Chapter 40. Safety and Health Regulations for Mineral Mining  

Section 10. Definitions
Section 20. [Repealed]
Section 25. Purpose and authority
Section 30. [Repealed]
Section 40. Certification
Section 50. Duties of mine operators
Section 60. [Repealed]
Section 70. Approval procedure
Section 80. [Repealed]
Section 90. Documents incorporated by reference
Section 100. Employee training
Section 110. Inexperienced employees
Section 120. When foreman required
Section 130. Examination by foreman
Section 140. First aid training for foreman
Section 145. Inspection of mobile and stationary equipment
Section 150. Assignment of persons to hazardous areas
Section 160. Emergency medical assistance
Section 170. Emergency telephone numbers
Section 180. Emergency communication systems
Section 190. Compliance with regulations
Section 200. Illumination requirements
Section 210. Cleanliness
Section 220. Water supplies
Section 230. Toilet facilities
Section 240. Waste receptacles
Section 250. Use of intoxicating substances
Section 260. Posting hazards
Section 270. Refuse piles, water and silt retaining dams
Section 280. Horseplay prohibited
Section 290. Restricted access
Section 300. Closure of roads or openings
Section 310. Starting machinery
Section 320. [Repealed]
Section 330. Proper use of machinery
Section 340. Lubricating machinery
Section 350. Repairing machinery
Section 360. Maintaining machinery
Section 365. Construction and maintenance of structures
Section 370. Operation of grinding wheels
Section 380. Stationary grinding machines
Section 385. Mobile crane requirements for personnel hoisting
Section 388. Rope requirements
Section 390. Stability requirements
Section 400. Open pit mine rims
Section 410. Benches
Section 420. Scaling of hazardous areas
Section 430. Hazardous conditions
Section 440. Installation of rock bolts
Section 450. Correction of unsafe conditions
Section 460. Examination for unsafe conditions
Section 470. Keeping clear of equipment
Section 480. Trimming of faces
Section 490. Smoking near flammable and combustible materials
Section 500. Warning and evacuation procedures
Section 510. Flammable and combustible liquid storage tanks
Section 520. Storage of flammable materials
Section 530. Distance of storage tanks from mine opening
Section 540. Storage buildings or areas
Section 550. Shut-off valves
Section 560. Solvents
Section 570. Waste materials
Section 580. Use of flammable liquids for cleaning
Section 590. Battery charging areas
Section 600. Refueling engines
Section 610. Fire equipment
Section 620. Welding operations
Section 630. Training and practice drills
Section 640. Firefighting assistance
Section 650. Conveyor belts
Section 660. Removing flammable and combustible gases from containers
Section 670. Fire extinguishers
Section 680. Exits or escapeways
Section 690. Fire-resistant buildings near underground openings
Section 700. Grass, weeds and underbrush
Section 710. Dust or gases
Section 720. Employee exposure limits to airborne contaminants
Section 730. [Repealed]
Section 740. Dust sources
Section 750. [Repealed]
Section 760. Silica compounds
Section 770. Employee exposure to noise limits
Section 780. Storage of explosive materials
Section 790. Transportation
Section 800. Use of explosives
Section 810. Recordkeeping
Section 820. Procedure where a misfire occurs during a blast
Section 830. When traffic to be stopped
Section 840. Mudcapping
Section 850. Blasting near underground mines
Section 860. Blasting near pipelines or electrical lines
Section 870. Streams and watercourses
Section 880. Ground vibration from blasting
Section 890. Air overpressure limits
Section 893. Action plans
Section 895. Lower vibration and airblast levels
Section 900. [Repealed]
Section 910. Seismic testing and evaluation
Section 920. Electric detonators
Section 925. Electronic detonators
Section 930. Nonelectric blasting
Section 940. [Repealed]
Section 950. [Repealed]
Section 960. [Repealed]
Section 970. [Repealed]
Section 980. Drilling of boreholes
