4VAC15-340 Fish: Seines and Nets  

    Vol. 29 Iss. 25 - August 12, 2013

    Chapter 340
    Final Regulation

    Title of Regulation: 4VAC15-340. Fish: Seines and Nets (adding 4VAC15-340-70, 4VAC15-340-80).

    Statutory Authority: §§ 29.1-103, 29.1-501, and 29.1-502 of the Code of Virginia.

    Effective Date: August 15, 2013.

    Agency Contact: Phil Smith, Regulatory Coordinator, Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, 4010 West Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23230, telephone (804) 367-8341 or email phil.smith@dgif.virginia.gov.


    The amendments allow the licensing of eel pots for the taking of American eels for personal use or commercial purposes in Back Bay and its natural tributaries and in the North Landing River and its tributaries.

    4VAC15-340-70. Eel pots for taking American eels for personal use.

    A. The director may issue, deny, modify, suspend, or revoke annual eel pot permits for American eels designated for personal use. Such permits shall authorize the taking of American eels for personal use only (not for sale) with eel pots from waters designated in this section. Such permits shall be valid so long as the harvest of eels in the Commonwealth is not prohibited by other state or federal law or regulation.

    B. It shall be unlawful for a permit holder to possess elvers.

    C. It shall be unlawful for permit holders fishing eel pots to take any species other than American eels.

    D. It shall be unlawful to place, set, or fish any eel pot that has a mesh less than 1/2-inch by 1/2-inch and does not contain at least one unrestricted 4-inch by 4-inch escape panel of 1/2-inch by 1-inch mesh. Buoys of all pots set must be marked by permanent means with the permit holder's name, address, and phone number.

    E. American eels may be taken with eel pots in Back Bay and its natural tributaries (not including Lake Tecumseh and Red Wing Lake) and North Landing River and its natural tributaries from the North Carolina line to the Great Bridge locks.

    F. It shall be unlawful for any permit holder to possess more than 50 eels daily. When fishing from a boat or vessel where the entire catch is held in a common hold or container, the daily possession limit shall be for the boat or vessel and shall be equal to the number of permit holders on board multiplied by 50. The captain or operator of the boat or vessel shall be responsible for any boat or vessel possession limit. Any eel taken after the daily possession limit has been reached shall be returned to the water immediately. Possession of any quantity of eels that exceeds the daily possession limit described in this subsection shall be presumed to be for commercial purposes.

    G. For the purposes of this section, the term "elver" shall mean any American eel of less than six inches in total length.

    4VAC15-340-80. Eel pots for taking American eels for sale.

    A. The director may issue, deny, modify, suspend, or revoke annual eel pot permits designated for the sale of American eels. Such permits shall authorize the taking of American eels for sale, as specified, with eel pots from waters designated in this section. Such permits shall be valid so long as the harvest of American eels in the Commonwealth is not prohibited by other state or federal law or regulation. To be eligible, applicants must document harvest of at least one pound of American eels from Back Bay or North Landing River or their tributaries via reports submitted through the Virginia Marine Resources Commission Mandatory Harvest Reporting Program during the period January 1, 2007, to December 31, 2012, both dates inclusive. Applicants must document the reported harvest occurred while the applicant held a valid commercial fish pot or eel pot license issued by the Virginia Marine Resources Commission.

    B. It shall be unlawful for permit holders to possess elvers.

    C. It shall be unlawful for permit holders fishing eel pots to take any species other than American eels.

    D. It shall be unlawful to place, set, or fish any eel pot that has a mesh less than 1/2-inch by 1/2-inch and does not contain at least one unrestricted 4-inch by 4-inch escape panel consisting of 1/2-inch by 1-inch mesh.

    E. The permit holder's last name and Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries American eel pot number must be permanently attached to buoys of all eel pots set. The maximum number of pots authorized per permit holder under this permit shall be 300.

    F. American eels may be taken with eel pots in Back Bay and its natural tributaries (not including Lake Tecumseh and Red Wing Lake) and in North Landing River and its natural tributaries from the North Carolina line to the Great Bridge locks.

    G. It shall be unlawful for any person to ship or otherwise transport any package, box, or other receptacle containing fish taken under an eel pot permit unless the same bears the permit holder's name and address.

    H. Failure to comply with the daily harvest and sales reporting requirements as detailed in conditions of the permit shall be unlawful and may result in immediate permit revocation. It shall be the permit holder's responsibility to report "No Activity" when no activity occurs during a monthly reporting period.

    I. For the purposes of this section, the term "elver" shall mean any American eel of less than six inches in total length.

    VA.R. Doc. No. R13-3728; Filed July 24, 2013, 2:42 a.m.

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