18VAC90-40 Regulations for Prescriptive Authority for Nurse Practitioners  

    Vol. 29 Iss. 20 - June 03, 2013

    Chapter 40
    Emergency Regulation

    Title of Regulation: 18VAC90-40. Regulations for Prescriptive Authority for Nurse Practitioners (amending 18VAC90-40-10, 18VAC90-40-40, 18VAC90-40-60, 18VAC90-40-90, 18VAC90-40-110, 18VAC90-40-130; repealing 18VAC90-40-100).

    Statutory Authority: §§ 54.1-2400 and 54.1-2957.01 of the Code of Virginia.

    Effective Dates: May 8, 2013, through May 7, 2014.

    Agency Contact: Jay P. Douglas, R.N., Executive Director, Board of Nursing, 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 300, Richmond, VA 23233-1463, telephone (804) 367-4515, FAX (804) 527-4455, or email jay.douglas@dhp.virginia.gov.


    Chapter 213 of the 2012 Acts of Assembly requires the Boards of Nursing and Medicine to promulgate regulations to implement provisions of the act with 280 days of its enactment. Therefore, the board is authorized to adopt emergency regulations establishing rules for practice of nurse practitioners in collaboration and consultation with a patient care team physician and revising the requirements for supervision and site visits.

    Following the paradigm of the law, the regulations achieve the goal of increasing access chiefly by elimination of identified obstacles such as the current requirement for the physician to regularly practice or make site visits to the setting where nurse practitioners prescribe. Through appropriate collaboration and consultation, patient health and safety are protected by having an agreement between parties that includes the prescriptive authority for the nurse practitioner.

    The emergency regulation revises requirements for prescriptive authority for nurse practitioners consistent with a model of collaboration and consultation with a patient care team physician working under a mutually agreed-upon practice agreement within a patient care team. The amended regulation revises terminology and criteria for practice consistent with changes to the Code of Virginia as enacted by Chapter 213 of the Acts of the Assembly.

    Part I
    General Provisions

    18VAC90-40-10. Definitions.

    The following words and terms when used in this chapter shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

    "Boards" means the Virginia Board of Medicine and the Virginia Board of Nursing.

    "Committee" means the Committee of the Joint Boards of Nursing and Medicine.

    "Nonprofit health care clinics or programs" means a clinic organized in whole or in part for the delivery of health care services without charge or when a reasonable minimum fee is charged only to cover administrative costs.

    "Nurse practitioner" means a an advanced practice registered nurse who has met the requirements for licensure as a nurse practitioner as stated in 18VAC90-30.

    "Practice agreement" means a written or electronic agreement jointly developed by the supervising patient care team physician and the nurse practitioner for the practice of the nurse practitioner that also describes and directs the prescriptive authority of the nurse practitioner, if applicable.

    "Supervision" means that the physician documents being readily available for medical consultation with the licensed nurse practitioner or the patient, with the physician collaborating with the nurse practitioner for the agreed-upon course of treatment and medications prescribed.

    18VAC90-40-40. Qualifications for initial approval of prescriptive authority.

    An applicant for prescriptive authority shall meet the following requirements:

    1. Hold a current, unrestricted license as a nurse practitioner in the Commonwealth of Virginia; and

    2. Provide evidence of one of the following:

    a. Continued professional certification as required for initial licensure as a nurse practitioner; or

    b. Satisfactory completion of a graduate level course in pharmacology or pharmacotherapeutics obtained as part of the nurse practitioner education program within the five years prior to submission of the application; or

    c. Practice as a nurse practitioner for no less than 1000 hours and 15 continuing education units related to the area of practice for each of the two years immediately prior to submission of the application; or

    d. Thirty contact hours of education in pharmacology or pharmacotherapeutics acceptable to the boards taken within five years prior to submission of the application. The 30 contact hours may be obtained in a formal academic setting as a discrete offering or as noncredit continuing education offerings and shall include the following course content:

    (1) Applicable federal and state laws;

    (2) Prescription writing;

    (3) Drug selection, dosage, and route;

    (4) Drug interactions;

    (5) Information resources; and

    (6) Clinical application of pharmacology related to specific scope of practice.

    3. Submit Develop a practice agreement between the nurse practitioner and the supervising patient care team physician as required in 18VAC90-40-90. The practice agreement must be approved by the boards prior to issuance of prescriptive authority; and

    4. File a completed application and pay the fees as required in 18VAC90-40-70.

    18VAC90-40-60. Reinstatement of prescriptive authority.

    A. A nurse practitioner whose prescriptive authority has lapsed may reinstate within one renewal period by payment of the current renewal fee and the late renewal fee.

