13VAC6-20 Manufactured Housing Licensing and Transaction Recovery Fund Regulations  

    Vol. 28 Iss. 20 - June 04, 2012

    Chapter 20
    Final Regulation

    Title of Regulation: 13VAC6-20. Manufactured Housing Licensing and Transaction Recovery Fund Regulations (amending 13VAC6-20-10, 13VAC6-20-20, 13VAC6-20-30, 13VAC6-20-50, 13VAC6-20-60, 13VAC6-20-80, 13VAC6-20-90, 13VAC6-20-100, 13VAC6-20-120, 13VAC6-20-130, 13VAC6-20-140, 13VAC6-20-170, 13VAC6-20-180, 13VAC6-20-190, 13VAC6-20-200, 13VAC6-20-350, 13VAC6-20-460; adding 13VAC6-20-201, 13VAC6-20-202, 13VAC6-20-203, 13VAC6-20-204; repealing 13VAC6-20-250).

    Statutory Authority: §§ 36-85.18 and 36-85.36 of the Code of Virginia.

    Effective Date: July 4, 2012.

    Agency Contact: Steve Calhoun, Regulatory Coordinator, Department of Housing and Community Development, 501 North Second Street, Richmond, VA 23219, telephone (804) 371-7015, FAX (804) 371-7090, or email steve.calhoun@dhcd.virginia.gov.


    The amendments (i) add several definitions to clarify regulatory text; (ii) specify that board notices and correspondence will be sent to a licensee's last known address of record; (iii) modify the time frame in which regulated entities may renew their licenses and add a reinstatement period for licensees that fail to renew in a timely manner; (iv) increase all licensure fees; (v) increase the inspection fee that is collected by the Department of Motor Vehicles from $10 to $30; and (vi) prohibit regulated entities whose licenses have been revoked, or not renewed for cause, from being licensed under a different name. The proposed amendment to the definition of manufactured home dealer was not adopted.

    Summary of Public Comments and Agency's Response: No public comments were received by the promulgating agency.

    Part I

    13VAC6-20-10. Definitions.

    The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.

    "Board" means the Virginia Manufactured Housing Board.

    "Buyer" means the person who purchases at retail from a dealer or manufacturer a manufactured home for personal use as a residence or other related use.

    "Claimant" means any person who has filed a verified claim under Chapter 4.2 (§§ 36-85.16 et seq.) of Title 36 of the Code of Virginia.

    "Code" means the appropriate standards of the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code and the Manufactured Home Safety Regulations adopted by the Board of Housing and Community Development and administered by the Department of Housing and Community Development pursuant to the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 (42 USC § 5401 et seq.) for manufactured homes.

    "Controlling financial interest" means the direct or indirect ownership or control of a firm.

    "Dealer/manufacturer sales agreement" means a written contract or agreement between a manufactured housing manufacturer and a manufactured housing dealer whereby the dealer is granted the right to engage in the business of offering, selling, and servicing new manufactured homes of a particular line or make of the stated manufacturer of such line or make. The term shall include any severable part or parts of such sales agreement which separately provides for selling or servicing different lines or makes of the manufacturer.

    "Defect" means any deficiency in or damage to materials or workmanship occurring in a manufactured home which has been reasonably maintained and cared for in normal use. The term also means any failure of any structural element, utility system or the inclusion of a component part of the manufactured home which fails to comply with the Code.

    "Department" means the Department of Housing and Community Development.

    "Director" means the Director of the Department of Housing and Community Development, or his designee.

    "Fund" or "recovery fund" means the Virginia Manufactured Housing Transaction Recovery Fund.

    "HUD" means the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.

    "Imminent safety hazard" means a hazard that presents an imminent and unreasonable risk of death or severe personal injury that may or may not be related to failure to comply with an applicable federal manufactured home construction or safety standard.

    "Licensed" means the regulant has met all applicable requirements of this chapter, paid all required fees, and been authorized by the board to manufacture or offer for sale or sell manufactured homes in accordance with this chapter.

    "Manufactured home" means a structure constructed to federal standards, transportable in one or more sections, which, in the traveling mode is eight feet or more in width and is 40 feet or more in length, or when erected on site, is 320 or more square feet, and which is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be used as a dwelling with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities, and includes the plumbing, heating, air conditioning, and electrical systems contained therein.

    "Manufactured home broker" or "broker" means any person, partnership, association or corporation, resident or nonresident, who, for compensation or valuable consideration, sells or offers for sale, buys or offers to buy, negotiates the purchase or sale or exchange, or leases or offers to lease used manufactured homes that are owned by a party other than the broker.

    "Manufactured home dealer" or "dealer" means any person engaged in the business of buying, selling or dealing in manufactured homes or offering or displaying manufactured homes for sale in Virginia. Any person who buys, sells, or deals in [ three or ] more [ than one new ] manufactured homes in any 12-month period shall be presumed to be a manufactured home dealer. The terms "selling" and "sale" include lease-purchase transactions. The term "manufactured home dealer" does not include banks and finance companies that acquire manufactured homes as an incident to their regular business.

