Vol. 28 Iss. 23 - July 16, 2012TITLE 9. ENVIRONMENTVIRGINIA WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARDChapter 90Final RegulationREGISTRAR'S NOTICE: The Virginia Waste Management Board is claiming an exclusion from the Administrative Process Act in accordance with § 2.2-4006 A 4 a of the Code of Virginia, which excludes regulations that are necessary to conform to changes in Virginia statutory law where no agency discretion is involved. The Virginia Waste Management Board will receive, consider, and respond to petitions by any interested person at any time with respect to reconsideration or revision.
Title of Regulation: 9VAC20-90. Solid Waste Management Permit Action Fees and Annual Fees (amending 9VAC20-90-113, 9VAC20-90-114, 9VAC20-90-115).
Statutory Authority: § 10.1-1402 of the Code of Virginia.
Effective Date: August 15, 2012.
Agency Contact: Debra Miller, Department of Environmental Quality, 629 East Main Street, P.O. Box 1105, Richmond, VA 23218, telephone (804) 698-4206, FAX (804) 698-4346, or email debra.miller@deq.virginia.gov.
This action removes the cap on total fees collected from certain solid waste facilities in conformance with the Department of Environmental Quality's appropriations under the 2012 Appropriation Act.
9VAC20-90-113. Annual fee calculation for incinerators and energy recovery facilities.
A. General. All persons operating an incinerator or energy recovery facility that is permitted under the regulations outlined in 9VAC20-90-50 shall submit annual fees according to the procedures provided in 9VAC20-90-65. Annual fees shall be calculated using the procedures provided in subsection B of this section. Fees shall be rounded to the nearest dollar. The 2010 base fee rate is $0.055 per ton.
B. Fee calculation. Annual tonnage will be determined from the total amount of waste reported as having been incinerated on Form DEQ 50-25 for the preceding year pursuant to the Waste Information Assessment Program (9VAC20-81-80). Annual fees shall be calculated by multiplying the number of tons of waste incinerated by the fee rate set forth in subsection A of this section adjusted annually by the change in the Consumer Price Index. The Consumer Price Index is the Consumer Price Index for all-urban consumers for the 12-month period ending on April 30 of the calendar year preceding the year the annual fee is due. The Consumer Price Index for all-urban consumers is published by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. All items, CUUR0000SA0.
C. Weight/volume conversions. For facilities required to pay annual fees based on the tonnage of the waste incinerated, the annual fee shall be based on the accurate weight of waste. If scales are unavailable, the volume of the waste incinerated by the facility must be multiplied by 0.50 tons per cubic yard to determine the weight of the waste incinerated. If the volume of waste is used to determine the tonnage of waste incinerated, accurate and complete records of the waste received and managed must be maintained in addition to the calculated weight records described in this part. These records must be maintained onsite throughout the life of the facility and made available to the department upon request.
D. Emergency. The director may waive or reduce annual fees assessed during a state of emergency or for waste resulting from an emergency response action. A facility operator may request a determination if a given volume of waste incinerated in a given calendar year qualifies for a waived or reduced fee by submitting documentation of the emergency to the regional office where the facility is located. The request will provide the name and permit number of the facility, a facility contact, the nature of the emergency or response action, a description of the waste, and an accurate accounting of the type and tonnage of waste managed as a result of the emergency. Requests for a determination by the director must be submitted by March 31 of the year following the emergency coincident with the solid waste information assessment report. A separate request shall be provided for each year if the emergency lasts for multiple years.
E. Annual fee discounts for environmental excellence program participants are set out in 9VAC20-90-117.
F. The operator of a facility owned by a private entity and subject to any fee imposed pursuant to this section shall collect such fee as a surcharge on any fee schedule established pursuant to law, ordinance, resolution, or contract for solid waste processing or disposal operations at the facility.
G. Closure. Facilities that remove all waste materials at the time of closure and are subject only to closure requirements are subject to payment of the annual fee if they were operating at any time during the calendar year.
