Section 92. Application for a permit by existing users when a groundwater management area is declared or expanded after July 1, 1992  

Latest version.
  • Persons withdrawing groundwater when a groundwater management area is declared or expanded on or after July 1, 1992, and not excluded from requirements of this chapter by 9VAC25-610-50 shall apply for a permit.

    1. Any person withdrawing groundwater in an area that is declared to be a groundwater management area on or after July 1, 1992, shall file an application for a groundwater permit within six months of the effective date of the regulation creating or expanding the groundwater management area. The applicant shall demonstrate the claimed prior withdrawals through withdrawal reports required by Water Withdrawal Reporting Regulations (9VAC25-200), or other methods approved by the board if reporting information pursuant to the Water Withdrawal Reporting Regulations is not available. In the case of agricultural groundwater withdrawals not required to report by Water Withdrawal Reporting Regulations, estimates of withdrawal will be accepted that are based on the area irrigated, depth of irrigation, and annual number of irrigations; pumping capacity and annual pumping time; annual energy consumption for pumps, energy consumption per hour, and pumping capacity; number and type of livestock watered annually; number and type of livestock where water is used for cooling purposes; or other methods approved by the board.

    2. Any person withdrawing groundwater who uses the withdrawal to operate a public water supply system shall provide a copy of the waterworks operation permit, or equivalent, with the required application for a groundwater withdrawal permit.

    3. Any person who is required to apply for a groundwater withdrawal permit and files a complete application within six months after the effective date of the regulation creating or expanding a groundwater management area may continue their existing documented withdrawal until such time as the board takes action on the outstanding application for a groundwater withdrawal permit.

    4. Any person who is required to apply for a groundwater withdrawal permit and files an incomplete application within six months after the effective date of the regulation creating or expanding a groundwater management area may continue to withdraw groundwater as described in subdivision 3 of this section provided that all the information required to complete the application is provided to the board within 60 days of the board's notice to the applicant of deficiencies. Should such person not provide the board the required information within 60 days, he shall cease withdrawals until he provides any additional information to the board and the board concurs that the application is complete.

    5. A complete application for those persons described in subdivision 1 of this section shall contain:

    a. The permit fee as required by the Fees for Permits and Certificates Regulations (9VAC25-20);

    b. A groundwater withdrawal permit application completed in its entirety with all maps, attachments, and addenda that may be required. Application forms shall be submitted in a format specified by the board. Such application forms are available from the Department of Environmental Quality;

    c. A signature as described in 9VAC25-610-150;

    d. Well construction documentation for all wells associated with the application submitted on the Water Well Completion Report, Form GW2, which includes the following information:

    (1) The depth of the well;

    (2) The diameter, top and bottom, and material of each cased interval;

    (3) The diameter, top and bottom, for each screened interval; and

    (4) The depth of pump intake;

    e. Locations of all wells associated with the application shown on United States Geological Survey 7-1/2 minute topographic maps. The applicant shall provide the latitude and longitude coordinates in a datum specified by the department for each existing and proposed well. The detailed location map shall be of sufficient detail such that all wells may be easily located for site inspection;

    f. A map identifying the service areas for public water supplies;

    g. Information on surface water and groundwater conjunctive use systems as described in 9VAC25-610-104 if applicable;

    h. Withdrawal reports required by Water Withdrawal Reporting Regulations (9VAC25-200), other documentation demonstrating historical water use approved by the board to support claimed prior withdrawals if Water Withdrawal Reporting information is unavailable or estimates of withdrawals as described in subdivision 1 of this section to support any claimed prior withdrawal; and

    i. A copy of the Virginia Department of Health waterworks operation permit where applicable.

    6. The board may waive the requirement for information listed in subdivision 5 of this section to be submitted if it has access to substantially identical information that remains accurate and relevant to the permit application.

    7. Any person who fails to file an application within six months after the effective date creating or expanding a groundwater management area creates the presumption that all claims to groundwater withdrawal based on historic use have been abandoned. Should any such person wish to rebut the presumption that claims to groundwater withdrawal based on historic use have been abandoned, they may do so by filing an application with a letter of explanation to the board within eight months after the date creating or expanding the groundwater management area. Any such person failing to rebut the presumption that claims to groundwater withdrawal based on historic use have been abandoned who wishes to withdraw groundwater shall apply for a new withdrawal as described in 9VAC25-610-94.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 30, Issue 05, eff. January 1, 2014.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-256 of the Code of Virginia.