Chapter 130. Coal Surface Mining Reclamation Regulations  

Section 700.1. Scope
Section 700.11. Applicability
Section 700.12. Petitions to initiate rule making
Section 700.14. Availability of records
Section 700.15. Computation of time
Section 700.2. Authority and citation to federal law
Section 700.3. Effective date
Section 700.5. Definitions
Section 701.11. Applicability
Section 702.11. Application requirements and procedures
Section 702.12. Contents of application for exemption
Section 702.13. Public availability of information
Section 702.14. Requirements for exemption
Section 702.15. Conditions of exemption and right of inspection and entry
Section 702.16. Stockpiling of minerals
Section 702.17. Revocation and enforcement
Section 702.18. Reporting requirements
Section 702.5. Definitions
Section 705.11. Who shall file
Section 705.13. When to file
Section 705.15. Where to file
Section 705.17. What to report
Section 705.19. Resolving prohibited interests
Section 705.21. Appeals procedures
Section 705.22. Penalties for failure to file disclosure statements
Section 705.23. Other state and local government agencies
Section 705.24. Confidentiality and access to disclosure statements
Section 705.25. Gifts and gratuities
Section 705.4. Responsibility
Section 707.11. Applicability
Section 707.12. Information to be maintained on site
Section 740.1. Scope and purpose
Section 740.11. Applicability
Section 740.13. Permits
Section 740.15. Bonds on federal lands
Section 740.17. Inspection, enforcement and civil penalties
Section 740.19. Performance standards
Section 740.4. Responsibilities
Section 761.1. Scope
Section 761.11. Areas where mining is prohibited or limited
Section 761.12. Procedures
Section 761.13. Exception for existing operations
Section 761.16. Submission and processing of requests for valid existing rights determinations
Section 761.3. Authority
Section 762.1. Scope and responsibility
Section 762.11. Criteria for designating lands as unsuitable
Section 762.13. Land exempt from designation as unsuitable for surface coal mining operations
Section 762.14. Exploration on land designated as unsuitable for surface coal mining operations
Section 764.11. General process requirements
Section 764.13. Petitions
Section 764.15. Initial processing, recordkeeping, and notification requirements
Section 764.17. Hearing requirements
Section 764.19. Decision
Section 764.21. Data base and inventory system requirements
Section 764.23. Public information
Section 764.25. Responsibility for implementation
Section 772.1. Scope and purpose
Section 772.11. Notice requirements for exploration removing 250 tons of coal or less
Section 772.12. Permit requirements for exploration removing more than 250 tons of coal, or occurring on lands designated as unsuitable for surface coal mining ...
Section 772.13. Coal exploration compliance duties
Section 772.14. Commercial use or sale
Section 772.15. Public availability of information
Section 773.1. Scope and purpose
Section 773.11. Requirements to obtain permits
Section 773.12. Regulatory coordination with other agencies
Section 773.13. Public participation in permit processing
Section 773.15. Review of permit applications
Section 773.16. Criteria for permit approval or denial; existing structures
Section 773.17. Permit conditions
Section 773.19. Permit issuance and right of renewal
Section 773.20. Improvidently issued permits; general procedures
Section 773.21. Improvidently issued permits; rescission procedures
Section 774.1. Scope and purpose
Section 774.11. Division review of permits
Section 774.12. Post-permit issuance requirements
Section 774.13. Permit revisions
Section 774.15. Permit renewals
Section 774.17. Transfer, assignment, or sale of permit rights
Section 775.11. Administrative review
Section 775.13. Judicial review
Section 777.1. Scope
Section 777.11. Format and contents
Section 777.12. Preapplication conference
Section 777.13. Reporting of technical data
Section 777.14. Maps and plans; general requirements
Section 777.15. Completeness
Section 777.17. Permit fees
Section 778.1. Scope and purpose
Section 778.13. Identification of interests
Section 778.14. Violation information
Section 778.15. Right-of-entry information
Section 778.16. Status of unsuitability claims
Section 778.17. Permit term
Section 778.18. Insurance
Section 778.21. Proof of publication
Section 778.22. Facilities or structures used in common
Section 779.11. General requirements
Section 779.12. General environmental resources information
Section 779.18. Climatological information
Section 779.19. Vegetation information
Section 779.21. Soil resources information
Section 779.22. [Repealed]
