Section 6590. Standard for dioxins/furans  

Latest version.
  • A. No owner or other person shall cause or permit to be discharged into the atmosphere from any Class I unit any dioxin/furan (total mass basis) emissions in excess of the following.

    1. For units that do not use an electrostatic precipitator-based emission control system: 30 nanograms per dry standard cubic meter, measured at 7.0% oxygen, three-run average (minimum run duration of four hours).

    2. For units that use electrostatic precipitator-based emission control system: 60 nanograms per dry standard cubic meter, measured at 7.0% oxygen, three-run average (minimum run duration of four hours).

    B. No owner or other person shall cause or permit to be discharged into the atmosphere from any Class II unit any dioxin/furan emissions (total mass basis) in excess of 125 nanograms per dry standard cubic meter, measured at 7.0% oxygen, three-run average (minimum run duration of four hours).

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 19, Issue 24, eff. September 10, 2003.

Statutory Authority

§ 10.1-1308 of the Code of Virginia.