    "Manufactured home manufacturer" or "manufacturer" means any persons, resident or nonresident, who manufacture or assemble manufactured homes for sale in Virginia.

    "Manufactured home salesperson" or "salesperson" means any person who for compensation or valuable consideration is employed either directly or indirectly by, or affiliated as an independent contractor with, a manufactured home dealer to sell or offer to sell; or to buy or offer to buy; or to negotiate the purchase, sale or exchange; or to lease or offer to lease new or used manufactured homes.

    "New manufactured home" means any manufactured home that (i) has not been previously sold except in good faith for the purpose of resale, (ii) has not been previously occupied as a place of habitation, (iii) has not been previously used for commercial purposes such as offices or storage, and (iv) has not been titled by the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles and is still in the possession of the original dealer. If the home is later sold to another dealer and then sold to a consumer within two years of the date of manufacture, the home is still considered new and must continue to meet all state warranty requirements. However, if a home is sold from the original dealer to another dealer and it is more than two years after the date of manufacture, and it is then sold to a consumer, the home must be sold as "used" for warranty purposes. Notice of the "used" status of the manufactured home and how this status affects state warranty requirements must be provided, in writing, to the consumer prior to the closing of the sale.

    "Person" means any individual, natural person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, legal representative, or other recognized legal entity.

    "Regulant" means any person, firm, corporation, association, partnership, joint venture, or any other legal entity required by Chapter 4.2 (§§ 36-85.16 et seq.) of Title 36 of the Code of Virginia to be licensed by the board.

    "Regulations" or "these regulations" means the Virginia Manufactured Housing Licensing and Transaction Recovery Fund Regulations.

    "Reinstatement" means having a license restored to effectiveness after the expiration date has passed or license has been revoked or not renewed by the board.

    "Relevant market area" means the geographical area established in the dealer/manufacturer sales agreement and agreed to by both the dealer and the manufacturer in the agreement.

    "Renewal" means continuing the effectiveness of a license for another period of time.

    "Responsible management" means the following individuals:

    1. The sole proprietor of a sole proprietorship;

    2. The partners of a general partnership;

    3. The managing partners of a limited partnership;

    4. The officers of a corporation;

    5. The managers of a limited liability company;

    6. The officers or directors of an association or both; and

    7. Individuals in other business entities recognized under the laws of the Commonwealth as having a fiduciary responsibility to the firm.

    "Responsible party" means a manufacturer, dealer, or supplier of manufactured homes.

    "Set-up" means the operations performed at the occupancy site which render a manufactured home fit for habitation. Such operations include, but are not limited to, transportation, positioning, blocking, leveling, supporting, anchoring, connecting utility systems, making minor adjustments, or assembling multiple or expandable units. Such operations do not include lawful transportation services performed by public utilities operating under certificates or permits issued by the State Corporation Commission.

    "Standards" means the Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards adopted by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

    "Statement of Compliance" means the statement found on the initial license application and on the renewal application, that the regulant licensed by the board will comply with the Manufactured Housing Licensing and Transaction Recovery Fund Law, this chapter and the orders of the board.

    "Substantial identity of interest" means (i) a controlling financial interest by the individual or corporate principals of the manufactured home broker, dealer, or manufacturer whose license has been revoked or not renewed for cause by the board or (ii) substantially identical principals or officers as the manufactured home broker, dealer, or manufacturer whose license has been revoked or not renewed for cause by the board.

    "Supplier" means the original producers of completed components, including refrigerators, stoves, water heaters, dishwashers, cabinets, air conditioners, heating units, and similar components, and materials such as floor coverings, panelling paneling, siding, trusses, and similar materials, which are furnished to a manufacturer or a dealer for installation in the manufactured home prior to sale to a buyer.

    "Used manufactured home" means any manufactured home other than a new home as defined in this section.

    "Warranty" means any written assurance of the manufacturer, dealer or supplier or any promise made by a regulant in connection with the sale of a manufactured home that becomes part of the basis of the sale. The term "warranty" pertains to the obligations of the regulant in relation to materials, workmanship, and fitness of a manufactured home for ordinary and reasonable use of the home for the term of the promise or assurance.

    Part II

    Article 1

    13VAC6-20-20. License required; annual renewal.

    A. Each manufacturer located in or outside of the Commonwealth delivering in or shipping into the Commonwealth manufactured homes for sale, shall apply to the board for a license. The license shall be displayed at the place of business in a conspicuous place accessible to the public. The license shall be issued for a term of one year from the date of issuance.

    B. Each licensed manufacturer shall apply for license renewal annually, by application and accompanied by the required fee. Applicants for license renewal shall meet all the criteria for original licensing. Upon failure to renew, the license shall automatically expire.

