Vol. 30 Iss. 24 - July 28, 2014TITLE 4. CONSERVATION AND NATURAL RESOURCESMARINE RESOURCES COMMISSIONChapter 1140Final RegulationTitle of Regulation: 4VAC20-1140. Prohibition of Crab Dredging in Virginia Waters (amending 4VAC20-1140-20).
Statutory Authority: § 28.2-201 of the Code of Virginia.
Effective Date: November 1, 2014.
Agency Contact: Jane Warren, Agency Regulatory Coordinator, Marine Resources Commission, 2600 Washington Avenue, 3rd Floor, Newport News, VA 23607, telephone (757) 247-2248, FAX (757) 247-2002, or email betty.warren@mrc.virginia.gov.
The amendment closes the crab dredging season from December 1, 2014, through March 31, 2015.
4VAC20-1140-20. Crab dredging prohibited.
In accordance with the provisions of § 28.2-707 of the Code of Virginia, the crab dredging season of December 1,
20122014, through March 31,20132015, is closed, and it shall be unlawful to use a dredge for catching crabs from the waters of the Commonwealth during that season.VA.R. Doc. No. R14-4091; Filed June 30, 2014, 8:33 a.m.