Section 845.20. Final assessment and payment of penalty  

Latest version.
  • (a) If the person to whom a notice of violation or cessation order is issued fails to request a hearing as provided in 4VAC25-130-845.19, the proposed assessment shall become a final order of the Director and the penalty assessed shall become due and payable upon expiration of the time allowed to request a hearing.

    (b) If any party requests judicial review of a final order of the Director, the proposed penalty shall continue to be held in escrow until completion of the review. Otherwise, subject to Paragraph (c) of this section, the escrowed funds shall be transferred to the State Treasurer's Office in payment of the penalty, and the escrow shall end.

    (c) If the final decision in the administrative and judicial review results in an order reducing or eliminating the proposed penalty assessed under this Part, the division shall within 30 days of receipt of the order refund to the person assessed all or part of the escrowed amount, with accrued interest from the date of payment into escrow to the date of the refund.

    (d) If the review results in an order increasing the penalty, the person to whom the notice or order was issued shall pay the difference to the division within 15 days after the order is mailed to such person.

    (e) Failure to submit the penalty amount to the division shall result in the issuance of a show cause order pursuant to 4VAC25-130-843.13.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR480-03-19 § 845.20, eff. December 15, 1981; amended, eff. June 28, 1982; October 28, 1982; December 14, 1982; October 11, 1983; December 27, 1983; May 8, 1984; June 22, 1984; August 2, 1984; October 16, 1985; January 7, 1987; July 22, 1987; November 25, 1987; October 12, 1988; December 26, 1990; July 1, 1991; July 17, 1991; November 20, 1991; July 7, 1992; May 5, 1993; October 19, 1994.

Statutory Authority

§§ 45.1-161.3 and 45.1-230 of the Code of Virginia.