Section 6620. Standard for nitrogen oxides  

Latest version.
  • No owner or other person shall cause or permit to be discharged into the atmosphere from any Class I unit any nitrogen oxide emissions in excess of the following:

    1. For mass burn waterwall units: 200 parts per million by dry volume, measured at 7.0% oxygen, 24-hour daily block arithmetic average concentration.

    2. For mass burn rotary waterwall units: 170 parts per million by dry volume measured at 7.0% oxygen, 24-hour daily block arithmetic average concentration.

    3. For refuse-derived fuel units: 250 parts per million by dry volume, measured at 7.0% oxygen, 24-hour daily block arithmetic average concentration.

    4. For fluidized bed units: 220 parts per million by dry volume, measured at 7.0% oxygen, 24-hour daily block arithmetic average concentration.

    5. For mass burn refractory units: 350 parts per million by dry volume, measured at 7.0% oxygen, 24-hour daily block arithmetic average concentration.

    6. For modular excess air units: 190 parts per million by dry volume, measured at 7.0% oxygen, 24-hour daily block arithmetic average concentration.

    7. For modular starved air units: 380 parts per million by dry volume, measured at 7.0% oxygen, 24-hour daily block arithmetic average concentration.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 19, Issue 24, eff. September 10, 2003; amended, Virginia Register Volume 21, Issue 15, eff. May 4, 2005.

Statutory Authority

§ 10.1-1308 of the Code of Virginia.