H. The total annual sum of annual fees and permit application fees collected by the board from sanitary landfills and other nonhazardous solid waste facilities shall not exceed 60% of the direct costs of (i) processing an application to issue, reissue, amend, or modify permits; and (ii) performing inspections and enforcement actions necessary to assure compliance with permits issued for any sanitary landfill and other facility for the disposal, treatment, or storage of nonhazardous solid waste. The director shall take whatever action is necessary to ensure that this limit is not exceeded.9VAC20-90-114. Annual fee calculation for sanitary landfills, noncaptive industrial landfills, and construction and demolition debris landfills.
A. General. All persons operating a sanitary landfill, noncaptive industrial landfill, or a construction and demolition debris landfill permitted under the regulations outlined in 9VAC20-90-50 shall submit annual fees according to the procedures provided in 9VAC20-90-65. Annual fees shall be calculated using the procedures provided in subsection B of this section. Fees shall be rounded to the nearest dollar. The 2010 base fee rate is $0.115 per ton.
B. Fee calculation. Annual tonnage will be determined from the total amount of waste reported as having been landfilled on Form DEQ 50-25 for the preceding year pursuant to the Waste Information Assessment Program (9VAC20-81-80). Annual fees shall be calculated by multiplying the tons of waste landfilled (excluding any ash landfilled that was generated by incinerators and energy recovery facilities located in Virginia previously assessed a fee under 9VAC20-90-113) by the fee rate set forth in subsection A of this section adjusted annually by the change in the Consumer Price Index. The Consumer Price Index is the Consumer Price Index values for all-urban consumers for the 12-month period ending on April 30 of the calendar year preceding the year the annual fee is due. The Consumer Price Index for all-urban consumers is published by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. All items, CUUR0000SA0. Landfills receiving ash generated by incinerators and energy recovery facilities located in Virginia previously assessed a fee under 9VAC20-90-113 shall report to the board the amount of ash received from individual facilities on the Solid Waste Information Reporting Table, Form DEQ 50-25. The tonnage of ash identified as being generated by incinerators and energy recovery facilities previously assessed a fee under 9VAC20-90-113 shall be exempted from the annual fee assessed for sanitary landfills, construction and demolition debris landfills, and noncaptive industrial landfills.
C. Weight/volume conversions. For facilities required to pay annual fees based on the tonnage of the waste landfilled, the annual fee shall be based on the accurate weight of waste. If scales are unavailable, the volume of the waste landfilled by the facility must be multiplied by 0.50 tons per cubic yard to determine the weight of the waste landfilled. If the volume of waste is used to determine the tonnage of waste landfilled, accurate and complete records of the waste received and managed must be maintained in addition to the calculated weight records described in this part. These records must be maintained onsite throughout the life of the facility and made available to the department upon request.
D. Emergency. The director may waive or reduce annual fees assessed during a state of emergency or for waste resulting from an emergency response action. A facility operator may request a determination if a given volume of waste landfilled in a given calendar year qualifies for a waived or reduced fee by submitting documentation of the emergency to the regional office where the facility is located. The request will provide the name and permit number of the facility, a facility contact, the nature of the emergency or response action, a description of the waste, and an accurate accounting of the type and tonnage of waste managed as a result of the emergency. Requests for a determination by the director must be submitted by March 31 of the year following the emergency coincident with the solid waste information assessment report. A separate request shall be provided for each year if the emergency lasts for multiple years.
E. Annual fee discounts for environmental excellence program participants are set out in 9VAC20-90-117.
F. The operator of a facility owned by a private entity and subject to any fee imposed pursuant to this section shall collect such fee as a surcharge on any fee schedule established pursuant to law, ordinance, resolution, or contract for solid waste processing or disposal operations at the facility.
G. Closure. Facilities that remove all waste materials at the time of closure and are subject only to closure requirements are subject to payment of the annual fee if they were operating at any time during the calendar year.
H. Transition to post-closure care. Landfills entering post-closure care will pay an annual fee as follows:
1. If the landfill received waste during the previous calendar year, the annual fee will be based on the amount of waste landfilled for the preceding year pursuant to the Waste Information Assessment Program (9VAC20-81-80); or
2. If the landfill did not receive waste during the previous calendar year and began post-closure care during the previous calendar year as provided in 9VAC20-81-170, the landfill shall be subject to the post-closure care annual fee.
