Vol. 29 Iss. 9 - December 31, 2012TITLE 4. CONSERVATION AND NATURAL RESOURCESBOARD OF GAME AND INLAND FISHERIESChapter 20Final RegulationREGISTRAR'S NOTICE: The Board of Game and Inland Fisheries is claiming an exemption from the Administrative Process Act pursuant to § 2.2-4002 A 3 of the Code of Virginia when promulgating regulations regarding the management of wildlife. The department is required by § 2.2-4031 of the Code of Virginia to publish all proposed and final wildlife management regulations, including length of seasons and bag limits allowed on the wildlife resources within the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Title of Regulation: 4VAC15-20. Definitions and Miscellaneous: In General (amending 4VAC15-20-50, 4VAC15-20-100, 4VAC15-20-130, 4VAC15-20-210).
Statutory Authority: §§ 29.1-103, 29.1-501, and 29.1-502 of the Code of Virginia.
Effective Date: January 1, 2013.
Agency Contact: Phil Smith, Regulatory Coordinator, Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, 4010 West Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23230, telephone (804) 367-8341, or email phil.smith@dgif.virginia.gov.
The amendments (i) update the department's "List of Native and Naturalized Fauna of Virginia" consistent with current scientific and common names and knowledge of the wildlife of the Commonwealth; (ii) revise the definition of "wheelchair," define "other power-driven mobility devices," and comply with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as pertains to the use of such devices on department-owned lands; (iii) add the black rail to the Virginia List of Endangered and Threatened Species, thereby prohibiting the taking, transportation, possession, or sale of these rare native species without a permit, remove the bald eagle from that list, and adopt the updated and modified federal list of endangered and threatened wildlife species; and (iv) add the marbled crayfish to the list of Nonindigenous Aquatic Nuisance Species whose introduction into Virginia would be detrimental to the native fish and wildlife or the economy of the Commonwealth, thereby prohibiting the importation, possession, transportation, sale, and release of this species within Virginia without a permit.
Changes since publication of the proposed remove (i) the Virginia northern flying squirrel and (ii) the snuffbox, spectaclecase, and sheeprose molluscs from the list of endangered or threatened species in 13VAC15-20-130.
4VAC15-20-50. Definitions; "wild animal," "native animal," "naturalized animal," "nonnative (exotic) animal" and "domestic animal."
In accordance with § 29.1-100 of the Code of Virginia, the following terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them by this section when used in regulations of the board:
"Native animal" means those species and subspecies of animals naturally occurring in Virginia, as included in the department's
20102012 "List of Native and Naturalized Fauna of Virginia," with copies available in the Richmond and regional offices of the department."Naturalized animal" means those species and subspecies of animals not originally native to Virginia which have established wild, self-sustaining populations, as included in the department's
20102012 "List of Native and Naturalized Fauna of Virginia," with copies available in the Richmond and regional offices of the department."Nonnative (exotic) animal" means those species and subspecies of animals not naturally occurring in Virginia, excluding domestic and naturalized species.
The following animals are defined as domestic animals:
Domestic dog (Canis familiaris), including wolf hybrids.
Domestic cat (Felis catus), including hybrids with wild felines.
Domestic horse (Equus caballus), including hybrids with Equus asinus.
Domestic ass, burro, and donkey (Equus asinus).
Domestic cattle (Bos taurus and Bos indicus).
Domestic sheep (Ovis aries) including hybrids with wild sheep.
Domestic goat (Capra hircus).
Domestic swine (Sus scrofa domestica), including pot-bellied pig.
Llama (Lama glama).
Alpaca (Lama pacos).
Camels (Camelus bactrianus and Camelus dromedarius).
Domesticated races of hamsters (Mesocricetus spp.).
Domesticated races of mink (Mustela vison) where adults are heavier than 1.15 kilograms or their coat color can be distinguished from wild mink.
Domesticated races of red fox (Vulpes) where their coat color can be distinguished from wild red fox.
Domesticated races of guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus).
Domesticated races of gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus).