Section 990. Drills to be attended
Section 1000. Storage of steel and tools
Section 1010. Moving vehicle-mounted drills
Section 1020. Power failures
Section 1030. Hands to be kept clear
Section 1040. [Repealed]
Section 1050. Boreholes
Section 1060. Moving handheld drills
Section 1070. Handling of boulders
Section 1080. Walls or benches
Section 1090. Rotary jet piercing equipment
Section 1095. Drill logs required for boreholes intended for blasting
Section 1100. Boilers and pressure vessels
Section 1110. Air compressors
Section 1120. Compressed-air receivers
Section 1130. Compressor-air intakes
Section 1140. Draining compressed-air receivers
Section 1150. Inspection openings in compressed-air receivers
Section 1160. Operating compressors
Section 1170. Discharge pipes
Section 1180. [Repealed]
Section 1190. Repairs
Section 1200. Improper uses
Section 1210. Locking devices
Section 1220. Storage of oxygen cylinders
Section 1230. Maintaining regulators
Section 1240. Tank valves to be kept closed
Section 1250. Securing cylinders
Section 1260. Valves and gauges to be protected
Section 1270. Use of gauges, regulators and valves
Section 1280. Boiler equipment and maintenance
Section 1290. Welding operations
Section 1300. [Repealed]
Section 1320. Brakes on mobile equipment
Section 1330. Emergency brakes
Section 1340. Requirements for starting or moving equipment
Section 1350. Construction of operators' cabs
Section 1360. Windows of cabs
Section 1370. Safety equipment
Section 1380. Extraneous materials in cabs
Section 1390. Operating speeds
Section 1400. Dust control measures
Section 1410. Restraining berms or guards
Section 1420. Operation under power control
Section 1430. Maintaining control of equipment
Section 1440. Suspending loads over cabs
Section 1450. Mounting and dismounting moving equipment
Section 1460. Prohibited means of transportation
Section 1470. Securing equipment in travel position
Section 1480. Securing dippers, buckets and scraper blades
Section 1490. [Repealed]
Section 1500. Securing electrically-powered mobile equipment
Section 1510. Setting brakes
Section 1520. Warning lights
Section 1530. Removal of hazards
Section 1540. Traffic rules
Section 1550. Heating and cooling cabs
Section 1560. Getting on or off equipment
Section 1570. Audible warning devices
Section 1580. Backup alarms
Section 1590. Railroad equipment
Section 1600. Avoiding mobile equipment in operation
Section 1610. Design of chute-loading installations
Section 1620. Berms or bumper blocks
Section 1630. Anchoring of sizing devices
Section 1640. Truck spotters
Section 1650. Warning devices where clearance is restricted
Section 1660. Tire repairs
Section 1670. Towing equipment
Section 1680. Working on equipment in raised position
Section 1685. Repairs or maintenance
Section 1690. First aid materials
Section 1700. Life jackets or belts
Section 1710. Hard hats
Section 1720. Protective footwear
Section 1730. Safety glasses or goggles
Section 1740. Safety harnesses
Section 1750. Requirements for welding or cutting
Section 1760. Loose fitting clothing
Section 1770. When gloves to be worn
Section 1780. Wearing of rings
Section 1785. Light reflecting personal protection material
Section 1790. Requirements for grinding wheels
Section 1800. Dumping locations
Section 1810. Safe access
Section 1820. Requirements for walkways and stairways
Section 1830. Condition of ladders
Section 1840. Portable ladders
Section 1850. Anchoring fixed ladders
Section 1860. Fixed ladders to project above landings
Section 1870. Painting wooden ladders
Section 1880. Debris to be cleared
Section 1890. Railings and walkway surfaces
Section 1900. Clearances above travelways
Section 1910. Climbing or descending ladders
Section 1920. Protective covers
Section 1930. Crossovers
Section 1940. [Repealed]
Section 1950. Slippery walkways
Section 1960. Snow and ice removal
Section 1970. Inclining fixed ladders
Section 1980. [Repealed]
Section 1990. Landings for fixed ladders
