Section 360. Purpose and scope  

Latest version.
  • Part V. Guidelines for On-Site Examination of a Mine Foreman

    A. Section 45.1-161.35 A of the Code of Virginia provides for on-site examination of a mine foreman by a mine inspector to determine that the foreman has a thorough understanding of the roof control plan and ventilation for the area of the mine for which he is responsible. The procedures followed by the inspector in conducting an on-site examination of a mine foreman must be consistent with requirements in Part IV (4VAC25-20-340 et seq.) of this chapter. This includes the use of questions approved by the board which are administered in accordance with this chapter.

    B. The purpose of examining a mine foreman is to measure and evaluate his knowledge and understanding of mine roof control and ventilation for the areas of his responsibility. Mine foremen are required to demonstrate this and other elements of mine safety when they become certified to act as mine foremen in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

    C. An on-site examination by the mine inspector will only be initiated when there is just cause that the foreman has failed to maintain safe roof control and ventilation for his area of responsibility at the mine. Just cause for an on-site examination of a mine foreman by a mine inspector must be based on issuance of an order of closure or violation related to a hazardous condition pertaining to roof control or ventilation.

Historical Notes

Derived from Volume 13, Issue 22, eff. August 20, 1997.

Statutory Authority

§§ 45.1-161.28, 45.1-161.29, 45.1-161.34 and 45.1-161.35 of the Code of Virginia.