Section 910. Enforcement  

Latest version.
  • Part VIII. Enforcement

    A. The board may enforce the provisions of this chapter by:

    1. Issuing directives in accordance with the law;

    2. Issuing special orders in accordance with the law;

    3. Issuing emergency special orders in accordance with the law;

    4. Seeking injunction, mandamus or other appropriate remedy as authorized by the law;

    5. Seeking civil penalties under the law; or

    6. Seeking remedies under the law, the CWA or under other laws including the common law.

    B. The board encourages citizen participation in all its activities, including enforcement. In particular:

    1. The board will investigate citizen complaints and provide written response to all signed, written complaints from citizens concerning matters within the board's purview;

    2. The board will not oppose intervention in any civil enforcement action when such intervention is authorized by statute or Supreme Court rule; or in any administrative enforcement action when authorized by the board's procedural rule; and

    3. At least 30 days prior to the final settlement of any civil enforcement action or the issuance of any consent special order, the board will publish public notice of such settlement or order in a newspaper of general circulation in the county, city or town in which the discharge is located, and in The Virginia Register of Regulations. This notice will identify the owner, specify the enforcement action to be taken and specify where a copy of the settlement or order can be obtained. Appeals of the enforcement action will be public noticed in accordance with Procedural Rule No. 1 (9VAC25-230-10 et seq.). A consent special order is a special order issued without a public hearing and with the written consent of the affected owner. For the purpose of this chapter, an emergency special order is not a consent special order. The board shall consider all comments received during the comment period before taking final action.

    C. When a permit is amended solely to reflect a new owner, and the previous owner had been issued a consent special order that, at the time of permit amendment was still in full force and effect, a consent special order issued to the new owner does not have to go to public notice provided that:

    a. The permit amendment does not have to go to public notice; and

    b. The terms of the new consent order are the same as issued to the previous owner.

    D. Notwithstanding subdivision B 3 of this subsection, a special order may be issued by agreement at a board meeting without further notice when a public hearing has been scheduled to issue a special order to the affected owner, whether or not the public hearing is actually held.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 12, Issue 20, eff. July 24, 1996.

Statutory Authority

§§ 62.1-44.15, 62.1-44.16, 62.1-44.17, 62.1-44.18, and 62.1-44.19 of the Code of Virginia.