Section 150. Management of pollutants from significant industrial users  

Latest version.
  • A. A reclamation system that receives source water from a wastewater treatment works having SIUs shall not be permitted to produce reclaimed water meeting Level 1 standards, unless:

    1. The wastewater treatment works providing source water to the reclamation system is a publicly owned treatment works as defined in the VPDES Permit Regulation (9VAC25-31-10), and has a pretreatment program required by and developed in accordance with procedures described in Part VII of the VPDES Permit Regulation (9VAC25-31-730 et seq.); or

    2. The reclamation system has evaluated source water from the treatment works for pollutants of concern discharged by SIUs to the treatment works, and has confirmed that such pollutants shall not interfere with the ability of the wastewater treatment works to produce source water suitable for the production of reclaimed water meeting Level 1 standards and any other standards required in accordance with 9VAC25-740-70 D. All such evaluations by the reclamation system shall be submitted to the board for review and approval, and shall be repeated for each new SIU that proposes to discharge to the treatment works prior to commencing such discharge. The reclamation system shall maintain a current inventory of SIUs discharging to the treatment works.

    B. The permittee of a reclamation system authorized to produce reclaimed water treated to Level 1 shall establish a contractual agreement with all treatment works providing source water to the reclamation system unless the reclamation system and the treatment works are authorized by the same permit. The contractual agreement shall, at a minimum, require the treatment works to notify the reclamation system of all SIUs that discharge to the treatment works. Upon execution of the contractual agreement, a copy of the agreement shall be provided to the board.

    C. A satellite reclamation system (SRS) that receives municipal wastewater or sewage from a sewage collection system pipeline with contributions from SIU discharges, excluding any SIUs whose discharge has no potential to reach the SRS intake, shall not be permitted to produce reclaimed water meeting Level 1 standards, unless the SRS has evaluated pollutants of concern discharged by the SIUs and has confirmed that such pollutants shall not interfere with the ability of the SRS to produce reclaimed water meeting Level 1 standards and any other standards required in accordance with 9VAC25-740-70 D. All such evaluations by the SRS shall be submitted to the board for review and approval, and shall be repeated for each new SIU that proposes to discharge to the sewage collection system and whose discharge has the potential to reach the SRS intake prior to commencing such discharge. The SRS shall maintain a current inventory of all SIUs that discharge pollutants of concern to the sewage collection system capable of reaching the intake of the SRS.

    D. The permittee of a SRS authorized to produce reclaimed water treated to Level 1 shall establish a contractual agreement with the sewage collection system providing sewage to the SRS. The contractual agreement shall, at a minimum, require the sewage collection system to notify the SRS of all SIUs that discharge to the sewage collection system. Upon execution of the contractual agreement, a copy of the agreement shall be provided to the board.

    E. Any VPDES permitted treatment works with SIUs that provides source water for reclamation and subsequent indirect potable reuse shall have the following:

    1. For publicly owned treatment works, a pretreatment program where required by the VPDES Permit Regulation or deemed necessary by the board, developed in accordance with procedures described in Part VII (9VAC25-31-730 et seq.) of the VPDES Permit Regulation.

    2. For all other treatment works, a program equivalent to a pretreatment program as described in Part VII (9VAC25-31-730 et seq.) of the VPDES Permit Regulation, if deemed necessary by the board.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 24, Issue 26, eff. October 1, 2008; amended, Virginia Register Volume 30, Issue 09, eff. January 29, 2014.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.