Section 150. Lists of controlled regulated medical wastes  

Latest version.
  • Article 4. Controlled Regulated Medical Wastes

    In addition to wastes described by the characteristics set forth in 9VAC20-120-140, each solid waste or solid waste stream on the following lists is subject to this chapter, unless exempted in 9VAC20-120-120 or excluded in 9VAC20-120-130.

    1. Cultures and stock of microorganisms and biologicals. Discarded cultures, stocks, specimens, vaccines and associated items likely to have been contaminated by them are regulated medical wastes if they are likely to contain organisms likely to be pathogenic to healthy humans. Discarded etiologic agents are regulated medical waste. Wastes from the production of biologicals and antibiotics likely to have been contaminated by organisms likely to be pathogenic to healthy humans are regulated medical wastes.

    2. Human blood and human body fluids. Wastes consisting of human blood or human body fluids or items contaminated with human blood or human body fluids.

    3. Tissues and other anatomical wastes. All human anatomical wastes and all wastes that are human tissues, organs, or body parts are regulated medical waste.

    4. Sharps. Sharps likely to be contaminated with organisms that are pathogenic to healthy humans, and all needles, syringes with attached needles, suture needles, and scalpels are regulated medical wastes. This includes sharps generated through veterinary practice.

    5. Animal carcasses, body parts, bedding and related wastes. When animals are intentionally infected with organisms likely to be pathogenic to healthy humans for the purposes of research, in vivo testing, production of biological materials or any other reason; the animal carcasses, body parts, bedding material and all other wastes likely to have been contaminated are regulated medical wastes when discarded, disposed of or placed in accumulated storage.

    6. Any residue or contaminated soil, water, or other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill of any regulated medical waste.

    7. Any solid waste contaminated by or mixed with regulated medical waste.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR672-40-01:1 § 3.8, eff. June 29, 1994; amended, Volume 18, Issue 18, eff. June 19, 2002.

Statutory Authority

§ 10.1-1402 of the Code of Virginia.