    C. Application for renewal of an expired license received by the board within 60 calendar days after the expiration of the license shall require payment of a $100 penalty by the applicant. Application for renewal received by the board more than 60 calendar days but less than one year from the expiration shall be reviewed by the board. The expired license may be renewed by the board under such additional conditions, warranties or agreements by the applicant as required by the board. Application for renewal more than one year after expiration of a license shall be considered as a new application for a license and shall require payment of all fees and assessments for the new license. When applying for renewal of an expired license, the applicant shall certify to the board that, during the time of license expiration, all activities of the regulant within the scope of this chapter were in compliance with the requirements of this chapter. Upon application and payment of the renewal fee and any penalty by a manufacturer, the board may renew an expired license if satisfactory evidence is presented to it that the applicant has not engaged in business as a manufacturer in Virginia after expiration of the license or agrees to the conditions imposed by the board, and is otherwise eligible for a license under this chapter. Should the department fail to receive a licensed manufacturer's renewal form and appropriate fee within 30 days of the license expiration date, the manufacturer shall be required to reinstate the license according to the terms and conditions of Article 8 (13VAC6-20-201 et seq.) of this part.

    D. For licensing purposes, a manufacturer operating more than one manufacturing facility shall have each location treated as a separate entity and shall adhere to all requirements for manufacturer licensing at each location, including posting a license at each location. Multiple production lines at one site shall be considered as a single facility for licensing purposes under the following conditions:

    1. All production lines at that site are identified by the parent company with the same name, address and plant number.

    2. All production lines at that site are under the same general and production management.

    3. All production lines at that site are identified by the same Federal Identification Number (FIN) for tax purposes.

    13VAC6-20-30. Application for licensing; renewal.

    A. Application for license or renewal shall be on forms supplied by the department and may be submitted as designated in hard copy or by electronic means. All information required on the form shall be furnished by the applicant for the board's review.

    B. Each application for original licensure shall be accompanied by the following:

    1. Deposit in the Transaction Recovery Fund required by 13VAC6-20-420 A 1.

    2. Licensing fee required by 13VAC6-20-200 A 1.

    3. Copy of the manufacturer's homeowner and installation manual or manuals.

    4. Statement of Compliance.

    5. List of salespeople licensed in Virginia with the following biographical information for each:

    Date of birth




    Eye/hair color

    C. The Department of Housing and Community Development will mail a notice of renewal to the licensee at the last known address of record. Licensees may submit renewals by mail or electronically. Failure to receive this notice shall not relieve the licensee of the obligation to renew. If the licensee does not receive the notice of renewal, a copy of the license may be substituted with the required fee. Each application for renewal shall be accompanied by the following:

    1. Licensing fee required by 13VAC6-20-200 A 2.

    2. If revised, a copy of the revised homeowner and installation manual or manuals.

    3. Statement of Compliance.

    4. Updated list of salespeople employed.

    Article 2

    13VAC6-20-50. License required; annual renewal.

    A. Any person located in or outside of the Commonwealth buying or selling or offering or displaying manufactured homes for sale in Virginia and meeting the definition of a dealer in 13VAC6-20-10 shall apply to the board for a license. The license shall be displayed in a conspicuous place accessible to the public in the office of the business location. The license shall be issued for a term of one year from the date of issuance.

    B. Each licensed dealer shall apply for license renewal annually, by application and accompanied by the required fee. Applicants for license renewal shall meet all the criteria for original licensing. Upon failure to renew, the license shall automatically expire.

    C. Application for renewal of an expired license received by the board within 60 calendar days after the expiration of the license shall require payment of a $100 penalty by the applicant. Application for renewal received by the board more than 60 calendar days but less than one year from the expiration shall be reviewed by the board. The expired license may be renewed by the board under such additional conditions, warranties or agreements by the applicant as required by the board. Application for renewal more than one year after expiration of a license shall be considered as a new application for a license and shall require payment of all fees and assessments for a new license. When applying for renewal of an expired license, the applicant shall certify to the board that, during the time of license expiration, all activities of the regulant within the scope of this chapter were in compliance with the requirements of this chapter. Upon application and payment of the renewal fee and any penalty by a dealer, the board may renew an expired license if satisfactory evidence is presented to it that the applicant has not engaged in business as a dealer in Virginia after expiration of the license or agrees to the conditions imposed by the board, and is otherwise eligible for a license under this chapter. Should the department fail to receive a licensed dealer's renewal form and appropriate fee within 30 days of the license expiration date, the dealer shall be required to reinstate the license according to the terms and conditions of Article 8 (13VAC6-20-201 et seq.) of this part.

    D. For licensing purposes, a dealer operating more than one retail location shall have each location treated as a separate entity and shall adhere to all requirements for dealer licensing including posting a license at each location.

    E. Each dealer licensed under this chapter shall also obtain a certificate of dealer registration from the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles. The certificate of registration shall be renewed annually and shall be maintained in effect with the Department of Motor Vehicles as long as the dealer is licensed under this chapter.

    13VAC6-20-60. Application for licensing; renewal.

    A. Application for license or renewal shall be on forms supplied by the department and may be submitted as designated in hard copy or by electronic means. All information required on the form shall be furnished by the applicant for the board's review.

    B. Each application for original licensure shall be accompanied by the following:

    1. Deposit in the Transaction Recovery Fund required by 13VAC6-20-420 A 2.

    2. Licensing fee required by 13VAC6-20-200 A 3.

    3. Statement of Compliance.

    4. Verification of a business office with all utilities, including a business telephone, and where the required business records are maintained.