Section 779.24. Maps; general requirements
Section 779.25. Cross sections, maps and plans
Section 779.4. Responsibilities
Section 780.11. Operation plan; general requirements
Section 780.12. Operation plan; existing structures
Section 780.13. Operation plan; blasting
Section 780.14. Operation plan; maps and plans
Section 780.16. Fish and wildlife information
Section 780.18. Reclamation plan; general requirements
Section 780.21. Hydrologic information
Section 780.22. Geologic information
Section 780.23. Reclamation plan; land use information
Section 780.25. Reclamation plan; siltation structures, impoundments, banks, dams, and embankments
Section 780.27. Reclamation plan; surface mining near underground mining
Section 780.29. Diversions
Section 780.31. Protection of public parks and historic places
Section 780.33. Relocation or use of public roads
Section 780.35. Disposal of excess spoil
Section 780.37. Road systems
Section 780.38. Support facilities
Section 780.4. Responsibilities
Section 783.11. General requirements
Section 783.12. General environmental resources information
Section 783.18. Climatological information
Section 783.19. Vegetation information
Section 783.21. Soil resources information
Section 783.22. Land-use information
Section 783.24. Maps; general requirements
Section 783.25. Cross sections, maps and plans
Section 783.4. Responsibilities
Section 784.11. Operation plan; general requirements
Section 784.12. Operation plan; existing structures
Section 784.13. Reclamation plan; general requirements
Section 784.14. Hydrologic information
Section 784.15. Reclamation plan; land use information
Section 784.16. Reclamation plan; siltation structures, impoundments, banks, dams, and embankments
Section 784.17. Protection of public parks and historic places
Section 784.18. Relocation or use of public roads
Section 784.19. Underground development waste
Section 784.20. Subsidence control plan
Section 784.21. Fish and wildlife information
Section 784.22. Geologic information
Section 784.23. Operation plan; maps and plans
Section 784.24. Road systems
Section 784.25. Return of coal processing waste to abandoned underground workings
Section 784.29. Diversions
Section 784.30. Support facilities
Section 784.4. Responsibilities
Section 785.1. Scope
Section 785.13. Experimental practices mining
Section 785.14. Mountaintop removal mining
Section 785.15. Steep slope mining
Section 785.16. Permits incorporating variances from approximate original contour restoration requirements for steep slope mining
Section 785.17. Prime farmland
Section 785.18. Variances for delay in contemporaneous reclamation requirement in combined surface and underground mining activities
Section 785.19. Remining areas with pollution discharges
Section 785.20. Augering
Section 785.21. Coal preparation plants not located within the permit area of a mine
Section 785.22. In situ processing activities
Section 785.25. Lands eligible for remining
Section 789.1. Petition for award of costs and expenses under Section 45.1-249E of the Act
Section 789.2. Intervention
Section 790.1. Purpose
Section 790.11. Service of notice
Section 790.12. Contents of notice
Section 795.1. Scope and purpose
Section 795.10. Qualified laboratories
Section 795.11. Assistance funding
Section 795.12. Applicant liability
Section 795.6. Eligibility for assistance
Section 795.7. Filing for assistance
Section 795.8. Application approval and notice
Section 795.9. Program services and data requirements
Section 800.11. Requirement to file a bond
Section 800.12. Form of the performance bond
Section 800.13. Period of liability
Section 800.14. Determination of bond amount
Section 800.15. Adjustment of amount
Section 800.16. General terms and conditions of bond
Section 800.17. Bonding requirements for underground coal mines and long-term coal-related surface facilities and structures
Section 800.20. Surety bonds
Section 800.21. Collateral bonds
Section 800.23. Escrow bonding
Section 800.24. Combined surety/escrow bonding
Section 800.30. Replacement of bonds
Section 800.40. Requirements to release performance bonds
Section 800.50. Forfeiture of bonds
Section 800.51. Administrative review of performance bond forfeiture
Section 800.52. Bond forfeiture reinstatement procedures
Section 800.60. Terms and conditions for liability insurance
Section 801.11. Participation in the pool bond fund
Section 801.12. Entrance fee and bond
Section 801.13. Self-bonding
Section 801.14. Reclamation tax
Section 801.15. Collection of the reclamation tax and penalties for non-payment
Section 801.16. Reinstatement to the pool bond fund
Section 801.17. Bond release application
Section 801.18. Criteria for release of bond