I. The total annual sum of annual fees and permit application fees collected by the board from sanitary landfills and other nonhazardous solid waste facilities shall not exceed 60% of the direct costs of (i) processing an application to issue, reissue, amend, or modify permits; and (ii) performing inspections and enforcement actions necessary to assure compliance with permits issued for any sanitary landfill and other facility for the disposal, treatment, or storage of nonhazardous solid waste. The director shall take whatever action is necessary to ensure that this limit is not exceeded.9VAC20-90-115. Annual fee calculation for other types of facilities.
A. General. All persons operating a composting facility, regulated medical waste facility, materials recovery facility, transfer station, landfill in post-closure care, or active captive industrial landfill that is permitted under the regulations outlined in 9VAC20-90-50 shall submit annual fees according to the procedures provided in 9VAC20-90-65. Annual fees shall be calculated using the procedures provided in subsection B of this section. Fees shall be rounded to the nearest dollar. The 2010 base fee rates are provided in Table 4.1 of 9VAC20-90-130. Active captive industrial landfills shall submit Form DEQ 50-25 to the department to indicate if the landfill is a small landfill or large landfill based on the total amount of waste landfilled during the preceding calendar year.
B. Fee calculation. Annual fees shall be the fee rate set forth in subsection A of this section adjusted annually by the change in the Consumer Price Index. The Consumer Price Index is the Consumer Price Index for all-urban consumers for the 12-month period ending on April 30 of the calendar year preceding the year the annual fee is due. The Consumer Price Index for all-urban consumers is published by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. All items, CUUR0000SA0.
C. Weight/volume conversions. For facilities required to pay annual fees based on the tonnage of the waste landfilled, the annual fee shall be based on the accurate weight of waste. If scales are unavailable, the volume of the waste landfilled by the facility must be multiplied by 0.50 tons per cubic yard to determine the weight of the waste landfilled. If the volume of waste is used to determine the tonnage of waste landfilled, accurate and complete records of the waste received and managed must be maintained in addition to the calculated weight records described in this part. These records must be maintained onsite throughout the life of the facility and made available to the department upon request.
D. Emergency. The director may waive or reduce annual fees assessed during a state of emergency or for waste resulting from an emergency response action. A facility operator may request a determination if a given volume of waste landfilled in a given calendar year qualifies for a waived or reduced fee by submitting documentation of the emergency to the regional office where the facility is located. The request will provide the name and permit number of the facility, a facility contact, the nature of the emergency or response action, a description of the waste, and an accurate accounting of the type and tonnage of waste managed as a result of the emergency. Requests for a determination by the director must be submitted by March 31 of the year following the emergency coincident with the solid waste information assessment report. A separate request shall be provided for each year if the emergency lasts for multiple years.
E. Annual fee discounts for environmental excellence program participants are set out in 9VAC20-90-117.
F. The operator of a facility owned by a private entity and subject to any fee imposed pursuant to this section shall collect such fee as a surcharge on any fee schedule established pursuant to law, ordinance, resolution or contract for solid waste processing or disposal operations at the facility.
G. Closure. Facilities that remove all waste materials at the time of closure and are subject only to closure requirements are subject to payment of the annual fee if they were operating at any time during the calendar year.
H. Transition to post-closure care. Landfills entering post-closure care will pay an annual fee as follows:
1. If the landfill received waste during the previous calendar year, the annual fee will be based on the amount of waste landfilled for the preceding year pursuant to the Waste Information Assessment Program (9VAC20-81-80); or
2. If the landfill did not receive waste during the previous calendar year and began post-closure care during the previous calendar year as provided in 9VAC20-81-170, the landfill shall be subject to the post-closure care annual fee.
I. The total annual sum of annual fees and permit application fees collected by the board from sanitary landfills and other nonhazardous solid waste facilities shall not exceed 60% of the direct costs of (i) processing an application to issue, reissue, amend, or modify permits; and (ii) performing inspections and enforcement actions necessary to assure compliance with permits issued for any sanitary landfill and other facility for the disposal, treatment, or storage of nonhazardous solid waste. The director shall take whatever action is necessary to ensure that this limit is not exceeded.VA.R. Doc. No. R12-3190; Filed June 19, 2012, 9:40 a.m.