    5. Verification of a permanent business sign, in view of public traffic, bearing the name of the firm.

    6. List of salespeople employed with the following biographical information for each:

    Date of Birth




    Eye/hair color

    7. Name of the owner, principal, manager, agent or other person designated as the holder of the dealer's license for the specific location and the names of other partners or principals in the dealership.

    Photographs of the front of the business office and required sign may be considered as verification required by this subsection.

    C. The Department of Housing and Community Development will mail a notice of renewal to the licensee at the last known address of record. Licensees may submit renewals by mail or electronically. Failure to receive this notice shall not relieve the licensee of the obligation to renew. If the licensee does not receive the notice of renewal, a copy of the license may be substituted with the required fee. Each application for renewal shall be accompanied by the following:

    1. Licensing fee required by 13VAC6-20-200 A 4.

    2. Statement of Compliance.

    3. Notification of any significant changes to the office or the business sign.

    4. Updated list of salespeople employed.

    5. Any changes of officers or directors of the company or corporation.

    6. A copy of the dealer's current certificate of registration from the Department of Motor Vehicles.

    D. Any change in the form of ownership of the dealer or any changes (deletions or additions) in the partners or principals of the dealer shall be submitted to the board with an application and fee for a new license. If the new owner or owners assume the liabilities of the previous owner or owners, then a new recovery fund assessment is not required. New recovery fund assessments shall be required when the new owner or owners do not assume the liabilities of the previous owner or owners. The board shall be notified immediately by the dealer of any change in the operating name of the dealer. The director shall endorse the change on the license without requiring an additional fee. The board shall be notified immediately by the dealer of any change in the location of the dealer. The dealer shall pay a fee of $50 for the change of location on the license, but shall not be required to pay an additional assessment to the recovery fund for the change of location only.

    13VAC6-20-80. Dealer responsibility for inspections; other items.

    A. The dealer shall inspect every new manufactured home unit upon delivery from a manufacturer. If a dealer becomes aware of a noncompliance or an imminent safety hazard, as defined in 13VAC5-95-10 of the Manufactured Home Safety Regulations, in a manufactured home, the dealer shall contact the manufacturer, provide full information concerning the problem, and request appropriate action by the manufacturer. No dealer shall sell a new manufactured home if he becomes aware that it contains a noncompliance or an imminent safety hazard.

    B. The dealer shall inspect every new manufactured home unit prior to selling to determine that all items of furniture, appliances, fixtures and devices are not damaged and are in place and operable.

    C. A dealer shall not alter or cause to be altered any manufactured home to which a HUD label has been affixed if such alteration or conversion causes the manufactured home to be in violation of the standards.

    D. If the dealer provides for the installation of any manufactured home he sells, the dealer shall be responsible for making sure the installation of the home meets the manufacturer's installation requirements and the Code.

    E. On each home sold by the dealer, the dealer shall collect the applicable title fees and title tax for the manufactured home, to include an additional $30 inspection/administrative fee, and forward such fees and taxes to the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles.

    The above fees shall be submitted to the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles within 30 days from the completion date of the sale.

    F. On each home sold by the dealer, the dealer shall provide the owner with information to file a claim supplied by the department.

    Article 3

    13VAC6-20-90. License required; annual renewal.

    A. Any person located in or outside of the Commonwealth buying or selling, negotiating the purchase or sale or exchange of, or leasing used manufactured homes and meeting the definition of broker in 13VAC6-20-10 shall apply to the board for a license. The license shall be displayed in a conspicuous place accessible to the public in the office of the business location. The license shall be issued for a term of one year from the date of issuance.

    B. Each licensed broker shall apply for license renewal annually, by application and accompanied by the required fee. Applicants for license renewal shall meet all the criteria for original licensing. Upon failure to renew, the license shall automatically expire.

    C. Application for renewal of an expired license received by the board within 60 calendar days after the expiration of the license shall require payment of a $100 penalty by the applicant. Application for renewal received by the board more than 60 calendar days but less than one year from the expiration shall be reviewed by the board. The expired license may be renewed by the board under such additional conditions, warranties or agreements by the applicant as required by the board. Application for renewal more than one year after expiration of a license shall be considered as a new application for a license and shall require payment of all fees and assessments for a new license. When applying for renewal of an expired license, the applicant shall certify to the board that, during the time of license expiration, all activities of the regulant within the scope of this chapter were in compliance with the requirements of this chapter. Upon application and payment of the renewal fee and any penalty by a broker, the board may review an expired license if satisfactory evidence is presented to it that the applicant has not engaged in business as a broker in Virginia after expiration of the license or agrees to the conditions imposed by the board, and is otherwise eligible for a license under this chapter. Should the department fail to receive a licensed broker's renewal form and appropriate fee within 30 days of the license expiration date, the broker shall be required to reinstate the license according to the terms and conditions of Article 8 (13VAC6-20-201 et seq.) of this part.

    D. For licensing purposes, a broker operating more than one business location shall have each location treated as a separate entity and shall adhere to all requirements for broker licensing, including posting a license, at each location.