    B. A nurse practitioner who is applying for reinstatement of lapsed prescriptive authority after one renewal period shall:

    1. File the required application and a new practice agreement;

    2. Provide evidence of a current, unrestricted license to practice as a nurse practitioner in Virginia;

    3. Pay the fee required for reinstatement of a lapsed authorization as prescribed in 18VAC90-40-70; and

    4. If the authorization has lapsed for a period of two or more years, the applicant shall provide proof of:

    a. Continued practice as a licensed nurse practitioner with prescriptive authority in another state; or

    b. Continuing education, in addition to the minimal requirements for current professional certification, consisting of four contact hours in pharmacology or pharmacotherapeutics for each year in which the prescriptive authority has been lapsed in the Commonwealth, not to exceed a total of 16 hours.

    C. An applicant for reinstatement of suspended or revoked authorization shall:

    1. Petition for reinstatement and pay the fee for reinstatement of a suspended or revoked authorization as prescribed in 18VAC90-40-70;

    2. Present evidence of competence to resume practice as a nurse practitioner with prescriptive authority; and

    3. Meet the qualifications and resubmit the application required for initial authorization in 18VAC90-40-40.

    Part III
    Practice Requirements

    18VAC90-40-90. Practice agreement.

    A. A nurse practitioner with prescriptive authority may prescribe only within the scope of a the written or electronic practice agreement with a supervising patient care team physician to be submitted with the initial application for prescriptive authority.

    B. At any time there are changes in the primary supervising patient care team physician, authorization to prescribe, or scope of practice, the nurse practitioner shall submit a revised revise the practice agreement to the board and maintain the revised agreement.

    C. The practice agreement shall contain the following:

    1. A description of the prescriptive authority of the nurse practitioner within the scope allowed by law and the practice of the nurse practitioner.

    2. An authorization for categories of drugs and devices within the requirements of § 54.1-2957.01 of the Code of Virginia.

    3. The signatures of the primary supervising physician and any secondary physician who may be regularly called upon in the event of the absence of the primary physician signature of the patient care team physician who is practicing with the nurse practitioner or a clear statement of the name of the patient care team physician who has entered into the practice agreement.

    D. In accordance with § 54.1-2957.01 of the Code of Virginia, a physician shall not serve as a patient care team physician to more than six nurse practitioners with prescriptive authority at any one time.

    18VAC90-40-100. Supervision and site visits. (Repealed.)

    A. In accordance with § 54.1-2957.01 of the Code of Virginia, physicians who enter into a practice agreement with a nurse practitioner for prescriptive authority shall supervise and direct, at any one time, no more than four nurse practitioners with prescriptive authority.

    B. Except as provided in subsection C of this section, physicians shall regularly practice in any location in which the licensed nurse practitioner exercises prescriptive authority.

    1. A separate practice setting may not be established for the nurse practitioner.

    2. A supervising physician shall conduct a regular, random review of patient charts on which the nurse practitioner has entered a prescription for an approved drug or device.

    C. Physicians who practice with a certified nurse midwife or with a nurse practitioner employed by or under contract with local health departments, federally funded comprehensive primary care clinics, or nonprofit health care clinics or programs shall:

    1. Either regularly practice at the same location with the nurse practitioner or provide supervisory services to such separate practices by making regular site visits for consultation and direction for appropriate patient management. The site visits shall occur in accordance with the protocol, but no less frequently than once a quarter.

    2. Conduct a regular, random review of patient charts on which the nurse practitioner has entered a prescription for an approved drug or device.

    18VAC90-40-110. Disclosure.

    A. The nurse practitioner shall include on each prescription written or dispensed his signature and prescriptive authority number as issued by the boards and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) number, when applicable. If his practice agreement authorizes prescribing of only Schedule VI drugs and the nurse practitioner does not have a DEA number, he shall include the prescriptive authority number as issued by the boards.

    B. The nurse practitioner shall disclose to patients at the initial encounter that he is a licensed nurse practitioner and the name, address and telephone number of the supervising physician. Such disclosure may be included on a prescription pad or may be given in writing to the patient.

    C. The nurse practitioner shall disclose, upon request of a patient or his legal representative, the name of the patient care team physician and information regarding how to contact the patient care team physician.

    Part IV

    18VAC90-40-130. Grounds for disciplinary action.

    A. The boards may deny approval of prescriptive authority, revoke or suspend authorization, or take other disciplinary actions against a nurse practitioner who:

    1. Exceeds his authority to prescribe or prescribes outside of the written practice agreement with the supervising patient care team physician;

    2. Has had his license as a nurse practitioner suspended, revoked or otherwise disciplined by the boards pursuant to 18VAC90-30-220;

    3. Fails to comply with requirements for continuing competency as set forth in 18VAC90-40-55.

    B. Unauthorized use or disclosure of confidential information received from the Prescription Monitoring Program shall be grounds for disciplinary action.

    VA.R. Doc. No. R13-3350; Filed May 8, 2013, 11:12 a.m.