Section 104. Surface water and groundwater conjunctive use systems  

Latest version.
  • A. Surface water and groundwater conjunctive use systems for public water supplies.

    1. Applicants proposing to withdraw groundwater as part of a surface water and groundwater conjunctive use system for public water supplies shall provide the following information to the board in addition to information required by 9VAC25-610-90, 9VAC25-610-92, or 9VAC25-610-94 as part of their permit application:

    a. A detailed description of the surface water and groundwater conjunctive use system, including:

    (1) Identification of all surface water sources, including pond and reservoir volumes where applicable;

    (2) Identification of the wells used on a continual basis to supplement surface water supply needs and wells to be utilized in periods of reduced surface water availability. Well construction information for all wells shall be submitted on the Water Well Completion Report, Form GW2, which includes the following information:

    (a) The depth of the well;

    (b) The diameter, top and bottom, and material of each cased interval;

    (c) The diameter, top and bottom, for each screened interval; and

    (d) The depth of pump intake.

    (3) A description of the storage system, excluding surface water sources described in subdivision 1 a (1) of this subsection;

    (4) A copy of the Engineering Description Sheet developed by the Virginia Department of Health for the withdrawal; and

    (5) A line drawing of the water supply system illustrating the water balance of the system.

    b. Records documenting the amount of water withdrawn on a daily basis for each water source during average weather conditions and during drought conditions;

    c. Documentation of the seasonal supply of surface water during both average and drought conditions;

    d. Documentation of any seasonal changes in demand that occur during an annual cycle of the specified beneficial use or uses; and

    e. Other relevant information that may be required by the board to evaluate the application.

    2. The applicant shall demonstrate that the groundwater withdrawal will originate from the aquifer that contains the lowest quality water that will support the proposed beneficial use or uses.

    3. The board shall evaluate the proposed groundwater withdrawal for consistency with criteria specified in 9VAC25-610-110.

    4. In addition to conditions established in 9VAC25-610-100, 9VAC25-610-110, 9VAC25-610-120, 9VAC25-610-130, and 9VAC25-610-140, the permit shall specify the maximum amount of groundwater that may be withdrawn during the term of the permit and shall address variations in the groundwater withdrawal amounts that may occur.

    5. The board may issue any permit with terms, conditions, or limitations necessary to protect the public welfare, safety, and health, or to protect the resource.

    6. Applicants may request approval to withdraw groundwater amounts that exceed the withdrawal limits established in subdivision 4 of this section from wells that are part of a conjunctive use system to meet human consumption needs during periods of drought by applying for a supplemental drought relief permit as described in 9VAC25-610-106.

    B. Surface water and groundwater conjunctive use systems for uses other than public water supplies.

    1. Applicants proposing to withdraw groundwater as part of a surface water and groundwater conjunctive use system for uses other than public water supplies shall provide the following information to the board in addition to information required by 9VAC25-610-90, 9VAC25-610-92, or 9VAC25-610-94 as part of their permit application:

    a. A detailed description of the surface water and groundwater conjunctive use system, including:

    (1) Identification of all surface water sources, including pond and reservoir volumes where applicable;

    (2) Identification of the wells used on a continual basis to supplement surface water supply needs and wells to be utilized in periods of reduced surface water availability. Well construction information for all wells shall be submitted on the Water Well Completion Report, Form GW2, which includes the following information:

    (a) The depth of the well;

    (b) The diameter, top and bottom, and material of each cased interval;

    (c) The diameter, top and bottom, for each screened interval; and

    (d) The depth of pump intake.

    (3) A description of the storage system, excluding surface water sources described in subdivision 1 a (1) of this subsection; and

    (4) A map delineating the area in which the water will be beneficially used.

    b. Records documenting the amount of water withdrawn on a monthly basis and annual basis for each water source during average weather conditions and during drought conditions;

    c. Documentation of the seasonal supply of surface water during both average and drought conditions;

    d. Documentation of any seasonal changes in demand that occur during an annual cycle of the specified beneficial use or uses;

    e. Other relevant information that may be required by the board to evaluate the application.

    2. The applicant shall demonstrate that the groundwater withdrawal will originate from the aquifer that contains the lowest quality water that will support the proposed beneficial use or uses.

    3. The board shall evaluate the proposed groundwater withdrawal for consistency with criteria specified in 9VAC25-610-110.

    4. In addition to conditions established in 9VAC25-610-100, 9VAC25-610-110, 9VAC25-610-130, and 9VAC25-610-140, the permit shall specify the maximum amount of groundwater that may be withdrawn during the term of the permit and shall address variations in the groundwater withdrawal amounts that may occur.

    5. The board may issue any permit with terms, conditions, or limitations necessary to protect the public welfare, safety, and health, or to protect the resource.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 30, Issue 05, eff. January 1, 2014.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-256 of the Code of Virginia.