Section 2000. Steep fixed ladders
Section 2010. Scaffolds and working platforms
Section 2015. Installation of electrical circuits; supervision of electrical work
Section 2020. Fuses or circuit breakers to be used
Section 2030. Switches to be provided
Section 2040. Trailing cables of mobile equipment
Section 2050. Current-carrying capacity
Section 2060. Running over cables
Section 2070. Distribution boxes
Section 2080. Making connections under load
Section 2090. Insulating wires and cables
Section 2100. Avoiding power lines
Section 2110. Electrical transmission wires
Section 2120. Splices in cables
Section 2130. Shovel trailing cables
Section 2140. De-energizing electrical equipment
Section 2150. De-energizing power circuits
Section 2160. Labeling of switches
Section 2170. Clearance around equipment
Section 2180. Nonconductive electrical safety mats
Section 2190. Posting danger signs
Section 2200. Access by authorized persons
Section 2210. Guarding accessible equipment
Section 2220. Grounding equipment
Section 2230. Grounding metal fences and buildings
Section 2240. Frame grounding
Section 2250. Testing after installation or repair
Section 2260. [Repealed]
Section 2270. Correcting dangerous conditions
Section 2280. Dust-proof and water-proof electrical equipment
Section 2290. Inspection and cover plates to be kept in place
Section 2300. Handheld electric tools
Section 2310. Extension lights
Section 2320. Lamp sockets
Section 2330. Removing or replacing fuses
Section 2340. Fuse replacement tools
Section 2350. Trailing cables to be clamped
Section 2360. Storing surplus trailing cables
Section 2370. Operating controls
Section 2380. Design of switches and boxes
Section 2390. Lightning grounds
Section 2400. Overhead power lines
Section 2410. Incompatible line installations
Section 2420. [Repealed]
Section 2430. [Repealed]
Section 2440. Protecting power lines
Section 2450. Bare power line precautions
Section 2460. Transformer requirements
Section 2470. Transformer enclosures to be locked
Section 2480. Lightning arrester for telephone circuits
Section 2490. Lightning arrester for power circuits
Section 2500. Moving equipment near power lines
Section 2510. [Repealed]
Section 2520. Water or neutralizing agents
Section 2530. Personal protection equipment
Section 2540. Storage of materials
Section 2550. Confined space hazard
Section 2560. Safe storage of hazardous materials
Section 2570. Storage of corrosive and other materials
Section 2580. Hitches and slings
Section 2590. Tag lines
Section 2600. Suspended loads
Section 2610. Dropping elevated materials
Section 2620. Riding loads or hooks
Section 2630. Storage of reactive materials
Section 2640. Handling of molten material
Section 2650. Overhead crane equipment
Section 2660. Overhead crane bridges
Section 2670. Lift trucks
Section 2680. Accessible moving parts
Section 2690. Overhead belts
Section 2700. Conveyor guarding; conveyor belts and idlers
Section 2710. Conveyor openings
Section 2720. Use of stop cords
Section 2730. Protruding setscrews
Section 2740. When guards to be in place
Section 2750. Maintenance of guards
Section 2760. Flying or falling material protection
Section 2770. Ground support
Section 2780. Loose ground
Section 2790. Inspection of work area
Section 2800. Scaling bar to be provided
Section 2810. Timbers to be blocked or wedged
Section 2820. Installation of ground support in shafts
Section 2830. Shaft pillars
Section 2840. Rock-bolt installations
Section 2850. Acceptable rock-bolting materials
Section 2860. Rock-bolt hole drill bits
Section 2870. Rock-bolt torque tests
Section 2880. Rock-bolt anchorage tests
Section 2890. Torque test requirements
Section 2900. Accumulation of flammable materials
Section 2910. Fire alarm systems
Section 2915. No smoking near flammable materials
Section 2920. Use of flammable materials underground
Section 2930. Use of liquefied petroleum gases
Section 2940. Underground storage of petroleum products
Section 2950. Where transformer stations and other rooms to be placed
