Section 800. Applicability  

Latest version.
  • Article 5. State Operating Permits

    A. Within the limits of subsection C of this section, the provisions of this article apply to the operation of any stationary source or emissions unit of a regulated air pollutant.

    B. The provisions of this article apply throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia.

    C. Permits may be issued under this article in situations including, but not limited to, the following:

    1. At the request of any owner:

    a. To designate a stationary source or emissions unit as a synthetic minor;

    b. To combine a stationary source's or emissions unit's requirements under multiple permits into one permit; or

    c. To implement emissions trading requirements.

    2. At the discretion of the board:

    a. To cap the emissions of a stationary source or emissions unit contributing to a violation of any air quality standard; or

    b. To establish a source-specific emission standard or other requirements necessary to implement the federal Clean Air Act or the Virginia Air Pollution Control Law.

    D. A permit may be issued under this article regardless of other permits in force provided that it does not contravene any provision of any of the other permits.

    E. For permits issued pursuant to the provisions of subdivision C 2 of this section, a permit application is not required from the stationary source or emissions unit, and the provisions of 9VAC5-80-830 and 9VAC5-80-860 do not apply.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 14, Issue 11, eff. April 1, 1998.

Statutory Authority

§§ 10.1-1308 and 10.1-1322 of the Code of Virginia.