7 Governor

    Vol. 30 Iss. 21 - June 16, 2014



    Continuing the Virginia Statewide Traffic Incident Management Committee

    Importance of the Initiative

    Traffic incidents present a tremendous hazard for first responders. According to the National Traffic Incident Management Coalition (NTIMC), traffic crashes and "struck-by" incidents are leading causes of on-duty injuries and deaths for law enforcement, firefighters, emergency medical personnel, and towing and recovery personnel. Reducing incident clearance times will improve first responder safety. In Virginia, it is estimated that more than half of all congestion is "non-recurring" caused by crashes, disabled vehicles, adverse weather, work zones, special events, and other temporary disruptions to the transportation system. Compounding the problem is the issue of secondary crashes.

    First responder incident management procedures have been focused on responder safety at the scene with limited consideration for the benefits derived through the utilization of quick clearance strategies. In response to these concerns, the Virginia Statewide Traffic Incident Management Committee ("Committee") was established in 2013. The Committee began by reviewing the National Unified Goals ("NUG") of responder safety, quick clearance of incidents, and improved interoperable communications between responding agencies. It unanimously agreed that these principles should be promoted and employed in any traffic incident management strategy, training, or policy the Commonwealth adopts. The Committee, working in conjunction with Traffic Incident Management groups ("TIMs") of first responders throughout the Commonwealth, has proven to be a productive and efficient method of managing and coordinating the important issue of traffic safety.

    Consequently, as Governor, in accordance with the authority vested in me by Article V of the Constitution of Virginia and by §§ 2.2-134 and 2.2-135 of the Code of Virginia, I hereby issue this Executive Order to continue the work of the Virginia Statewide Traffic Incident Management Committee.

    Formalization of the Committee

    The Virginia Statewide Traffic Incident Management Committee shall consist of the following individuals or their designee:

    Superintendent, Virginia State Police

    Commissioner, Virginia Department of Transportation;

    State Coordinator, Virginia Department of Emergency Management;

    Executive Director, Virginia Department of Fire Programs;

    Director, Department of Criminal Justice Services;

    Representative, Virginia Department of Health, Office of Emergency Medical Services;

    Executive Director, Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police;

    Executive Director, Virginia Sheriffs Association;

    President, Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads;

    President, Virginia Fire Chiefs Association;

    President, Virginia Professional Fire Fighters Association;

    President, Virginia Association of Towing and Recovery;

    President, Virginia Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials;

    President, Major Incident Heavy Recovery Operators Association; and

    President of the Virginia Association of Governmental EMS Administrators.

    The Governor may appoint any other person(s) and support staff deemed necessary and proper to carry out the assigned functions.

    Roles and Responsibilities of Committee

    • Serves in an advisory role for public safety leaders and transportation experts committed to the management of traffic incidents.

    • Supports activities that include disseminating and promoting the comprehensive Traffic Incident Management Plan.

    • Promotes and provides multidisciplinary TIMs training to all first responders and stakeholders using the Strategic Highway Research Program ("SHRP2") TIMs curriculum developed by the Federal Highway Administration.

    • Supports traffic incident management by 1) promoting the National Uniform Goals for TIMs, including responder safety, safe, quick clearance, and interoperable communications; 2) encouraging the development of TIMs regional teams, promoting collaboration and communication among the Commonwealth's emergency responders; and 3) keeping emergency responders up to date on national rules, regulations and trends regarding safe roadway incident operations.

    • Solicits best practices to improve the response of Virginia agencies charged with the prevention and mitigation of traffic incidents. These guidelines should be used to create local and regional traffic incident management plans consistent with the NUG objectives of responder safety, safe, quick clearance, and prompt, reliable incident communications.

    Staffing and Funding

    Staff necessary for the Committee will be provided by the respective agencies participating with the Committee. The estimated direct cost of the Committee is $1,000. Funding necessary to support the Committee shall be provided from funds authorized by § 2.2-135 of the Code of Virginia.

    Effective Date of the Executive Order

    This Executive Order replaces Executive Order 58 (2013) issued on February 4, 2013, by Governor Robert F. McDonnell. This Executive Order shall be effective upon its signing and, pursuant to §§ 2.2-134 and 2.2-135 of the Code of Virginia, shall remain in force and effect for a year or until superseded or rescinded.

    Given under my hand and under the Seal of the Commonwealth of Virginia, this 27th day of May, 2014.

    /s/ Terence R. McAuliffe

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