Vol. 27 Iss. 5 - November 08, 2010TITLE 6. CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND CORRECTIONSSTATE BOARD OF CORRECTIONSChapter 26Withdrawal of Notice of Intended Regulatory ActionThe Board of Corrections has WITHDRAWN the Notice of Intended Regulatory Action for 6VAC15-26, Regulations for Human Subject Research, which was published in 17:26 VA.R. 3649 August 27, 2001. The Board of Corrections has submitted a new Notice of Intended Regulatory Action for 6VAC15-26, which is published in this issue of the Virginia Register of Regulations.
Agency Contact: John Britton, Director, Research and Management Services, Department of Corrections, 6900 Atmore Drive, Richmond, VA 23225, telephone (804) 674-3268 ext: 1241, FAX (804) 674-3590, or email john.britton@vadoc.virginia.gov.
VA.R. Doc. No. R01-267; Filed October 18, 2010, 2:46 p.m.