    E. Each broker licensed under this chapter shall also obtain a certificate of dealer registration from the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles. The certificate of registration shall be renewed annually and shall be maintained in effect with the Department of Motor Vehicles as long as the broker is licensed under this chapter.

    13VAC6-20-100. Application for licensing; renewal.

    A. Application for license or renewal shall be on forms supplied by the department and may be submitted as designated in hard copy or by electronic means. All information required on the form shall be furnished by the applicant for the board's review.

    B. Each application for original licensure shall be accompanied by the following:

    1. Deposit in the Transaction Recovery Fund required by 13VAC6-20-420 A 3.

    2. Licensing fee required by 13VAC6-20-200 A 5.

    3. Statement of Compliance.

    4. Verification of a business office with all utilities, including a business telephone, and where the required business records are maintained.

    5. Verification of a permanent business sign, in view of public traffic, bearing the name of the firm.

    6. Name of the owner, principal, manager, agent or other person designated as the holder of the broker's license for the specific location and the names of the partners or principals in the broker's firm.

    7. List of salespeople employed with the following biographical information for each:

    Date of birth




    Eye/hair color

    Photographs of the front of the business office and required sign may be considered as verification required by this subsection.

    C. The Department of Housing and Community Development will mail a notice of renewal to the licensee at the last known address of record. Licensees may submit renewals by mail or electronically. Failure to receive this notice shall not relieve the licensee of the obligation to renew. If the licensee does not receive the notice of renewal, a copy of the license may be substituted with the required fee. Each application for renewal shall be accompanied by the following:

    1. Licensing fee required by 13VAC6-20-200 A 6.

    2. Statement of Compliance.

    3. Notification of any significant changes to the office or the business sign.

    4. Any changes of officers or directors of the company or corporation.

    5. A copy of the broker's current certificate of registration from the Department of Motor Vehicles.

    6. Updated list of salespeople employed.

    D. Any change in the form of ownership of the broker or any changes (deletions or additions) in the partners or principals of the broker shall be submitted to the board with an application and fee for a new license. If the new owner(s) assume the liabilities of the previous owner(s), then a new recovery fund assessment is not required. New recovery fund assessments shall be required when the new owner(s) do not assume the liabilities of the previous owner(s).

    The board shall be notified immediately by the broker of any change in the operating name of the broker. The director shall endorse the change on the license without requiring an additional fee. The board shall be notified immediately by the broker of any change in location of the broker. The broker shall pay a fee of $50 for the change of location on the license, but shall not be required to pay an additional assessment to the recovery fund for the change of location only.

    13VAC6-20-120. Broker responsibility for inspections; other items.

    A. The broker shall inspect every used manufactured home unit prior to completion of sale. No broker shall sell a used manufactured home, if he becomes aware that it contains an imminent safety hazard as defined in 13VAC5-95-10 of the Manufactured Home Safety Regulations.

    Exception: A broker may sell a used manufactured home in which he is aware of an imminent safety hazard if the buyer is advised of the imminent safety hazard in writing by the broker and is further advised that building permits may be required from the local building official for repair of the imminent safety hazard.

    B. A broker shall not alter or cause to be altered any manufactured home to which a HUD label has been affixed if such alteration or conversion causes the manufactured home to be in violation of the standards.

    C. If the broker provides for the installation of any manufactured home he sells, the broker shall be responsible for making sure the installation of the home meets the manufacturer's installation requirements and the Code.

    D. On each home sold by the broker, the broker shall collect the applicable title tax and title fees for the manufactured home, to include an additional $30 inspection/administrative fee, and forward such fees and taxes to the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles.

    The above fees shall be submitted to the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles within 30 days from the completion date of the sale.

    Article 4

    13VAC6-20-130. License required; annual renewal.

    A. Any person employed by a dealer, broker or manufacturer buying or selling or negotiating the purchase, sale or exchange of new or used manufactured homes and meeting the definition of a salesperson in 13VAC6-20-10 shall apply to the board for a license. The salesperson's license shall be displayed in the company's business office in a conspicuous place accessible to the public in public view. The license shall be issued for a term of one year from the date of issuance. A salesperson shall be allowed to engage in business as a licensed salesperson authorized by the board to sell manufactured homes after applying for a license, accompanied by the required fees, but prior to receiving the license back from the board, and shall not be considered to be an "unlicensed salesperson" during such time.

    B. Each licensed salesperson shall apply for license renewal annually, by application and accompanied by the required fee. Applicants for license renewal shall meet all criteria for original licensing. Upon failure to renew, the license shall automatically expire.

    C. Application for renewal of an expired license received by the board within 60 calendar days after the expiration of the license shall require payment of a $100 penalty by the applicant. Application for renewal received by the board more than 60 calendar days but less than one year from the expiration shall be reviewed by the board. The expired license may be renewed by the board under such additional conditions, warranties or agreements by the applicant as required by the board. Application for renewal more than one year after expiration of a license shall be considered as a new application for a license and shall require payment of all fees and assessments for a new license. When applying for renewal of an expired license, the applicant shall certify to the board that, during the time of license expiration, all activities of the regulant within the scope of this chapter were in compliance with the requirements of this chapter. Upon application and payment of the renewal fee and any penalty by a salesperson, the board may renew an expired license if satisfactory evidence is presented to it that the applicant has not engaged in business as a salesperson in Virginia after expiration of the license and prior to application for renewal or agrees to the conditions imposed by the board, and is otherwise eligible for a license under this chapter. Should the department fail to receive a licensed salesperson's renewal form and appropriate fee within 30 days of the license expiration date, the salesperson shall be required to reinstate the license according to the terms and conditions of Article 8 (13VAC6-20-201 et seq.) of this part.

