Section 50. Exemptions to certification requirements  

Latest version.
  • The following individuals are exempted from the certification requirements set forth in 6VAC20-80-20:

    1. An individual assigned by the academy director to instruct in emergency situations;

    2. Individuals who possess professional or proficiency skills directly related to the subject matter in which they are instructing. This may include but not be limited to members of the bar, medical profession, public administrators, teachers, social service practitioners, etc. Documentation of skills may be requested and final approval, if necessary, rests with the department;

    3. Subdivision 2 of this section may apply to employees of criminal justice agencies of this Commonwealth and its political subdivisions if approved by the department;

    4. Certified emergency care and first aid instructors;

    5. Individuals who serve as field training officers or on-the-job training officers for purposes of providing field training as required by minimum training standards. Such exemption shall not be construed to apply to training promulgated by the department other than field training or on-the-job training; and

    6. Individuals who have conducted training as a subject matter expert may continue to conduct training in their area of expertise .

Historical Notes

Derived from VR240-01-12 § 5, eff. July 1, 1986; amended, Volume 06, Issue 16, eff. July 1, 1990; Volume 08, Issue 16, eff. July 1, 1992; Volume 24, Issue 23, eff. September 1, 2008.

Statutory Authority

§ 9.1-102 of the Code of Virginia.