Section 720. Submission requirements  

Latest version.
  • A. The information provided in this section shall be included in the submission of a notice of intent as required in 9VAC20-120-710 unless otherwise specified in this section.

    B. A letter will be provided stating the type of facility for which the permit application is made and the certification required in subsection F of this section and all pertinent information and attachments required by this section.

    C. A key map delineating the general location of the proposed facility shall be prepared and attached as part of the application. The key map shall be plotted on a seven and one-half minute United States Geological Survey topographical quadrangle. The quadrangle shall be the most recent revision available, shall include the name of the quadrangle and shall delineate a minimum of one mile from the perimeter of the proposed facility boundaries. One or more maps may be utilized where necessary to insure clarity of the information submitted.

    D. A near-vicinity map shall be prepared and attached as part of the application. The vicinity map shall have a minimum scale of one inch equals 200 feet (1 inch = 200'). The vicinity map shall delineate an area of 500 feet from the perimeter of the property line of the proposed facility. The vicinity maps may be an enlargement of a United States Geological Survey topographical quadrangle or a recent aerial photograph. The vicinity map shall depict the following:

    1. All homes, buildings or structures including the layout of the buildings that will comprise the proposed facility;

    2. The boundaries of the proposed facility;

    3. The limits of the actual waste management areas within the boundaries of the proposed facility, if applicable;

    4. Lots and blocks taken from the tax map for the site of the proposed facility and all contiguous properties;

    5. The base flood plain, where it passes through the map area; or, otherwise, a note indicating the expected flood occurrence period for the area;

    6. Existing land uses and zoning classification;

    7. All water supply wells, springs or intakes, both public and private;

    8. All utility lines, pipelines or land based facilities (including mines and wells); and

    9. All parks, recreation areas, dams, historic areas, wetlands areas, monument areas, cemeteries, wildlife refuges, unique natural areas or similar features.

    E. A copy of the lease or deed (showing page and book location) or certification of ownership of the site. The department will not consider an application for a permit from any person who does not demonstrate legal control over the site for the period of the permit life.

    F. A statement signed by the applicant indicating that he has sent written notice to all adjacent property owners or occupants that he intends to develop a regulated medical waste management facility on the site. A copy of the notice and the names and addresses of those to whom the notices were sent will also be provided.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR672-40-01:1 § 10.5, eff. June 29, 1994; amended, Volume 18, Issue 18, eff. June 19, 2002.

Statutory Authority

§ 10.1-1402 of the Code of Virginia.