    D. When employed by a dealer, broker or manufacturer having more than one licensed retail location or business office, a licensed salesperson may transfer or be temporarily assigned from one location to the other as long as he is working for the same company under the same ownership. Such transfer or assignment shall not require an additional license or Transaction Recovery Fund assessment. If a salesperson works for more than one company or at locations with different owners, he shall be licensed separately for each and pay a separate Transaction Recovery Fund assessment for each such license.

    13VAC6-20-140. Application for licensing; renewal.

    A. Application for license or renewal shall be on forms supplied by the department and may be submitted as designated in hard copy or by electronic means. All information required on the form shall be supplied by the applicant for the board's review.

    B. Each application for original licensure shall be accompanied by the following:

    1. Deposit in the Transaction Recovery Fund required by 13VAC6-20-420 A 4.

    2. Licensing fee required by 13VAC6-20-200 A 7.

    3. Statement of Compliance.

    C. The Department of Housing and Community Development will mail a notice of renewal to the licensee at the last known address of record. Licensees may submit renewals by mail or electronically. Failure to receive this notice shall not relieve the licensee of the obligation to renew. If the licensee does not receive the notice of renewal, a copy of the license may be substituted with the required fee. Each application for renewal shall be accompanied by the following:

    1. Licensing fee required by 13VAC6-20-200 A 8.

    2. Statement of Compliance.

    Article 6
    Violations and Hearings

    13VAC6-20-170. Prohibited conduct; grounds for denying, suspending or revoking license.

    A. The following acts by regulants are prohibited and may be considered by the board as grounds for action against the regulant:

    1. Engaging in business as a manufactured home manufacturer, dealer or broker without first obtaining a license from the board.

    2. Engaging in business as a manufactured home salesperson without first applying to the board for a license.

    3. Making a material misstatement in an application for license.

    4. Failing to pay a required assessment to the Transaction Recovery Fund.

    5. Failing to comply with the warranty service obligations and claims procedures required by this chapter.

    6. Failing to comply with the set-up and tie-down requirements of the Code.

    7. Knowingly failing or refusing to account for or pay over money or other valuables belonging to others which have come into the regulant's possession due to the sale of a manufactured home.

    8. Using unfair methods of competition or unfair or deceptive commercial acts or practices.

    9. Failing to comply with the advertising provisions in Part IV of this chapter (13VAC6-20-270 et seq.).

    10. Defrauding any buyer to the buyer's damage, and any other person in the conduct of the regulant's business.

    11. Employing an unlicensed salesperson.

    12. Knowingly offering for sale a manufactured home produced by a manufacturer which is not licensed as a manufacturer under this chapter.

    13. Knowingly selling a manufactured home to a dealer who is not licensed as a dealer under this chapter.

    14. Failing to appear before the board upon due notice.

    15. Failing to comply with orders issued by the board pursuant to this chapter.

    16. Failing to renew a license and continuing to engage in business as a manufacturer, dealer, broker or salesperson after the expiration of any license.

    17. A salesperson selling, exchanging or offering to sell or exchange a manufactured home for any dealer or broker other than the licensed dealer or broker employing the salesperson.

    18. A salesperson offering, transferring or assigning any negotiated sale or exchange of a manufactured home to another dealer, broker, manufacturer or salesperson.

    19. Failing to comply with the Statement of Compliance.

    20. Failing to notify the board of a change of location or address of the business office.

    21. Failing to comply with any provisions of this chapter.

    a. The board may revoke or deny renewal of an existing license or refuse to issue a license to any manufactured home broker, dealer, manufacturer, or salesperson who is shown to have a substantial identity of interest with a manufactured home broker, dealer, or manufacturer whose license has been revoked or not renewed by the board.

    b. Any person whose license is revoked or not renewed for cause by the board shall not be eligible for a license under any circumstances or under any name, except as provided by regulations of the board pursuant to § 36-85.18 of the Code of Virginia.

    22. Failing to comply with the regulations of state or federal agencies regarding the financing, titling, taxation or transporting of manufactured homes.

    B. The board may deny, suspend, revoke or refuse to renew or reinstate the license of a regulant because of, but not limited to, one or more of the following grounds:

    1. Having had a license previously denied, revoked or suspended under this chapter.

    2. Having a license denied, suspended or revoked by a similar licensing entity in another state.

    3. Engaging in conduct in another state which would have been a violation of this chapter if the actions were committed in Virginia.

    4. Failing to obtain a required certification of registration from the Department of Motor Vehicles, failing to renew the annual certificate of registration, or having the certificate of registration suspended or revoked by the Department of Motor Vehicles.

