Section 230. Local government guarantee  

Latest version.
  • A. An owner or operator may demonstrate financial assurance for closure, post-closure, and corrective action, as required by this article, by obtaining a written guarantee provided by a local government. The guarantor shall meet the requirements of the local government financial test in 9VAC20-70-210 and shall comply with the terms of a written guarantee.

    B. Terms of the written guarantee. The guarantee shall be effective before the initial receipt of waste or before January 7, 1998, whichever is later, in the case of closure, post-closure care, or no later than 120 days after the corrective action remedy has been selected. The guarantee shall provide that:

    1. If the owner or operator fails to perform closure, post-closure care, and/or corrective action of a facility covered by the guarantee, the guarantor will:

    a. Perform, or pay a third party to perform, closure, post-closure care, and/or corrective action as required; or

    b. Establish a fully funded trust fund as specified in 9VAC20-70-150 in the name of the owner or operator.

    2. The guarantee will remain in force unless the guarantor sends notice of cancellation by certified mail to the owner or operator and to the director. Cancellation may not occur, however, during the 120 days beginning on the date of receipt of the notice of cancellation by both the owner or operator and the director, as evidenced by the return receipts.

    3. If a guarantee is canceled, the owner or operator shall, within 90 days following receipt of the cancellation notice by the owner or operator and the director, obtain alternate financial assurance, place evidence of that alternate financial assurance in the facility operating record, and notify the director. If the owner or operator fails to provide alternate financial assurance-within the 90-day period, the guarantor shall provide that alternate assurance within 120 days following the close of the guarantor's fiscal year, obtain alternative assurance acceptable to the director, place evidence of the alternate assurance in the facility operating record, and submit the alternate assurance to the director.

    C. Recordkeeping and reporting.

    1. The owner or operator shall submit a signed original guarantee on the form in 9VAC20-70-290 K to the department along with items required under subdivision 3 of 9VAC20-70-210 and place a copy of the document into the facility's operating record before the initial receipt of waste or before January 7, 1998, whichever is later in the case of closure, post-closure care, or no later than 120 days after the corrective action remedy has been selected.

    2. The owner or operator is no longer required to maintain the items specified in 9VAC20-170-190 when:

    a. The owner or operator substitutes alternate financial assurance as specified in this section; or

    b. The owner or operator is released from the requirements of this chapter.

    3. If a local government guarantor no longer meets the requirements of 9VAC20-70-210, the owner or operator shall, within 90 days following the close of the guarantor's fiscal year, obtain alternative assurance acceptable to the director, place evidence of the alternate assurance in the facility operating record, and submit alternate assurance to the director. If the owner or operator fails to provide alternate financial assurance within the 90-day period, the guarantor shall provide that alternate assurance within 120 days.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 14, Issue 06, eff. January 7, 1998; amended, Virginia Register Volume 18, Issue 03, eff. November 21, 2001.

Statutory Authority

§§ 10.1-1402 and 10.1-1410 of the Code of Virginia.