Section 2960. Oil or fuel storage areas
Section 2970. Trailing cables
Section 2980. Open flame restrictions
Section 2990. When power circuits to be de-energized
Section 3000. Fire doors to be provided
Section 3010. Timbered mine entrances
Section 3020. Waterline outlets
Section 3030. Welding or cutting near combustible materials
Section 3040. Fire protection at conveyor pulleys
Section 3050. [Repealed]
Section 3060. [Repealed]
Section 3070. [Repealed]
Section 3080. [Repealed]
Section 3090. [Repealed]
Section 3100. Firefighting personnel
Section 3110. [Repealed]
Section 3120. [Repealed]
Section 3130. Conveyor switches
Section 3140. Stationary diesel equipment installation
Section 3150. Stationary diesel equipment sensors
Section 3160. Oxygen content in mines
Section 3170. Ventilation
Section 3180. Fan housings and air ducts
Section 3190. Air intakes and returns
Section 3200. Air current effectiveness
Section 3210. Fan maintenance
Section 3220. Mine atmosphere test instruments
Section 3230. [Repealed]
Section 3240. Access to inadequately ventilated areas
Section 3250. Installation of ventilation tubing
Section 3260. Ventilation door operation
Section 3270. Requirements for ventilation doors
Section 3280. Ventilation door closing
Section 3290. Sampling for radon gas
Section 3300. Maximum annual exposure
Section 3310. Maximum concentrations
Section 3320. Changes in permissible exposures
Section 3325. Storage and use of explosives
Section 3328. Certified underground blaster
Section 3330. Construction of underground storage magazines
Section 3340. Use of storage magazines
Section 3350. Day-box magazines
Section 3360. Detonator-storage magazines
Section 3370. Notification of hoisting personnel
Section 3380. When hoisting to be stopped
Section 3390. Attending vehicles loaded with explosives
Section 3400. Cars containing explosives to be pulled
Section 3410. Warning of blasting
Section 3420. Leaving blasting area; reentering blasting area
Section 3430. Misfires to be reported
Section 3440. Secondary blasting
Section 3450. Isolating explosives from static electricity
Section 3460. Electric blasting
Section 3470. Initiating blasts from safe location
Section 3475. Blasting in gassy mines
Section 3478. Stemming
Section 3480. Drilling machine operation
Section 3490. Drilling machine control levers
Section 3500. Secure footing when drilling
Section 3510. Procedure when collaring holes
Section 3520. Procedure for moving portable drills
Section 3530. Receptacles or racks
Section 3540. Warning to persons below jumbo decks
Section 3550. Anchoring of drills on columns
Section 3560. Carrying tools or materials on top of locomotives
Section 3570. Coupling or uncoupling cars
Section 3580. Makeshift couplings
Section 3590. Mantrip cars
Section 3595. Transportation of miners
Section 3600. Signalmen
Section 3610. Open dry hole collars
Section 3620. Hazardous chute lips
Section 3630. Empty chutes
Section 3640. Danger from chute-pulling operations
Section 3650. Safety lines to be provided
Section 3660. Loosening hang-ups
Section 3670. Shelter holes to be provided
Section 3680. Design of shelter holes
Section 3690. Trip lights
Section 3700. Operation of mantrip cars
Section 3710. Discharge and boarding points
Section 3720. Mantrip passengers
Section 3730. Movement of rock or material trains
Section 3740. Use of flexible ladders
Section 3750. Trap doors in ladderways
Section 3760. Size of openings in ladderways
Section 3770. Entering manways
Section 3780. Working floors in stopes
Section 3790. Steep travelways
Section 3800. [Repealed]
Section 3810. Maintaining separate escapeways
Section 3820. Escape routes
Section 3830. Refuge areas
Section 3840. Development of escape and evacuation plan
Section 3850. Telephone or voice communications
Section 3855. Communications
Section 3860. Inclined escapeways
Section 3870. Emergency hoisting facilities
Section 3880. Check-in and check-out system
Section 3890. Bare wires and cables
Section 3900. Metal pipelines
