Section 40. Measuring and reporting requirements  

Latest version.
  • A. Measuring. Every nonexempt user other than crop irrigators shall have installed and shall operate a gaging device or methodology before commencing withdrawal and shall operate the device or methodology routinely thereafter. The gaging device or methodology shall measure the cumulative volume of water withdrawn at or near the source of withdrawal, or at the water treatment plant. Nonexempt crop irrigators shall comply with these measuring provisions by January 31, 1991, or before commencing withdrawal, whichever is later.

    B. Reporting. Every nonexempt user shall file with the board by January 31 of each year a reporting form, as prescribed by the board, completed insofar as it pertains to his withdrawal for the calendar year preceding. The information reported shall include the user's name, address, sources and locations of withdrawal, cumulative volume of water withdrawn each month of the calendar year, maximum day withdrawal and the month in which it occurred, and method of withdrawal measurement.

    Nonexempt crop irrigators shall comply with these reporting provisions by January 31, 1992, or before commencing withdrawal, whichever is later.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR680-15-01 § 4, eff. December 5, 1990.

Statutory Authority

§§ 62.1-44.15(10) and 62.1-44.38 of the Code of Virginia.