Vol. 31 Iss. 26 - August 24, 2015TITLE 4. CONSERVATION AND NATURAL RESOURCESBOARD OF GAME AND INLAND FISHERIESChapter 260Withdrawal of Proposed RegulationWithdrawal of Proposed Regulation
Title of Regulation: 4VAC15-260. Game: Waterfowl and Waterfowl Blinds (amending 4VAC15-260-10).
Statutory Authority: § 29.1-501 of the Code of Virginia.
The Board of Game and Inland Fisheries has WITHDRAWN the proposed amendments to 4VAC15-260-10, published in 31:20 VA.R. 1648-1649 June 1, 2015. The proposed amendments require stationary waterfowl blinds located in the public waters to be marked with reflective material. On June 2, 2015, the board considered this proposal for adoption as a final amendment and did not adopt it.
Agency Contact: Phil Smith, Regulatory Coordinator, Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, 7870 Villa Park Drive, Suite 400, Henrico, VA 23228, telephone (804) 367-8341, or email phil.smith@dgif.virginia.gov.
VA.R. Doc. No. R15-4405; Filed July 30, 2015, 7:26 a.m.