Section 801.19. Forfeiture
Section 801.2. Scope
Section 801.4. Objective
Section 815.1. Scope and purpose
Section 815.13. Required documents
Section 815.15. Performance standards for coal exploration
Section 815.2. Permitting information
Section 816.100. Contemporaneous reclamation
Section 816.102. Backfilling and grading; general requirements
Section 816.104. Backfilling and grading; thin overburden
Section 816.105. Backfilling and grading; thick overburden
Section 816.106. Backfilling and grading; previously mined areas
Section 816.107. Backfilling and grading; steep slopes
Section 816.11. Signs and markers
Section 816.111. Revegetation; general requirements
Section 816.113. Revegetation; timing
Section 816.114. Revegetation; mulching and other soil stabilizing practices
Section 816.116. Revegetation; standards for success
Section 816.13. Casing and sealing of drilled holes; general requirements
Section 816.131. Cessation of operations; temporary
Section 816.132. Cessation of operations; permanent
Section 816.133. Postmining land use
Section 816.14. Casing and sealing of drilled holes; temporary
Section 816.15. Casing and sealing of drilled holes; permanent
Section 816.150. Roads; general
Section 816.151. Primary roads
Section 816.152. Existing roads
Section 816.180. Utility installations
Section 816.181. Support facilities
Section 816.22. Topsoil and subsoil
Section 816.41. Hydrologic-balance protection
Section 816.42. Hydrologic balance; water quality standards and effluent limitations
Section 816.43. Diversions
Section 816.45. Hydrologic balance; sediment control measures
Section 816.46. Hydrologic balance; siltation structures
Section 816.47. Hydrologic balance; discharge structures
Section 816.49. Impoundments
Section 816.56. Postmining rehabilitation of sedimentation ponds, diversions, impoundments, and treatment facilities
Section 816.57. Hydrologic balance; stream buffer zones
Section 816.59. Coal recovery
Section 816.61. Use of explosives; general requirements
Section 816.62. Use of explosives; preblasting survey
Section 816.64. Use of explosives; blasting schedule
Section 816.66. Use of explosives; blasting signs, warnings, and access control
Section 816.67. Use of explosives; control of adverse effects
Section 816.68. Use of explosives; records of blasting operations
Section 816.71. Disposal of excess spoil; general requirements
Section 816.72. Disposal of excess spoil; valley fills/head-of-hollow fills
Section 816.73. Disposal of excess spoil; durable rock fills
Section 816.74. Disposal of excess spoil; preexisting benches
Section 816.75. Disposal of excess spoil; zoned concept
Section 816.76. Disposal of excess spoil; incidental reclamation
Section 816.79. Protection of underground mining
Section 816.81. Coal mine waste; general requirements
Section 816.83. Coal mine waste; refuse piles
Section 816.84. Coal mine waste; impounding structures
Section 816.87. Coal mine waste; burning and burned waste utilization
Section 816.89. Disposal of noncoal mine wastes
Section 816.95. Stabilization of surface areas
Section 816.97. Protection of fish, wildlife, and related environmental values
Section 816.99. Slides and other damage
Section 817.100. Contemporaneous reclamation
Section 817.102. Backfilling and grading; general requirements
Section 817.106. Backfilling and grading; previously mined areas
Section 817.107. Backfilling and grading; steep slopes
Section 817.11. Signs and markers
Section 817.111. Revegetation; general requirements
Section 817.113. Revegetation; timing
Section 817.114. Revegetation; mulching and other soil stabilizing practices
Section 817.116. Revegetation; standards for success
Section 817.121. Subsidence control
Section 817.122. Subsidence control; notice
Section 817.13. Casing and sealing of exposed underground openings; general requirements
Section 817.131. Cessation of operations; temporary
Section 817.132. Cessation of operations; permanent
Section 817.133. Postmining land use
Section 817.14. Casing and sealing of underground openings; temporary
Section 817.15. Casing and sealing of underground openings; permanent
Section 817.150. Roads; general
Section 817.151. Primary roads
Section 817.152. Existing roads
Section 817.180. Utility installations
Section 817.181. Support facilities
Section 817.22. Topsoil and subsoil
Section 817.41. Hydrologic-balance protection
Section 817.42. Hydrologic balance; water quality standards and effluent limitations
Section 817.43. Diversions
Section 817.45. Hydrologic balance; sediment control measures
Section 817.46. Hydrologic balance; siltation structures
Section 817.47. Hydrologic balance; discharge structures
Section 817.49. Impoundments