    5. Having been convicted or found guilty in any jurisdiction of a felony.

    13VAC6-20-180. Penalties; notice to regulant.

    A. The board shall have the power to deny, suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew or reinstate the license of a regulant found to be engaging in prohibited conduct or otherwise failing to comply with this chapter or orders of the board.

    B. The board shall have the authority to levy assessments monetary penalties in addition to or instead of denying, suspending, revoking, or refusing to renew or reinstate a regulant's license. Such assessments monetary penalties shall include the following:

    1. Transaction Recovery Fund assessments Monetary penalties of up to $2,500 for each violation by a manufacturer.

    2. Transaction Recovery Fund assessments Monetary penalties of up to $2,500 for each violation by a dealer or broker.

    3. Transaction Recovery Fund assessments Monetary penalties of up to $2,500 for each violation by a salesperson.

    C. The board shall notify the regulant, in writing, of any complaint directed against him. The notice shall include the time and place of a conference or hearing on the complaint. No penalties shall be imposed by the board until after the conference or hearing.

    13VAC6-20-190. Conference; hearing; service of notice.

    A. The board, or department acting on the board's behalf, shall send notice of the conference or hearing to the regulant at least 15 calendar days prior to the date of the conference or hearing. The notice shall be sent by certified mail to the address of the regulant, as shown on the license or other record of information in possession of the board.

    B. The conference or hearing shall be conducted by the board according to the applicable provision of the Administrative Process Act and shall be open to the public. The regulant or applicant shall have the right to be heard in person or by counsel, and to provide evidence and witnesses on his behalf.

    C. After the conference or hearing has been completed, if the board determines that the regulant or applicant has engaged in prohibited conduct, or is in violation of this chapter or orders of the board, or otherwise determines that it has grounds to impose any penalties under 13VAC6-20-180, the board shall immediately notify the regulant or applicant in writing, by certified mail, of the action imposed by the board. The department shall be responsible for carrying out the board's decision. The department shall also notify the Department of Motor Vehicles of the suspension or revocation of any dealer's or broker's license under this chapter.

    D. The decision of the board shall be final if no appeal is made. An appeal from the decision of the board may be filed with a court in accordance with the Administrative Process Act.

    Article 7
    License Fees

    13VAC6-20-200. Fee schedules.

    A. The following fees are set by the board for annual licenses and renewals issued in accordance with this chapter. Checks, money orders, credit cards and other approved electronic fee payments shall be made payable to the Treasurer of Virginia or applicable state agency. In the event that a check, money draft, credit card, or similar instrument for payment of a required fee is not honored by the bank or financial institution named, the applicant or regulant shall be required to remit fees sufficient to cover the original fee plus an additional processing charge set by the department.

    1. The manufacturer's original license fee shall be $600 $700.

    2. The manufacturer's renewal license fee shall be $500 $600.

    3. The dealer's original license fee shall be $150 to be submitted with the application for licensure plus $10 per home sold by the dealer to be submitted at the completion of the sale $200.

    4. The dealer's renewal license fee shall be $100 to be submitted with the application for renewal plus $10 per home sold by the dealer to be submitted at the completion of the sale $150.

    5. The broker's original license fee shall be $150 to be submitted with the application for licensure plus $10 per home sold by the broker to be submitted at the completion of the sale $200.

    6. The broker's renewal license fee shall be $100 to be submitted with the application for renewal plus $10 per home sold by the broker to be submitted at the completion of the sale $150.

    7. The salesperson's original license fee shall be $50 $100.

    8. The salesperson's renewal license fee shall be $50 $100.

    B. The following fees apply to special licenses issued by the board in accordance with Article 5 (13VAC6-20-160) of this part of this chapter:

    1. Manufacturer's special license fee shall be $25 $40.

    2. Dealer's special license fee shall be $25 $40.

    3. Broker's special license fee shall be $25 $40.

    4. Salesperson's special license fee shall be $10 $30.

    Article 8

    13VAC6-20-201. Reinstatement required.

    Should the board fail to receive a license holder's renewal form and appropriate fee within 30 days of the license expiration date, or if the license has been revoked or not renewed by the board the applicant shall be required to reinstate the license. Applicants for reinstatement of a manufacturer's license shall continue to meet all the qualifications for licensure set forth in Article 1 (13VAC6-20-20 et seq.) of this part. Applicants for reinstatement of a dealer's license shall continue to meet all the qualifications for licensure set forth in Article 2 (13VAC6-20-50 et seq.) of this part. Applicants for reinstatement of a broker's license shall continue to meet all qualifications for licensure set forth in Article 3 (13VAC6-20-90 et seq.) of this part. Applicants for reinstatement of a salesperson's license shall continue to meet all qualifications for licensure set forth in Article 4 (13VAC6-20-130 et seq.) of this part.

    13VAC6-20-202. Reinstatement fees.

