Section 330. Hearing process  

Latest version.
  • Article 3. Adjudication

    Following a preliminary investigative process, the department may initiate action to resolve the complaint through an informal fact-finding conference or formal hearing as established in this regulation. Pursuant to the authority conferred in § 9.1-141 C 6 of the Code of Virginia and in accordance with the procedures set forth by the Administrative Process Act and the procedures prescribed in this regulation, the department is empowered to receive, review, investigate and adjudicate complaints concerning the conduct of any person whose activities are regulated by the board. The board will hear and act upon appeals arising from decisions made by the director. In all case decisions, the Criminal Justice Services Board shall be the final agency authority.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 26, Issue 01, eff. October 14, 2009.

Statutory Authority

§§ 9.1-102 and 9.1-186.2 of the Code of Virginia.