Section 50. Written procedures for accountability of participants  

Latest version.
  • Written procedures shall ensure the accountability of participants and provide for supervision in the community. Such procedures shall include , at a minimum:

    1. Provisions for a daily count of participating residents;

    2. Methods for determining and identifying residents who are authorized to leave the facility;

    3. Provisions for a controlled sign-out and sign-in process;

    4. Methods for verifying the resident's location within the community, which may include telephone contact, random field visits, or global positioning systems technology; and

    5. Written procedure, approved by the facility's health authority, that either permits or prohibits self-medication by residents when they are away from the facility.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 24, Issue 02, eff. October 31, 2007.

Statutory Authority

§§ 66-10 and 66-25.1:3 of the Code of Virginia.