Section 3910. Insulation of power lines
Section 3920. Fastening power cables
Section 3930. Disconnecting switches
Section 3940. Transformer stations
Section 3950. Trolley feeder wires
Section 3955. Fire precautions in transportation of mining equipment
Section 3958. Use of track as electrical power conductor
Section 3960. Splices in trailing cables
Section 3970. Machines not using cable reels
Section 3980. Welding operations
Section 3990. Self-rescue requirements
Section 4000. Requirements for self-rescue devices
Section 4010. Landing shaft conveyances
Section 4020. Individual lamps to be carried
Section 4030. [Repealed]
Section 4040. Inspections to follow fire or explosion
Section 4050. [Repealed]
Section 4060. Mine emergency and self-rescue training
Section 4061. Mine rescue stations
Section 4062. Rescue apparatus
Section 4063. Rescue crews to be provided
Section 4064. Alternative mine rescue capability
Section 4065. Mine evacuation drills
Section 4066. Instruction in escape plans
Section 4070. Capacities of hoists
Section 4080. Anchoring hoists
Section 4090. Connecting driving mechanisms to personnel hoists
Section 4100. Brakes on personnel hoists
Section 4110. Personnel hoist clutches
Section 4120. Brakes on automatic hoists
Section 4130. Friction hoist overtravel protection
Section 4140. Overtravel prevention on personnel hoists
Section 4150. Friction hoists
Section 4160. Overtravel bypass switches
Section 4170. Emergency braking for electric hoists
Section 4180. Position indicators
Section 4190. Placement of hoist controls
Section 4200. Drum flanges
Section 4210. Drum grooves
Section 4220. Engine-powered hoists
Section 4230. Standards for wire ropes
Section 4240. Installation of wire ropes
Section 4250. Guide ropes
Section 4260. Wire rope examination
Section 4270. Requirements for rope ends
Section 4280. Load end attachment
Section 4290. New ropes
Section 4300. Safety device attachments
Section 4310. Secondary safety connections
Section 4320. Headframes and sheaves
Section 4330. Clearance requirements
Section 4340. Fleet angles
Section 4350. Platforms
Section 4360. Diameter specifications
Section 4370. Support grooves
Section 4380. Metal bonnets
Section 4390. Use of buckets to hoist persons
Section 4400. Specifications for buckets used to hoist persons
Section 4410. Ratings for ropes suspending platforms
Section 4420. Rope guides
Section 4430. Use of manually-operated hoists
Section 4440. Use of automatic hoists
Section 4450. Fitness requirements for hoist persons
Section 4460. Competency of hoist persons
Section 4470. Use of extreme caution
Section 4480. Speed for hoisting persons
Section 4490. Maximum speeds
Section 4500. Authorized persons
Section 4510. Balancing cages
Section 4520. Lowering conveyances by brakes
Section 4530. Maximum number of persons to ride
Section 4540. Persons in charge
Section 4550. Conduct on conveyances
Section 4560. Moving conveyances
Section 4570. Doors to be closed
Section 4580. Riding in loaded buckets
Section 4590. When skips shall be empty
Section 4600. Hoisting rock or supplies
Section 4610. Limitations on riding shaft conveyance
Section 4620. Open hooks
Section 4630. Speeds for open buckets
Section 4640. Where buckets to be stopped on lowering
Section 4650. Where buckets to be stopped on raising
Section 4660. Blocking cars
Section 4670. Securing materials in buckets
Section 4680. Placement of conveyances not in use
Section 4690. Signaling between stations and hoist room
Section 4700. When telephone instructions are acceptable
Section 4710. Signals to hoist operator
Section 4720. Standard hoisting signals
Section 4730. Posting of signal codes
Section 4740. Positioning signal devices
Section 4750. Qualifications of persons giving signals
Section 4760. Safety gates on landings
Section 4770. Stop blocks or derail switches
Section 4780. Where guides to be provided
Section 4790. Construction of dumping facilities
Section 4800. Shaft station clearance requirements
