Section 50. Recertification  

Latest version.
  • A. Recertification is required every three years.

    B. Applicants for recertification shall be recommended by the agency administrator or his designee. Application shall be made on the Crime Prevention Specialist Recertification Application-Form B.

    C. Applicants for recertification must complete 40 hours of additional crime prevention training after initial designation as a crime prevention specialist. This additional training must address at least two of the following topics:

    1. Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design

    2. Community-Policing

    3. Crime Analysis

    4. School Safety and Security

    5. Security Lighting

    6. Computer Security

    7. Managing Volunteers

    8. Grant and Proposal Writing

    9. Legislation, Ordinance and Regulation Development

    10. Prevention of Youth Violence

    11. Prevention of Family Violence

    12. Drug Abuse Prevention

    13. Public Speaking

    14. Media Relations

    15. Homeland Security/Terrorism Prevention

    16. White Collar Crime

    17. Identity Theft

    18. Victim Witness Services

    19. Crime Prevention for Seniors

    20. Code Enforcement/Nuisance Abatement

    21. Other topics approved by the department

    D. Individuals whose certification expires shall comply with the requirements set forth in 6VAC20-180-40 and meet any certification requirements in effect at that time.

    E. The department may grant an extension of the recertification time limit and requirements under the following conditions:

    1. Illness or injury

    2. Military service

    3. Special duty required and performed in the public interest

    4. Leave without pay or suspension pending investigation or adjudication of a crime

    5. Any other reason documented by the agency administrator

    F. Requests for extensions of the time limit must be requested prior to certification expiration.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR240-04-4 § 5, eff. December 14, 1994; amended, Volume 21, Issue 14, eff. April 20, 2005.

Statutory Authority

§§ 9.1-102 and 9.1-161 of the Code of Virginia.