Guidance DocumentsVol. 31 Iss. 25 - August 10, 2015
Copies of the following guidance documents may be viewed during regular work days from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. in the office of the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, 7870 Villa Park Drive, Suite 400, Henrico, VA 23228, or on the department's website at Copies of most documents listed below may be obtained at no charge, and copies of larger documents may be obtained at cost as provided for under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act. Requests for copies, and questions regarding interpretation or implementation of these documents, may be directed to the attention of the agency Policy Analyst and Regulatory Coordinator at the above address, telephone (804) 367-1000. Some of the documents are available at the links provided.
Guidance Documents:
Administrative - Lifetime Hunting and Fishing Licenses
Applications for Lifetime Hunting and Fishing Licenses,, §§ 28.2-302.10:1 and 29.1-302.1
Application for Virginia Resident Disabled Veteran's Lifetime State License to Hunt and Freshwater Fish in Inland Waters and Virginia Resident Disabled Veteran's Lifetime State License to Trap,, §§ 29.1-302 and 29.1-309.1
Application for Resident Disabled Special Lifetime Hunting, Trapping, Freshwater, Saltwater Fishing License,, §§ 28.2-302.10, 29.1-302.1, 29.1-302.2, and 29.1-309.1
Physician's Affidavit for a Disabled Lifetime License, May 2015, §§ 29.1-302.1 and 29.1-302.2
Application for Replacement of Resident Disabled Lifetime License or Resident Disabled Saltwater Lifetime License,, § 29.1-334
Game and Wildlife
Hunting and Trapping in Virginia, 2014-2015 Regulations, June 2014, §§ 29.1-103, 29.1-501 and 29.1-502
2014-2015 Virginia Migratory Waterfowl Seasons and Bag Limits, August 2014, § 29.1-103
2014-2015 Doves, Woodcock, Snipe, Rails, Falconry, September Canada Goose and September Teal (Virginia migratory game bird seasons and bag limits), July 2014, § 29.1-103
Wildlife Information Publication No. 07-1, Virginia Deer Management Plan 2006-2015,, June 2007, § 29.1-103
Virginia 2012-2021 Black Bear Management Plan,, §§ 29.1-103, 29.1-109, and 29.1-501
Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP) Rules for Participants,, § 29.1-103
DMAP Application,, § 29.1-103
DMAP Biologist Contact Information,, § 29.1-103
Wildlife Damage Control Assistance Program (DCAP) Rules, § 29.1-103
A Guide to Virginia's Wildlife Management Areas, revised July 1996, available online only,, § 29.1-103
Rules for Wildlife Management Areas,, § 29.1-103
Freshwater Fishing in Virginia - January 1 - December 31, 2015, §§ 29.1-103, 29.1-501 and 29.1-502
Fish Division Procedure and Criteria for Issuing Fish Stocking Authorizations and the Virginia Fish Stocking Authorization Application,, § 29.1-103
Fish Division Delayed Harvest Trout Waters Management Guidelines, May 27, 1998, § 29.1-103
Striped Bass Fishing Tournament Application and Permit,, §§ 29.1-501 and 29.1-502
Threatened and Endangered Species, Wildlife Diversity, and Environmental Review
Board Policy "Conservation of Endangered and Threatened Species," March 21, 2006, §§ 29.1-103, 29.1-563 through 29.1-568 and 29.1-570
Special Legal Status Faunal Species in Virginia,, §§ 29.1-563 through 29.1-568 and § 29.1-570
List of Native and Naturalized Fauna in Virginia,, § 29.1-100
Bald Eagle Protection Guidelines for Virginia,, updated May 15, 2000, §§ 29.1-563 through 29.1-568 and § 29.1-570
Plan to Provide Safe Harbor Assurances to Landowners in Virginia Who Voluntarily Agree to Enhance Habitat for the Endangered Red-Cockaded Woodpecker, April 2000, §§ 29.1-563 through 29.1-568 and § 29.1-570
Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Safe Harbor Evaluation Form for Virginia Landowners, April 2000, §§ 29.1-563 through 29.1-568 and § 29.1-570
Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Safe Harbor Cooperative Agreement for Landowners Near the Nature Conservancy's Piney Grove Preserve in Sussex County, Virginia, October 2000, §§ 29.1-563 through 29.1-568 and § 29.1-570
Appalachian Water Shrew Recovery Plan, approved March 2, 1994, §§ 29.1-563 through 29.1-568 and § 29.1-570
Canebrake Rattlesnake Recovery Plan, approved February 1, 1991, §§ 29.1-563 through 29.1-568 and § 29.1-570
Eastern Big-Eared Bat Recovery Plan, approved July 16, 1990, §§ 29.1-563 through 29.1-568 and § 29.1-570
Wilson's Plover Recovery Plan, approved May 28, 1991, §§ 29.1-563 through 29.1-568 and § 29.1-570
Standard Environmental Review Procedures, November 20, 1992, § 29.1-103
Permitting for Threatened and Endangered Species, and Scientific and Wildlife Salvage Collection,
Threatened/Endangered Species Permit Special Conditions, January 2003, §§ 29.1-412, 29.1-417, and 29.1-568
Scientific Collection or Salvage Permit Application and Permit Information, §§ 29.1-412, 29.1-417, 29.1-418