Section 4810. Safe passage around compartments
Section 4820. Maintaining shaft sets
Section 4830. Persons working in shafts
Section 4840. Posting of signs
Section 4850. Performing inspections and repairs
Section 4860. Bulkheads or equivalent protection
Section 4870. Ladders in shafts
Section 4880. Inspection and testing procedures
Section 4890. Records to be kept
Section 4900. Replacement parts
Section 4910. Lubrication of ropes
Section 4920. Cutting of ropes for inspections
Section 4930. Cutting of ropes to distribute wear
Section 4940. Ropes to be calipered
Section 4950. Electromagnetic or other nondestructive testing
Section 4960. Substandard ropes
Section 4970. Testing on each shift
Section 4980. Testing with empty conveyances
Section 4990. Inspection of ropes and connections
Section 5000. Inspection of safety catches
Section 5010. Inspection of shafts
Section 5020. Inspection of sheaves
Section 5030. Lubrication of rollers
Section 5040. [Repealed]
Section 5060. Gassy mines
Section 5070. Effect of detection of flammable gases
Section 5080. Smoking materials prohibited
Section 5090. Use of open flames
Section 5100. Supervision of use of open flames
Section 5110. Limit on percentage of gases
Section 5120. Installation of main fans
Section 5130. Operation of main fans
Section 5140. Intakes and returns
Section 5150. Single shaft intakes and returns
Section 5160. Failure of fans
Section 5170. Failure of ventilation
Section 5180. Inspection after ventilation failure
Section 5190. Access of personnel after fan shutdown
Section 5200. Operation of booster fans
Section 5210. Equipping booster fans
Section 5220. Installation and operation of auxiliary fans
Section 5230. Inspection of auxiliary fans
Section 5240. Failure of auxiliary fans
Section 5250. Volume and velocity of air current
Section 5260. Quantity of air standards
Section 5270. Measurement of air quantities
Section 5280. Ventilation of battery-charging and transformer stations
Section 5290. Intake air for pumps and compressors
Section 5300. Changes in ventilation
Section 5310. Adjustments in ventilation
Section 5320. Detection of flammable gas
Section 5330. Use of air passing by opening of unsealed abandoned area to ventilate
Section 5340. Use of air passing through abandoned panels to ventilate
Section 5350. Abandoned areas to be sealed
Section 5360. Construction of seals
Section 5370. Fitting of seals for atmosphere sampling and pressure measurement
Section 5380. Crosscut intervals
Section 5390. Closing crosscuts
Section 5400. Line brattices
Section 5410. Composition of brattices
Section 5420. Damaged brattices
Section 5430. Crosscuts at abandoned rooms
Section 5440. Where entries or rooms to be started
Section 5450. Construction specifications for stoppings
Section 5460. Airtight stoppings
Section 5470. Installation of air locks
Section 5480. Ventilation of air locks
Section 5490. Doors to be kept closed
Section 5500. Overcasts and undercasts
Section 5510. Preshift examinations
Section 5520. Authorized personnel
Section 5530. Removal of danger signs
Section 5540. Detection devices
Section 5550. Frequency and method of examinations
Section 5560. Examination reports
Section 5570. Ventilation of gassy mines
Section 5580. Airflow to be maintained
Section 5590. Fan installation doors
Section 5600. Diesel-powered equipment
Section 5610. Trolley wires
Section 5620. Permissible equipment required
Section 5630. Permissible distribution boxes required
Section 5640. Electric equipment
Section 5650. Permissible electric lamps
Section 5660. Permissible or approved explosives
Section 5670. Written list of conditions
Section 5680. [Repealed]
Section 5700. Examinations for gas
Section 5710. Limitations on firing shots
Section 5720. [Repealed]
Section 5730. [Repealed]
Section 5750. Notice of intent to mine near gas or oil wells
Section 5760. Application for mining near gas or oil wells
Section 5770. Mining plan
Section 5780. Approval to mine near plugged gas or oil well
Appendix 9998. FORMS (4VAC25-40)