Section 817.56. Postmining rehabilitation of sedimentation ponds, diversions, impoundments, and treatment facilities
Section 817.57. Hydrologic balance; stream buffer zones
Section 817.59. Coal recovery
Section 817.61. Use of explosives; general requirements
Section 817.62. Use of explosives; preblasting survey
Section 817.64. Use of explosives; general performance standards
Section 817.66. Use of explosives; blasting signs, warnings, and access control
Section 817.67. Use of explosives; control of adverse effects
Section 817.68. Use of explosives; records of blasting operations
Section 817.71. Disposal of excess spoil; general requirements
Section 817.72. Disposal of excess spoil; valley fills/head-of-hollow fills
Section 817.73. Disposal of excess spoil; durable rock fills
Section 817.74. Disposal of excess spoil; preexisting benches
Section 817.75. Disposal of excess spoil; zoned concept
Section 817.76. Disposal of excess spoil; incidental reclamation
Section 817.81. Coal mine waste; general requirements
Section 817.83. Coal mine waste; refuse piles
Section 817.84. Coal mine waste; impounding structures
Section 817.87. Coal mine waste; burning and burned waste utilization
Section 817.89. Disposal of noncoal mine wastes
Section 817.95. Stabilization of surface areas
Section 817.97. Protection of fish, wildlife, and related environmental values
Section 817.99. Slides and other damage
Section 819.1. Scope
Section 819.11. Auger mining; general
Section 819.13. Auger mining; coal recovery
Section 819.15. Auger mining; hydrologic balance
Section 819.17. Auger mining; subsidence protection
Section 819.19. Auger mining; backfilling and grading
Section 819.21. Auger mining; protection of underground mining
Section 823.1. Scope and purpose
Section 823.11. Applicability
Section 823.12. Soil removal and stockpiling
Section 823.14. Soil replacement
Section 823.15. Revegetation and restoration of soil productivity
Section 823.4. Responsibilities
Section 824.11. Mountaintop removal; performance standards
Section 824.2. Objectives
Section 825.11. Operational requirements
Section 825.12. Treatment of discharges
Section 825.13. Request for bond release
Section 825.14. Criteria and schedule for release of bonds on pollution abatement areas
Section 827.1. Scope
Section 827.11. General requirements
Section 827.12. Coal preparation plants; performance standards
Section 828.11. In situ processing; performance standards
Section 828.12. In situ processing; monitoring
Section 828.2. Objectives
Section 840.11. Inspections by the division
Section 840.12. Right of entry
Section 840.14. Availability of records
Section 840.16. Compliance conference
Section 842.11. Immediate inspections
Section 842.12. Citizens' requests for inspections
Section 842.14. Review of adequacy and completeness of inspections
Section 842.15. Review of decision not to inspect or enforce
Section 843.11. Cessation orders
Section 843.12. Notices of violation
Section 843.13. Suspension or revocation of permits; pattern of violations
Section 843.14. Service of notices of violation, cessation orders, and show cause orders
Section 843.15. Informal public hearing
Section 843.16. Formal review of citations
Section 843.18. Inability to comply
Section 845.11. Assessment determination
Section 845.12. When a penalty will be assessed
Section 845.13. Point system
Section 845.15. Assessment of separate violations for each day
Section 845.16. Waiver of use of formula to determine civil penalty
Section 845.17. Procedures for assessment of civil penalties
Section 845.18. Procedures for assessment conference
Section 845.19. Request for hearing
Section 845.20. Final assessment and payment of penalty
Section 845.2. Objective
Section 846.12. When an individual civil penalty may be assessed
Section 846.14. Amount of the individual civil penalty
Section 846.17. Assessment of an individual civil penalty
Section 846.18. Penalty payment
Section 846.2. [Repealed]
Section 850.1. Scope
Section 850.12. Effective date
Section 850.13. Training
Section 850.14. Examination
Section 850.15. Certification
Section 850.5. Definition
Section 874.12. Eligible coal lands and water
Section 874.13. Reclamation objectives and priorities
Section 877.11. Written consent for entry
Section 877.13. Entry and consent to reclaim
Section 877.14. Entry for emergency reclamation
Section 879.11. Land eligible for acquisition
Section 879.12. Procedures for acquisition
Section 879.13. Acceptance of gifts of land
Section 879.14. Management of acquired land
Section 879.15. Disposition of reclaimed land
Section 882.12. Appraisals
Section 882.13. Liens
Section 882.14. Satisfaction of liens
Appendix 9998. FORMS (4VAC25-130)