Section 130. Content of the plan  

Latest version.
  • Article 2. Content of the Plan

    A. The plan shall specify:

    1. The person(s) assigned case management responsibilities for the development and implementation of the mental health transition services plan. Case management includes making all referrals and coordination of all aspects of the plan;

    2. The kinds of substance abuse, mental health, or other therapeutic treatment that will be made available to the resident;

    3. The provider or providers who will be responsible for delivering each service;

    4. The projected time frame over which each service will be provided;

    5. The proposed sources through which the services will be funded (funding sources may include, but are not limited to, Medicaid, Comprehensive Services Act (§ 2.2-5200 et seq. of the Code of Virginia), Family Access to Medical Insurance Security, private insurance, and other federal, state, or local funds such as Promoting Safe & Stable Families funds, federal mental health and substance abuse block grant funds, Virginia Juvenile Community Crime Control Act funds, DJJ Transitional Services funds, and other state general funds available to the Community Service Boards, the department, or other agencies participating in the planning process); and

    6. Any applications for services, insurance, and other financial assistance that must be completed in order for the resident to obtain the identified services. Such applications include (i) those that may be completed and submitted before the resident's release from incarceration; (ii) those applications that may be completed before, but may not be submitted until after, the resident is released from incarceration; and (iii) those applications that may not be initiated until after the resident's release from incarceration. The plan shall assign responsibility for assisting the resident or the resident's parents or guardians in completing such applications.

    B. To the extent possible, all issues pertaining to the implementation of the plan shall be resolved prior to the resident's release.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 24, Issue 05, eff. January 1, 2008.

Statutory Authority

§§ 16.1-293.1 and 66-10 of the Code of Virginia.