Section 330. Minor modification  

Latest version.
  • A. Upon request of the holder of a permit or special exception, or upon board initiative with the consent of the holder of a permit or special exception, minor modifications may be made in the permit or special exception without following the public involvement procedures.

    B. For groundwater withdrawal permits and special exceptions, minor modifications may only:

    1. Correct typographical errors;

    2. Require reporting at a greater frequency than required in the permit or special exception;

    3. Add additional or more restrictive monitoring requirements than required in the permit or special exception;

    4. Replace an existing well provided that the replacement well is screened in the same aquifer or aquifers as the existing well, the replacement well is in the near vicinity of the existing well, the groundwater withdrawal does not increase, and the area of impact does not increase;

    5. Add additional wells so long as the additional wells are screened in the same aquifer or aquifers as the existing well, additional wells are in the near vicinity of the existing well, the total groundwater withdrawal does not increase, and the area of impact does not increase;

    6. Combine the withdrawals governed by multiple permits into one permit when the systems that were governed by the multiple permits are physically connected, as long as the interconnection will not result in additional groundwater withdrawal and the area of impact will not increase;

    7. Change an interim compliance date in a schedule of compliance to no more than 120 days from the original compliance date and provided it will not interfere with the final compliance date;

    8. Allow for a change in ownership or operational control when the board determines that no other change in the permit or special exception is necessary, provided that a written agreement containing a specific date for transfer of permit or special exception responsibility, coverage and liability from the current to the new owner has been submitted to the board; and

    9. Revise a water conservation and management plan to update conservation measures being implemented by the permittee that increase the amount of groundwater conserved.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR680-13-07 § 6.5, eff. September 22, 1993; amended, Volume 15, Issue 05, eff. January 1, 1999; Volume 30, Issue 05, eff. January 1, 2014.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-256 of the Code of Virginia.