Domesticated races of chinchillas (Chinchilla laniger).
Domesticated races of rats (Rattus norvegicus and Rattus rattus).
Domesticated races of mice (Mus musculus).
Domesticated races of European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus).
Domesticated races of chickens (Gallus).
Domesticated races of turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo).
Domesticated races of ducks and geese distinguishable morphologically from wild birds.
Feral pigeons (Columba domestica and Columba livia) and domesticated races of pigeons.
Domesticated races of guinea fowl (Numida meleagris).
Domesticated races of peafowl (Pavo cristatus).
"Wild animal" means any member of the animal kingdom, except domestic animals, including without limitation any native, naturalized, or nonnative (exotic) mammal, fish, bird, amphibian, reptile, mollusk, crustacean, arthropod or other invertebrate, and includes any hybrid of them, except as otherwise specified in regulations of the board, or part, product, egg, or offspring of them, or the dead body or parts of them.
4VAC15-20-100. Prohibited use of vehicles on department-owned lands.
It shall be unlawful on department-owned lands to drive through or around gates designed to prevent entry with any type of motorized vehicle or to use such vehicles to travel anywhere on such lands except on roads open to vehicular traffic. Any motor-driven [
conveyancevehicle ] shall conform with all state laws for highway travel; provided, that this requirement shall not apply to the operation of motor vehicles for administrative purposes by department-authorized personnel on department-owned lands.A motorized wheelchair suitable for use in an indoor pedestrian area is not considered a motorized vehicle and, therefore, is not covered by any restrictions on the use of motorized vehicles on department-owned lands. For purposes of this section, the term "wheelchair" means a device designed solely for use by a mobility-impaired person for locomotion that is suitable for use in an indoor pedestrian area.Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the department from allowing the use of wheelchairs or other power-driven mobility devices by individuals with mobility disabilities in accordance with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (P.L. 101-336, 104 Stat. 327).For the purposes of this section, the term "wheelchair" means a manually operated or power-driven device designed primarily for use by an individual with a mobility disability for the main purpose of indoor, or of both indoor and outdoor, locomotion. "Other power-driven mobility device" means any mobility device powered by batteries, fuel, or other engines, whether or not designed primarily for use by individuals with mobility disabilities, that is used by individuals with mobility disabilities for the purpose of locomotion, including golf cars, electronic personal assistive mobility devices, or any mobility device designed to operate in areas without defined pedestrian routes, but that is not a wheelchair within the meaning of this section.
4VAC15-20-130. Endangered and threatened species; adoption of federal list; additional species enumerated.
A. The board hereby adopts the Federal Endangered and Threatened Species List, Endangered Species Act of December 28, 1973 (16 USC §§ 1531-1543), as amended as of [
April 6August 13, ] 2012, and declares all species listed thereon to be endangered or threatened species in the Commonwealth. Pursuant to § 29.1-103.12 of the Code of Virginia, the director of the department is hereby delegated authority to propose adoption of modifications and amendments to the Federal Endangered and Threatened Species List in accordance with the procedures of §§ 29.1-501 and 29.1-502 of the Code of Virginia.B. In addition to the provisions of subsection A, the following species are declared endangered or threatened in this Commonwealth, and are afforded the protection provided by Article 6 (§ 29.1-563 et seq.) of Chapter 5 of Title 29.1 of the Code of Virginia:
1. Fish:
Dace, Tennessee
Phoxinus tennesseensis
Darter, sharphead
Etheostoma acuticeps
Etheostoma variatum
Sunfish, blackbanded
Enneacanthus chaetodon
Darter, Carolina
Etheostoma collis
Darter, golden
Etheostoma denoncourti
Darter, greenfin
Etheostoma chlorobranchium
Darter, longhead
Percina macrocephala
Darter, western sand
Ammocrypta clara
Madtom, orangefin
Noturus gilberti
Polyodon spathula
Shiner, emerald
Notropis atherinoides
Shiner, steelcolor
Cyprinella whipplei
Shiner, whitemouth
Notropis alborus
2. Amphibians:
Salamander, eastern tiger
Ambystoma tigrinum tigrinum
Salamander, Mabee's
Ambystoma mabeei
Treefrog, barking
Hyla gratiosa
3. Reptiles:
Rattlesnake, canebrake (Coastal Plain population of timber rattlesnake)
Crotalus horridus
Turtle, bog
Glyptemys muhlenbergii
Turtle, eastern chicken
Deirochelys reticularia reticularia
Lizard, eastern glass
Ophisaurus ventralis
Turtle, wood
Glyptemys insculpta
4. Birds:
Plover, Wilson's
Charadrius wilsonia
Rail, black
Laterallus jamaicensis
Wren, Bewick's
Thryomanes bewicki bewickii
Eagle, baldHaliaeetus leucocephalusFalcon, peregrine
Falco peregrinus
Sandpiper, upland
Bartramia longicauda
Shrike, loggerhead
Lanius ludovicianus
Sparrow, Bachman's
Aimophila aestivalis
Sparrow, Henslow's
Ammodramus henslowii
Tern, gull-billed
Sterna nilotica
5. Mammals:
Bat, Rafinesque's eastern big-eared
Corynorhinus rafinesquii macrotis
Hare, snowshoe
Lepus americanus
Shrew, American water
Sorex palustris
Squirrel, Virginia northern flying][
Glaucomys sabrinus fuscus]Vole, rock
Microtus chrotorrhinus
Shrew, Dismal Swamp southeastern
Sorex longirostris fisheri
6. Molluscs:
Ghostsnail, thankless
Holsingeria unthanksensis
Coil, rubble
Helicodiscus lirellus
Coil, shaggy
Helicodiscus diadema
Truncilla truncata
Elliptio crassidens
Elimia, spider
Elimia arachnoidea
Floater, brook
Alasmidonta varicosa
Heelsplitter, Tennessee
Lasmigona holstonia
Lilliput, purple
Toxolasma lividus
Mussel, slippershell
Alasmidonta viridis
Pigtoe, Ohio cordatum
Pigtoe, pyramid
Pleurobema rubrum
Epioblasma triquetra]Springsnail, Appalachian
Fontigens bottimeri
Springsnail (no common name)
Fonitgens morrisoni
Cumberlandia monodonta]Supercoil, spirit
Paravitrea hera
Floater, green
Lasmigona subviridis
Papershell, fragile
Leptodea fragilis
Pearlymussel, slabside
Lexingtonia dolabelloides
Pigtoe, Atlantic
Quadrula pustulosa pustulosa
Tritogonia verrucosa
Riversnail, spiny
Sandshell, black
Ligumia recta
Plethobasus cyphyus]Supercoil, brown
Paravitrea septadens
7. Arthropods:
Amphipod, Madison Cave
Stygobromus stegerorum
Pseudotremia, Ellett Valley
Pseudotremia cavernarum
Xystodesmid, Laurel Creek
Sigmoria whiteheadi
8. Crustaceans:
Crayfish, Big Sandy
Cambarus veteranus
C. It shall be unlawful to take, transport, process, sell, or offer for sale within the Commonwealth any threatened or endangered species of fish or wildlife except as authorized by law.
4VAC15-20-210. Definitions; nonindigenous aquatic nuisance species.
A. In addition to the species already listed in § 29.1-571 of the Code of Virginia, the board hereby designates the following species as nonindigenous aquatic nuisance species pursuant to § 29.1-100 of the Code of Virginia.
1. Fish.
a. Black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus)
.2. Invertebrates.
a. New Zealand mudsnail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum)
.b. Rusty crayfish (Orconectes rusticus)
.c. Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis)
d. Marbled crayfish (Marmorkrebs – genus Procambarus)
B. It shall be unlawful to take, possess, transport, import, sell, or offer for sale within the Commonwealth any nonindigenous aquatic nuisance species except as authorized by law or regulation.
VA.R. Doc. No. R12-3325; Filed December 5, 2012, 4:57 p.m.