GENERAL NOTICES/ERRATAVol. 30 Iss. 7 - December 02, 2013
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program
Intended Use Plan for Fiscal Year 2014
Under the Safe Drinking Water Act, Congress authorizes capitalization grants to the states through the Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund Program (DWSRF). As part of the annual DWSRF grant application process, Virginia seeks meaningful public involvement through input, review, and comments. The Virginia Department of Health's Office of Drinking Water (ODW) has prepared a draft intended use plan (IUP) that explains the goals of the program, funding priorities, how the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) intends to use the grant funds, and other important information submitted from the funding requests and set-aside suggestions.
VDH received numerous funding requests and set-aside suggestions following the January 2013 DWSRF funding solicitation announcement. The draft 2014 IUP and draft project lists (available on the VDH website) are open for review and comment by the public for a period of 60 days. The document entitled "Virginia Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program Design Manual" (dated January, 2013) is a part of the intended use plan and was mailed in the January announcement and placed on the VDH website. The Program Design Manual provides information on VDH's project prioritization criteria and methodologies.
VDH will hold a public meeting to solicit comments and recommendations regarding the 2014 IUP on Wednesday, January 15, 2014, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the ODW's East Central Field Office, 300 Turner Road, Richmond, VA 23225. Those individuals planning to attend the public meeting should contact Theresa Hewlett at (804) 864-7501 by the close of business on January 3, 2014.
Any written comments from the public are to be submitted by January 31, 2014, the close of the public comment period. VDH will consider all meaningful public input and comments and make revisions to the IUP and project priority lists if necessary. Please direct requests for information and forward written comments to Steven Pellei, PE, Virginia Department of Health, Office of Drinking Water, James Madison Building, 109 Governor Street, Richmond, VA 23219, telephone (804) 864-7500, FAX (804) 864-7521.
The following information is provided at VDH's website at
VDH's 2014 Preliminary Project Priority List/2014 Comprehensive Project List
VDH's 2014 Draft Intended Use Plan (IUP)
The IUP is subject to change depending on EPA's 2014 award allocations.
VDH's 2014 Planning Grant Award List
The projects listed will be awarded grants in the amounts indicated on the table.
Notice to State Agencies
Contact Information: Mailing Address: Virginia Code Commission, General Assembly Building, 201 North 9th Street, 2nd Floor, Richmond, VA 23219; Telephone: Voice (804) 786-3591; FAX (804) 692-0625; Email:
Meeting Notices: Section 2.2-3707 C of the Code of Virginia requires state agencies to post meeting notices on their websites and on the Commonwealth Calendar at
Cumulative Table of Virginia Administrative Code Sections Adopted, Amended, or Repealed: A table listing regulation sections that have been amended, added, or repealed in the Virginia Register of Regulations since the regulations were originally published or last supplemented in the print version of the Virginia Administrative Code is available at
Filing Material for Publication in the Virginia Register of Regulations: Agencies use the Regulation Information System (RIS) to file regulations and related items for publication in the Virginia Register of Regulations. The Registrar's office works closely with the Department of Planning and Budget (DPB) to coordinate the system with the Virginia Regulatory Town Hall. RIS and Town Hall complement and enhance one another by sharing pertinent regulatory information.
Title of Regulation: 4VAC25-31. Reclamation Regulations for Mineral Mining.
Publication: 30:6 VA.R. 646-654 November 18, 2013
Correction to Final Regulation:
Page 648, 4VAC25-31-150 B 5, after "identified" insert "[ in the initial application ]"
VA.R. Doc. No. R09-1913; Filed November 20, 2013 1:57 p.m.
Title of Regulation: 8VAC50-11. Motor Vehicle Parking and Traffic Regulation.
Publication: 30:2 VA.R. 97-99 September 23, 2013
Correction to Title of Regulation:
Page 97, change "Title of Regulation:" to "Titles of Regulations:" and add "8VAC50-10. Motor Vehicle Parking and Traffic Rules and Regulations (repealing 8VAC50-10-10 through 8VAC50-10-50)."
VA.R. Doc. No. R14-3757; Filed November 22, 2013 4:16 p.m.