    Each check, money order, credit card, and other approved electronic payment of fee shall be made payable to the "Treasurer of Virginia" or applicable state agency. In the event that a check, money draft, credit card, or similar instrument for payment of a required fee is not honored by the bank or financial institution named, the applicant shall be required to remit fees sufficient to cover the original fee, plus an additional processing charge set by the department. The following reinstatement fees shall be submitted by the applicant with the reinstatement application:

    1. Manufacturer's fee


    2. Dealer's fee


    3. Broker's fee


    4. Salesperson's fee


    *Includes the renewal fee listed in 13VAC6-20-200.

    The date on which the reinstatement application and fee is received by the department shall determine whether the licensee is eligible for reinstatement or must apply for a new license and meet the license requirements in place at the time of that application. Licenses that have been expired for a year or more from date of expiration are not eligible for reinstatement. An application for a new license must be submitted.

    13VAC6-20-203. Status of the license during the period prior to reinstatement.

    A manufacturer, dealer, broker, or salesperson who reinstates his license shall be regarded as having been continuously licensed without interruption, shall remain under the full disciplinary authority of the board during this period, and may be held accountable for his activities during this period. Any person who suffers a loss or damage by an act of a regulant that constitutes a violation of this chapter during the period between the expiration of the license and the reinstatement of the license shall not be prohibited from filing a claim for recovery from the Manufactured Housing Transaction Recovery Fund.

    A regulant who fails to reinstate his license shall be regarded as unlicensed from the expiration date of the license forward.

    Nothing in this chapter shall divest the board of its authority to discipline a regulant for a violation of the law or regulations during the period of time for which the regulant was licensed.

    13VAC6-20-204. Board discretion to deny reinstatement.

    Failure to timely pay any monetary penalty, reimbursement of costs or other fee assessed by consent order or final order shall result in delaying or withholding services provided by the department such as, but not limited to, renewal, reinstatement, or processing of a new application. The board may deny reinstatement of a license for the same reasons as it may refuse initial or renewal licensure or to discipline a regulant.

    13VAC6-20-250. Operation of dealership by manufacturer. (Repealed.)

    A manufacturer shall not own, operate or control a dealership in the Commonwealth except under the following conditions:

    1. A manufacturer may operate a dealership for a temporary period, not to exceed one year, during the transition from one owner or operator to another;

    2. A manufacturer may own or control a dealership while the dealership is being sold under a bona fide contract or purchase option to the operator of the dealership; or

    3. A manufacturer may own, operate, or control a dealership if the board determines, after a conference or hearing at the request of any party, that there is no dealer independent of the manufacturer available in the relevant market area to own and operate the dealer or manufacturer sales agreement in a manner consistent with the public interest.

    13VAC6-20-350. Warranty service; time limits; rejection of claim.

    A. Any defect which is determined to be an imminent safety hazard as defined in 13VAC5-95-10 of the Manufactured Home Safety Regulations to life and health shall be remedied within three days of receipt of the written notice of the warranty claim. Defects which may be considered as imminent safety hazards to life and health include, but are not limited to, any of the following:

    1. Inadequate heating in freezing weather.

    2. Failure of sanitary facilities.

    3. Electrical shock hazards.

    4. Leaking gas.

    5. Major structural failure.

    The board may suspend this three-day time period in the event of widespread defects or damage resulting from adverse weather conditions or other natural disasters.

    B. All other defects shall be remedied within 45 days of receipt of the written notice of the warranty claim unless a bona fide reason exists for not remedying the defect within the time period. If the responsible party has a bona fide reason for not meeting the 45-day time period, he shall respond to the claimant in writing, with a copy to the board, explaining the reason or reasons and stating what further action is contemplated regarding the warranty service.

    C. Department staff handling consumer complaints under the Code shall also review the complaints for warranty service obligations under this part, and shall make initial determinations of defects and imminent safety hazards to life and health as defined by the Code. Any disagreements between department staff and regulants or responsible parties regarding these determinations shall be resolved by the board. If a regulant or responsible party disputes the determination of an imminent safety hazard to life or health by the staff and asks for a ruling by the board, the three-day time period for remedying the hazard shall not be enforced unless the board agrees to the determination. If the board determines that the defect is an imminent safety hazard, it shall immediately notify the responsible party of the determination. The responsible party shall have three days from receipt of this notice to remedy the hazard.

    D. Within the time limits specified in subsections A and B of this section, the responsible party shall either resolve the claim or determine that it is not justified. Whenever a regulant determines that a claim for warranty service is not justified, in whole or in part, he shall immediately notify the claimant in writing that the claim or a part of the claim is rejected. This notice shall explain to the claimant why the claim or specific parts of the claim are rejected and that the claimant is entitled to complain or file an appeal to the board. The notice shall provide the claimant with the complete address of the board.

    13VAC6-20-460. Revocation of license.

    Upon payment to a claimant from the fund, the board shall immediately revoke the license of the regulant whose conduct resulted in the payment from the fund. Any regulant whose license is revoked under this section shall not be eligible to apply for a new license or, renewal, or reinstatement of license until he has repaid the fund the full amount of the payments from the fund on his amount, plus interest, calculated at the rate of interest the recovery fund was earning at the time of the payment from the fund.

    VA.R. Doc. No. R09-1572; Filed May 3, 2012, 9:25 a.m.