Section 170. Application for a special exception  

Latest version.
  • Part IV. Special Exception Application and Issuance

    A. Any person who wishes to initiate a groundwater withdrawal in any groundwater management area and is not exempted from the provisions of this chapter by 9VAC25-610-50 may apply for a special exception in unusual cases where requiring the proposed user to obtain a groundwater withdrawal permit would be contrary to the purpose of the Ground Water Management Act of 1992.

    B. A special exception application shall be completed and submitted to the board and a special exception issued by the board prior to the initiation of any withdrawal not specifically excluded in 9VAC25-610-50. Special exception application forms shall be in a format specified by the board and are available from the Department of Environmental Quality.

    C. Due to the unique nature of applications for special exceptions the board shall determine the completeness of an application on a case-by-case basis. The board may require any information required in 9VAC25-610-90, 9VAC25-610-92, or 9VAC25-610-94, prior to considering an application for a special exception complete.

    D. Where the board finds an application incomplete, the board shall require the submission of additional information after an application has been filed, and may suspend processing of any application until such time as the applicant has supplied missing or deficient information and the board finds the application complete. An incomplete permit application for a special exception may be suspended from processing 180 days from the date that the applicant received notification that the application is deficient. Further, where the applicant becomes aware that he omitted one or more relevant facts from a special exception application, or submitted incorrect information in a special exception application or in any report to the board, he shall immediately submit such facts or the correct information.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR680-13-07 § 4.1, eff. September 22, 1993; amended, Volume 30, Issue 05, eff. January 1, 2014.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-256 of the Code of Virginia.