Section 730. Operational information  

Latest version.
  • A. A narrative will be provided outlining the details of the design/operational capacities of the facility, emergency contingency information and daily operation of the facility as follows:

    1. The narrative shall identify the project title; engineering consultants; site owner, licensee and operator; site life and capacity; municipalities, industries and collection and transportation agencies served; and waste types to be disposed. It shall also identify any exemptions desired by the applicant.

    2. The narrative shall include the following information:

    a. The rated capacity of the facility, in both tons per day and tons per hour;

    b. The expected short-term and projected future long-term daily loadings;

    c. The designation of normal loading, unloading and storage areas, including capacities in cubic yards and tons. Description of the time such areas can be practically used, based on expected short-term daily loadings;

    d. The designation of emergency loading, unloading, storage or other actions to be taken when facility system down time exceeds 24 hours;

    e. The designation of alternate treatment areas or plans for transfer of stored waste in the event facility system down time exceeds 72 hours.

    3. The narrative will discuss the generation of process residues to include the following:

    a. The expected daily quantity of waste residue generated;

    b. The proposed ultimate disposal location for all facility-generated waste residues including, but not limited to, treated waste, ash residues and by-pass material, residues resulting from air pollution control devices, and the proposed alternate treatment or disposal locations for any unauthorized waste types, which may have been unknowingly accepted. The schedule for securing contracts for the treatment or disposal of these waste types at the designated locations shall be provided;

    c. A descriptive statement of any materials use, reuse, or reclamation activities to be operated in conjunction with the facility, either on the incoming regulated medical waste or the outgoing residue.

    4. A discussion of the proposed onsite and off-site transportation system intended to service vehicles hauling waste to the facility for processing, and vehicles removing reclaimed materials and or process residues from the facility. Onsite parking, access and exit points, and the mechanisms or features that will be employed to provide for an even flow of traffic into, out of, and within the site, shall be identified.

    5. A detailed analysis shall be made of the financial responsibility for the time of site closing.

    B. The operations manual shall provide the detailed procedures describing actions taken by facility personnel from the time of waste delivery, through waste storage, processing and final transportation and disposal. As a minimum, the operations manual shall include:

    1. Daily operations including a discussion of the timetable for development; waste types accepted or excluded; typical waste handling techniques; hours of operation; traffic routing; drainage and erosion control; windy, wet and cold weather operations; fire protection equipment; manpower; methods for handling of any unusual waste types; methods for vector, dust and odor control; daily cleanup; salvaging; record keeping; parking for visitors and employees; monitoring; backup equipment with names and telephone numbers where equipment may be obtained; and other special design features. This information may be developed as a removable section to improve accessibility for the site operator.

    2. The procedures that will be used to label individual waste containers, bulk containers or trailers with the date that the waste materials were received from off-site, and the procedures that will be used to demonstrate that the waste is treated within 15 days of receipt.

    3. Site closing information consisting of a discussion of the anticipated sequence of events for site closing and discussion of those actions necessary to prepare the site for any anticipated post-closure use.

    C. An emergency contingency plan that delineates procedures for responding to fire, explosions or any unplanned sudden or non-sudden releases of harmful constituents to the air, soil, or surface or ground water shall be submitted to the department as part of the Part B application. Before submission to the department it will be coordinated with the local police and fire departments, and the appropriate health care facility. The contingency plan shall contain:

    1. A description of the actions facility personnel shall take in the event of various emergency situations;

    2. A description of arrangements made with the local police and fire department that allow for immediate entry into the facility by their authorized representatives should the need arise, such as in the case of response personnel responding to an emergency situation; and

    3. A list of names, addresses and phone numbers (office and home) of all persons qualified to act as an emergency coordinator for the facility. Where more than one person is listed, one shall be named as primary emergency coordinator and the other shall be listed in the order in which they will assume responsibility as alternates.

    D. The applicant shall prepare and submit a detailed plan for closing any regulated medical waste management unit. Such a plan shall be prepared to reflect the actions required at any point in the life of the facility and at the time of closing the facility. The plan should reflect all steps necessary to isolate the facility from the environment or to remove all regulated medical waste and residue in the facility for proper treatment and to decontaminate the facility. The closure plan should reflect all actions necessary for facility abandonment or uses other than for regulated medical waste management.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR672-40-01:1 § 10.6, eff. June 29, 1994; amended, Volume 18, Issue 18, eff. June 19, 2002.

Statutory Authority

§ 10.1-1402 of the Code of Virginia.