Section 10. Definitions  

Latest version.
  • The following words and terms when used in this chapter shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

    "Academy director" means the chief administrative officer of a certified training academy.

    "Agency administrator" means any chief of police, sheriff, or agency head of a state or local law-enforcement agency or nonlaw-enforcement head of a communications center.

    "Board" means the Criminal Justice Services Board.

    "Certified training academy" means a training facility in compliance with academy certification standards and operated by the state or local unit(s) of government for the purpose of providing instruction of compulsory minimum training standards.

    "Compulsory minimum training standards" means the performance outcomes and minimum hours approved by the Criminal Justice Services Board.

    "Curriculum Review Committee" means the committee consisting of the following nine individuals: two members of the committee shall represent regional criminal justice academies, two members of the committee shall represent independent criminal justice academies, one member shall represent the Department of State Police Training Academy, and four experienced communications personnel shall represent emergency communication functions. The Committee on Training shall appoint members of the Curriculum Review Committee.

    "Department" means the Department of Criminal Justice Services.

    "Director" means the chief administrative officer of the Department of Criminal Justice Services.

    "Dispatcher" means any person employed by or in any local or state government agency either full or part-time whose duties include the dispatching of law-enforcement personnel.

    "Emergency medical dispatcher training" means training which meets or exceeds the training objectives as provided in Performance Outcome 1.6, which is set out in 6VAC20-60-100.

    "Standard" means Performance Outcome, Training Objective, Criteria for Testing, and Lesson Plan Guide relating to compulsory minimum training for dispatchers and is found on the department's website.

    "VCIN/NCIC training" means approved training as specified by the Virginia Department of State Police for dispatchers accessing Virginia Crime Information Network/National Crime Information Center information.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR240-01-5 § 1, eff. July 5, 1989; amended, Volume 10, Issue 04, eff. January 1, 1994; Volume 18, Issue 11, eff. January 1, 2003; Volume 28, Issue 12, eff. March 14, 2012.

Statutory Authority

§ 9.1-102 of the Code of Virginia.