Section 30. Policy requirements  

Latest version.
  • A. Existing discharges shall meet the requirements of 9VAC25-415-40 within five years from April 2, 1997, unless exempted under subsection B, C or D of this section. New dischargers shall meet the requirements of 9VAC25-415-40 immediately.

    B. Existing discharges with design flows less than 0.05 mgd shall be exempt from meeting the requirements of 9VAC25-415-40 until the completion of their next design flow expansion.

    C. Failing septic systems. Existing residential homes, industrial and commercial operations, public facilities, and any other operation where a septic drain field system has failed shall be exempt from the requirements of 9VAC25-415-40, provided that the applicant demonstrates that it is not feasible to connect to a publicly-owned treatment plant and that there is no feasible alternative except to discharge. Discharge permits shall be issued in conformance with the Virginia Permit Regulation (9VAC25-31-10 et seq.) and Virginia General VPDES Permit Regulation for Sewage Discharges Less Than or Equal to 1,000 Gallons per Day (9VAC25-110-10 et seq.).

    D. Other exemptions. The requirements of 9VAC25-415-40 shall not apply to the following types of discharges: combined sewer overflows, stormwater, corrective action remediation, and industrial discharges where BOD and nutrients are not primary pollutants of concern.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 13, Issue 12, eff. April 2, 1997.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.