Section 30. Operation of diesel equipment  

Latest version.
  • A. All mobile underground diesel-powered equipment shall be operated safely and shall meet the following requirements:

    1. Be free of excess accumulation of coal dust, oil, grease, fuel and other combustible materials; and

    2. Be operated with:

    a. An audible warning device;

    b. An engine start and stop mechanism;

    c. Guards over moving components;

    d. A proper lifting device for the rerailing of such equipment (self-propelled rail equipment only);

    e. Sanding devices, except for personnel carriers that transport not more than five personnel (self-propelled rail equipment only);

    f. Headlights on each end;

    g. Park and service brakes;

    h. A fire suppression system;

    i. Intake and exhaust systems in good condition; and

    j. A self closing filler cap on the fuel tank.

    To avoid contact with energized trolley wires or trolley feeder wires a six-inch minimum clearance shall be maintained or the equipment shall be adequately insulated.

    B. All mobile diesel-powered equipment operated in or inby the last open crosscut or in return air courses shall be permissible. Such diesel-powered equipment shall be maintained and operated in accordance with 4VAC25-90-20 and as follows:

    1. Electrical component permissibility shall be maintained;

    2. Emergency engine shutdown shall be operable;

    3. Flame arresters (intake and exhaust) shall be provided; and

    4. Low-level shutdown (water bath/scrubber) shall be operable.

    C. The engine of mobile diesel-powered equipment shall not be left idling unattended.

    D. The engine of any mobile diesel-powered equipment shall not be capable of starting unless the transmission controls are in the neutral position.

    E. The operation of any diesel-powered equipment in any manner or under any condition that does not comply with the requirements of this chapter shall result in a notice of violation and if not corrected within a reasonable time a closure order shall be issued that requires the machine be taken out of service until such condition or practice is corrected. Upon review of the history of violations, the chief may void the approval for use of underground diesel-powered equipment at that mine.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 17, Issue 20, eff. July 18, 2001.

Statutory Authority

§§ 45.1-161.3, 45.1-161.106 and 45.1-161.206 of the Code of Virginia.