Scientific Collection Permit Special Conditions, January 2003, §§ 29.1-412, 29.1-417, 29.1-418
Wildlife Salvage Permit Special Conditions, January 2003, §§ 29.1-412, 29.1-417, 29.1-418
Supplemental Amendment Form for Scientific Collection or Salvage Permit, March 24, 1992, §§ 29.1-412, 29.1-417, 29.1-418
Scientific Collection, Salvage, and T&E Annual Permit Report,, §§ 29.1-412, 29.1-417, 29.1-418
Permitting - Generally
Animal Population Control Permit for Furbearing Animals, Application and Permit Information, September 1, 2007, § 29.1-501
Commercial Nuisance Animal Permit Application to Capture, Transport, and Release or Euthanize Wildlife, and Permit Conditions, revised September 11, 2008, §§ 29.1-103 and 29.1-501
Permit Application to Collect Snapping Turtles, Crayfish, and Hellgrammites for Sale, and Permit Conditions, revised September 22, 2008, § 29.1-412
Dog Field Trial Permit Application and Conditions, revised February 1, 2006, §§ 29.1-417 and 29.1-422
Permit Application to Exhibit Wild Animals in Virginia, and Permit Conditions, revised September 11, 2008, §§ 29.1-412 and 29.1-417
Import and Possess Certain Non-Native (Exotic) Wildlife in Virginia Permit Application and Permit Conditions, revised April 11, 2008, §§ 29.1-412, 29.1-417 and 29.1-542
Exotic Species - Import Certain Non-Native Wildlife (Tilapia, Clawed Frog) Permit Application and Permit Information, revised January 10, 2008, § 29.1-542
Exotic Species - Permit to Import Certified Triploid Grass Carp for Aquatic Vegetation Control in Private Ponds Application and Permit Information, revised May 1, 2008, § 29.1-542
Falconry Permit Application, revised May 11, 2005, §§ 29.1-412 and 29.1-419
Falconry Regulations, Facilities and Equipment Examination Guidance Document, March 1, 2003, §§ 29.1-412 and 29.1-419
Permit Application to Operate a Foxhound Training Preserve and Annual Reporting Form, revised June 17, 2008, §§ 29.1-103, 29.1-412 and 29.1-417
Permit Conditions for the Operation of Foxhound Training Preserves in Virginia, revised June 17, 2008, §§ 29.1-103, 29.1-412 and 29.1-417
Permit to Deal in Furs Application and Permit Conditions, revised May 1, 2008, §§ 29.1-400 through 29.1-407
Gill Net Permit Application and Permit Conditions, revised April 9, 2008, §§ 29.1-412 and 29.1-416
Haul Seine Permit to Catch Minnows and Chubs for Sale Application and Permit Conditions, revised August 20, 2008, §§ 29.1-412 and 29.1-416
Haul Seine Permit to Take Nongame Fish for Sale Application and Permit Conditions, revised August 20, 2008, §§ 29.1-412 and 29.1-416
Haul Seine Permit to Take Fish for Personal Use Application and Permit Conditions, revised August 20, 2008, §§ 29.1-412 and 29.1-416
Permit to Hold and Sell Certain Fish, Snakes, Snapping Turtles, Crayfish, and Hellgrammites for Sale Application and Permit Conditions, revised August 18, 2008, §§ 29.1-412 and 29.1-471
Nonresident Harvester's Permit Application to Take or Catch Fish in Back Bay and its Tributaries, revised August 1, 2005, §§ 29.1-412 and 29.1-416
Permit to Possess, Propagate, Buy, and Sell Certain Wildlife in Virginia (Fisheries, Wildlife) Application and Permit Conditions, revised November 14, 2008, §§ 29.1-103, 29.1-412 and 29.1-417
Permit to Possess, Propagate, Buy, and Sell Certain Wildlife in Virginia (Raptors) Application and Permit Conditions, revised, December 9, 2008, §§ 29.1-103, 29.1-412 and 29.1-417
Raccoon Hound Field Trial Permit Application and Permit Conditions, July 1, 2003, §§ 29.1-417 and 29.1-422
Wildlife Rehabilitator Permit Application, revised December 1, 2004, §§ 29.1-412 and 29.1-417
Wildlife Rehabilitator Permit Conditions, revised October 1, 2005, §§ 29.1-412 and 29.1-417
Licensed Shooting Preserve Permit Application and Permit Conditions, revised May 1, 2008, §§ 29.1-514 and 29.1-544
Permit to Stuff and Mount Birds, Animals, or Fish and Parts of Them for Sale or Compensation Application and Taxidermy Permit General Conditions, revised June 5, 2008, §§ 29.1-412 through 29.1-415
Virginia Boating Safety Education Compliance Requirement,, § 29.1-735.2
Virginia Freshwater Fishing and Watercraft Owner's Guide,, § 29.1-701
Personal Watercraft (PWC) - Safety Brochure,, revised 2005, § 29.1-701
Life Jackets, 2003, § 29.1-701
Boat Safe without Drugs or Alcohol, 2003, § 29.1-701
Reporting a Boating Accident,, § 29.1-701
Watercraft Dealer Licensing Fact Sheet, revised 2006, § 29.1-701
Law Enforcement
Law Enforcement Division Policy Number 40, Problem Wildlife Response, December 15, 2012
Law Enforcement Division Policy Number 41, Illegal Captive Wildlife, December 15, 2012
Permit for Persons Permanently Unable to Walk to Shoot from a Stationary Vehicle, revised December 2014, § 29.1-521.3
Sportsman's Pledge, Release of Landowner from Liability, and Landowner's Permission to Hunt Card,, §§ 29.1-103, 29.1-509 and 29.1-521