Vol. 30 Iss. 10 - January 13, 2014TITLE 4. CONSERVATION AND NATURAL RESOURCESMARINE RESOURCES COMMISSIONChapter 490Emergency RegulationTitle of Regulation: 4VAC20-490. Pertaining to Sharks (amending 4VAC20-490-10, 4VAC20-490-42).
Statutory Authority: §§ 28.2-201 and 28.2-210 of the Code of Virginia.
Effective Dates: January 1, 2014, through January 30, 2014.
Agency Contact: Jane Warren, Agency Regulatory Coordinator, Marine Resources Commission, 2600 Washington Avenue, 3rd Floor, Newport News, VA 23607, telephone (757) 247-2248, FAX (757) 247-2002, or email betty.warren@mrc.virginia.gov.
This emergency action changes the amount in pounds, from 3,300 to 4,000, of spiny dogfish that can be taken, possessed aboard any vessel, or landed for commercial purposes in Virginia.
4VAC20-490-10. Purpose.
The purpose of this emergency chapter is to ensure the conservation of shark resources by preventing overfishing by commercial and recreational fisheries and to control the practice of finning.
4VAC20-490-42. Spiny dogfish commercial quota and catch limitations.
A. For the 12-month period of May 1, 2013, through April 30, 2014, the spiny dogfish commercial landings quota shall be limited to 4,408,894 pounds.
B. It shall be unlawful for any person to take, possess aboard any vessel or land in Virginia any spiny dogfish harvested from federal waters for commercial purposes after it has been announced that the federal quota for spiny dogfish has been taken.
C. It shall be unlawful for any person to take, possess aboard any vessel or land in Virginia more than
3,3004,000 pounds of spiny dogfish per day for commercial purposes.D. It shall be unlawful for any person to harvest or to land in Virginia any spiny dogfish for commercial purposes after the quota specified in subsection A of this section has been landed and announced as such.
E. Any spiny dogfish harvested from state waters or federal waters, for commercial purposes, shall only be sold to a federally permitted dealer.
F. It shall be unlawful for any buyer of seafood to receive any spiny dogfish after any commercial harvest or landing quota described in this section has been attained and announced as such.
VA.R. Doc. No. R14-3941; Filed December 18, 2013, 4:03 p.m.