeping of poultry for profit" means the raising or keeping of 500 or more poultry at one time for the purpose of sale of such poultry or the eggs produced therefrom.

    "Rendering" means treating dead poultry according to the process described in 9 CFR § 381.95(a) 82.1.

    2VAC5-200-20. Applicability.

    This chapter shall govern the disposal of dead birds poultry by persons who raise or keep poultry for profit or who have entered into a contract for the raising or keeping of poultry for profit, but only when the entire flock is to be depopulated or when the entire flock dies. In all other instances § 3.1-742.1 et seq. involving for profit operations, Article 2 (§ 3.2-6024 et seq.) of Chapter 60 of Title 3.2 of the Code of Virginia, Disposal of Dead Poultry, shall govern.

    2VAC5-200-30. Disposal pits, incinerators, landfilling landfills, or rendering, or composting required of persons raising or keeping poultry for profit.

    A. It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the raising or keeping of poultry for profit on any premises within the Commonwealth of Virginia, or to enter into a contract involving the raising or keeping of poultry for profit with any other person, unless the premises upon which such poultry is to be raised or kept is provided with or unless the person maintaining the premises whereon the poultry is raised or kept has access to:

    1. A disposal pit;

    2. An incinerator;

    3. A renderer through a bona fide contract for rendering;

    4. A landfill, through a bona fide contract for the disposal of dead poultry therein.

    5. Composting either on site, in the poultry house, or at another site approved by the State Veterinarian; or

    6. Any other method approved by the State Veterinarian.

    B. Provisions governing disposal pits. [ Disposal pits shall be sited and permitted as landfills in accordance with the requirements of 9VAC20-80, Solid Waste Management Regulations, of the Virginia Waste Management Board. ]

    [ 1. If possible, an area away from public view should be selected.

    2. No person engaged in the raising or keeping of poultry for profit and no person who has entered into a contract involving the raising or keeping of poultry for profit with any other person shall construct or use any pit for the disposal of poultry unless it conforms to the definition of a disposal pit contained in this chapter.

    3. Any person engaged in the raising or keeping of poultry for profit and any person who has entered into a contract involving the raising or keeping of poultry for profit with any other person shall, before using a disposal pit, obtain approval for its use as required by state law. ]

    C. Provisions governing incinerators.

    1. If possible, an area away from public view should be selected.

    2. No person engaged in the raising or keeping of poultry for profit and no person who has entered into a contract involving the raising or keeping of poultry for profit with any other person shall construct or use an incinerator for the disposal of dead poultry unless it is constructed of masonry or metal and has the capability to burn within a time frame approved by the State Veterinarian all poultry raised or kept on the premises at any time.

    3. Any person engaged in the raising or keeping of poultry for profit and any person who has entered into a contract involving the raising or keeping of poultry for profit with any other person shall, before using an incinerator on his premises to dispose of birds, obtain approval for its use as required by state law [ and regulation ].

    D. Provisions governing bona fide rendering contract. No person engaged in the raising or keeping of poultry for profit and no person who has entered into a contract involving the raising or keeping of poultry for profit with any other person shall dispose of dead poultry through rendering unless he owns a [ rending rendering ] facility, or unless he has entered into a bona fide contract for the rendering of such dead poultry, which contract shall be part of the plan for disposal of dead poultry specified by 2VAC5-200-50 [ of this chapter ].

    E. Provisions governing bona fide contract with a landfill. No person engaged in the raising or keeping of poultry for profit and no person who has entered into a contract involving the raising or keeping of poultry for profit with any other person shall dispose of dead poultry in a landfill unless he owns a landfill, or unless he has entered into a bona fide contract for such disposal of dead poultry in a landfill, which contract shall be part of the plan for the disposal of dead poultry specified by 2VAC5-200-50 [ of this chapter ].

    F. Provisions governing composting.

    1. If possible, an area from public view should be selected.

    2. No person engaged in the raising or keeping of poultry and no person who has entered into a contract involving the raising or keeping of poultry with any other person shall construct or use any facility for the composting of dead poultry unless it conforms to best management practices or acceptable composting guidance as approved by the State Veterinarian.

    3. Any person engaged in the raising or keeping of poultry and any person who has entered into a contract involving the raising or keeping of poultry with any other person shall, before composting, obtain approval for composting as required by state law [ and regulation ].

    2VAC5-200-50. Plans for disposal of dead poultry.

    A. No person shall engage in the raising or keeping of poultry for profit and no person shall enter into a contract involving the raising or keeping of poultry for profit with any other person unless he files with the State Veterinarian a plan, has in his possession a dead poultry disposal plan embracing [ , ] at a minimum [ , ] provisions consistent with the requirements of this chapter for the disposal of an entire flock of dead poultry. The plan shall be made available upon request of the State Veterinarian or his representative.

    B. No person may implement the plan or any amendment to it until it is approved by the State Veterinarian. No person who owns a flock of less than 500 poultry shall be required to have a plan for the disposal of dead poultry. In the event a flock of less than 500 poultry needs to be depopulated or dies, the State Veterinarian, in consultation with the owner, will determine a method of disposal that complies with disease prevention protocol [ and , ] is environmentally sound [ , and is consistent with state law and regulation ].

    C. Nothing in this section shall prohibit a person from filing developing a plan on behalf of its contract growers.

    2VAC5-200-60. Transportation of dead poultry; sanitation.

    A. No person may transport any dead poultry from any premises to an off-farm disposal site without the prior approval, granted by permit on a case-by-case basis, by the State Veterinarian or his representative.

    B. No person may transport dead poultry from a farm premises to any off-farm disposal site except in leak-proof containers or leak-proof trucks transporting vehicles.

    C. No person may transport dead poultry from a farm premises to any off-farm disposal site unless the dead poultry is enclosed in the transporting vehicle so that feathers and other debris will not be released into the environment.

    D. No person may transport dead poultry from a farm premises to an off-farm disposal site unless:

    1. The containers are disinfected prior to loading on the truck transporting vehicle and the exterior of the loaded truck transporting vehicle [ is ] disinfected prior to leaving the farm; and

    2. The entire truck transporting vehicle is cleaned and disinfected after unloading at the off-farm disposal site and prior to leaving the off-farm disposal site.

    FORMS (2VAC5-200) (Repealed.)

    Initial Premises Survey For Burial of Poultry, Form VDACS-03110.

    Approval of Dead Poultry Disposal Plan, Form VDACS-03111, eff. 2/93.

    VA.R. Doc. No. R08-916; Filed September 8, 2009, 2:36 p.m.